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Find a Therapist in White Plains with GoodTherapy

It’s normal to experience mental health issues and relationship problems. Talking to a licensed therapist can help. Therapy can teach you more about yourself and your mental health concerns in a healing way. Many therapies are evidence-based and have been proven effective.

Since 2007, GoodTherapy has helped people like you connect with ethical, compassionate counselors and therapists. The therapists listed above, who practice therapy in White Plains, are trained to protect client confidentiality and privacy. In keeping with our high membership standards, these mental health professionals are also committed to eliminating the stigma that keeps many people from seeking help.

Beliefs about how much therapy costs may deter some people from finding a therapist. It’s a good idea to contact therapists you’re interested in and ask about insurance, sliding-scale fees, payment plans, and other options to stay within your budget.

Rest assured there are qualified therapists in White Plains who can treat a variety of concerns, including family conflict, relationship issues, anxiety, or depression. With our directory, the right therapist is easy to find.

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About White Plains

White Plains is the seat of Westchester County, New York. The city is located along the Hutchinson and Bronx rivers. The New York Provincial Congress met in White Plains on July 9,1776 to approve the Declaration of Independence and announce the creation of New York State. 

White Plains has 58,000 inhabitants. The city’s population is 44% white, 34% Hispanic, 12% black, and 7% Asian. Thirty-three percent of people in the city are foreign-born. Forty-five percent of residents speak a foreign language at home. 

Eighty-six percent of White Plains residents who are over the age of 25 are high school graduates. Over 49% of residents in this age group have also earned a bachelor’s degree. People in White Plains earn an average annual wage of $47,000. The median household income is $82,500. Twelve percent of residents in White Plains live below the poverty line. 

Mental Health in White Plains

Opioid-related deaths in Westchester County have increased more than 200% between 2010 and 2015. The county’s anti-drug program, called “Project WORTHY”, has brought together leaders from community service organizations, public health, and law enforcement to tackle the drug crisis. Current plans include reducing addiction stigma, increasing access to treatment, and establishing county-led training sessions on how to use opioid antidotes like naloxone. 

Westchester County has also filed a lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies in response to the local opioid epidemic. The county claims companies that made and distributed opioids misled the public about the risks of their drugs. County officials believe the companies’ illicit behavior led to the opioid crisis, forcing the county to spend excessive tax dollars on law enforcement, addiction treatment programs, and other initiatives.  


  1. Heroin and opioids: Westchester County's new plan to combat drug epidemic. (2017, June 7). Lohud. Retrieved from
  2. QuickFacts: White Plains city, New York. (n.d.). United States Census Bureau. Retrieved from
  3. Westchester alleges Big Pharma key to deadly opioid crisis that cost tax dollars to fight. (2018, February 6). Lohud. Retrieved from
  4. White Plains. (n.d.). Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from
  5. White Plains, NY. (n.d.). Data USA. Retrieved from
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