Breakup to Breakthrough: The Healing Power of Heartache

Person in black sits against fence with sad expression“To spare oneself from grief at all cost can be achieved only at the price of total detachment, which excludes the ability to experience happiness.” Erich Fromm

We all know breakups are hard. Every one of us has experienced some form of heartache at one point or another, but we all experience and are affected by it in different ways. Why do some of us come out stronger in the end while others end up feeling beaten down and defeated? How can we harness the potential healing power of pain?

Fortunately, with enough will and hard work, this is a skill that can be learned by almost anyone.

Any breakup, even in the shortest-lived of relationships, can hurt like hell. One of the most devastating losses one can face, aside from the loss of a loved one, is the loss of potential—what could have been. The beginnings of any relationship carry with them the seeds of unlimited hope and potential. More often than not when a relationship doesn’t work out, it is not necessarily the person we ache for, but rather the story we created around them: what the person could have brought to our life, the vision we had for ourselves, and how the person fit into that vision.

Breakup: Where Crisis Meets Opportunity

Like any crisis, a breakup can be an opportunity. In his book You Can Heal Your Heart: Finding Peace After a Breakup, Divorce, or Death, David Kessler describes loss as a window into old wounds. The end of any romantic relationship, be it a 20-year marriage or a three-month fling, can trigger a number of unconscious memories and hurts we thought had long ago healed. Much in the same way a familiar scent can take us back to a long-forgotten time or place, the pain of a breakup can open the deepest of wounds.

This could be just what we need to compel us to take a good look at our patterns and begin to change them. Breakups can be opportunities to reclaim our lives, on our terms, and to change any distorted thinking we may have around love and relationships. For example, metaphorically speaking, do you tend to date the same person over and over again, or do you find yourself dating the parent who loved you the least? Do you tend to idealize your partners? This could be a chance to learn how to see through the initial fog of infatuation, let go of unrealistic ideals, and move toward the relationship that is right for you.

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How to Cope with the Pain of Breakup

Kessler reminds us that if there is grief, there was love. What a beautiful thing to have been able to love and be loved! Though many would maintain it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, some may prefer to avoid potential heartache by never risking loss. This may be a way to avoid the temporary pain of breakup, but it’s also a surefire way to miss out on one of the greatest joys of life.

Keeping the positive front and center in the devastating aftermath of a breakup is no easy task, though. So what to do? How to cope? The following are a few ideas and reminders:

  1. Give yourself permission to mourn. You don’t heal if you don’t feel! Perhaps the most unproductive thing you can do with your emotions is shut them off. Whether five years or five months, a broken attachment hurts. The length of time or circumstances don’t matter so much as what these wounds stir up unconsciously. We all carry some baggage, but if you don’t allow yourself time to go through the stages of grief, you may run the risk of taking unresolved anger and resentment into your next relationship.
  2. Reach out to your “fan club.” Surround yourself with positive supports. This is especially important if you were with someone who was emotionally or otherwise abusive. Spend time with friends, family, mentors, and others who can reflect back to you the wonderful, valuable, lovable person you are.
  3. Talk to a helping professional. As a therapist, I may be biased, but if you’re not already in therapy you may want to consider it—especially if you recognize destructive patterns in your relationships. Working with a therapist, whether individually or in a group setting, is a great way to learn about and begin to change unhealthy relational patterns.
  4. Find the lesson meant for you. As Kessler notes, breakups can be opportunities to learn about yourself and grow. Learning a “lesson” doesn’t mean you did something wrong. It means taking ownership of your happiness and taking advantage of a chance to create stronger relationships and possibly heal hurtful memories and distorted beliefs.
  5. Channel your creativity. If you haven’t already done so, try to identify a creative outlet or activity that speaks to you and helps you heal. This can be journaling, painting, or taking an improv class, for example. As a writer and a former actor, I can attest to the cathartic power of creative pursuits.
  6. Get back out there. There is something to be said for so-called “rebound” relationships—so long as all involved are honest with each another about what they’re looking for and how long they’re looking for it. Only you can determine when you are ready to re-enter the dating world. Whether for the purpose of finding a long-term relationship or simply to broaden your social circle, meeting people and cultivating new friendships, romantic or otherwise, can nourish the soul and help you develop a support network. So even if your next date doesn’t turn out to be the one, they could turn out to be a new best friend!

Of course, all of this is substantially easier said than done. As I write this, I’m reeling from my own recent breakup. It is what compelled me to write this piece, as writing is one of my creative healing outlets. My hope is to remain faithful to the advice I offer above. I will allow myself to grieve as I look for the lessons meant for me. And during the most difficult moments, I will remind myself that where there is grief, there was once love.


  1. Hay, L., & Kessler, D. (2015). You can heal your heart: Finding peace after a breakup, divorce, or death. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, Inc.
  2. Kübler-Ross, E., & Kessler, D. (2005). On grief and grieving: Finding the meaning of grief through the five stages of loss. New York, NY: Scribner.

© Copyright 2016 All rights reserved. Permission to publish granted by Allison Abrams, LCSW, Topic Expert Contributor

The preceding article was solely written by the author named above. Any views and opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by Questions or concerns about the preceding article can be directed to the author or posted as a comment below.

  • Leave a Comment
  • Berta

    July 5th, 2016 at 1:08 PM

    Ugh I know it’s true that there are people in our lives that we have to cut loose from, but wow, it can hurt so bad at times that it feels like you might not ever feel god again. I know that it takes time, but it’s hard.

  • Melody

    July 6th, 2016 at 8:01 AM

    I have learned over the years and a lot of bad breakups that I should always be dating someone who could be the president of my fan club :)

  • lila

    July 6th, 2016 at 2:30 PM

    It can be difficult to understand how going through something so incredibly painful could eventually lead you to such incredible breakthroughs in life but they can. There is something about leaving another person behind who probably should not be in your life in the first place can be so exhilarating and freeing. It might be hard to let that person go when they have been such a big part of your life for so long but in so many ways you will become a much better and stronger person as a result of the breakup. This is the time to literally spread your wings and fly.

  • Eddie R

    July 8th, 2016 at 10:45 AM

    I am not sure how I can look for the power of the positive when the pain is still so fresh

  • Lauren

    July 9th, 2016 at 11:56 PM

    Wishing you healing, Allison.

  • Allison Abrams, LCSW

    July 11th, 2016 at 1:44 PM

    Lauren- thank you, I truly appreciate your wishes. Eddie and Berta- agreed, when the pain is so fresh it can seem impossible to see any positives, but reminding yourself over and over again that over time, it gets easier, may be helpful. Melody, I love that philosophy and completely agree that we all deserve to be with the “president of our fan clubs” and nothing less :) Lila, also love your response. Thank you everyone for your comments and wishing everyone healing!

  • polly

    July 11th, 2016 at 2:32 PM

    A breakup can be the one thing that will eventually show you that you are a strong and courageous person. You may not get that until you see just how strong you can be after something like this happens, but you can do it, if you continue to believe in yourself and the strength that you might not even know is there.

  • Deeann

    May 29th, 2022 at 11:01 PM

    My sister told me to look up the healing stages after a breakup . This will help me to heal thank you for putting this information out here for people needing to heal .

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