Is Being ‘Thick-Skinned’ Your Strength or Your Weakness?

GoodTherapy | Is Being 'Thick-Skinned' Your Strength or Your Weakness?You’re strong. You’re thick-skinned. You don’t take it personally when someone vents emotional distress on you.

These are admirable, useful qualities. Having thick skin makes it easier for people to be themselves with you, and for you to be with other people. It allows you to hear the message beneath the emotion, protecting you from the outburst. If you didn’t have thick skin, you could be emotionally overwhelmed or your ego could be crushed by the anger or criticism of others.

But everything has two sides. The potential negative side of being thick-skinned is being too permissive and accepting verbal abuse. The worst-case scenario is your thick skin keeps you in relationships that devolve into physical abuse. It’s important to consider when a strength has become a weakness.

Here are some questions worth asking when you feel your thick skin being tested:

  1. Is the person displacing anger on you? An example of displacement is when a person is angry at a coworker but yells at the dog. It usually occurs when people can’t express anger at the person or entity they’re actually angry at: a boss, a parent, an unjust society. It happens sometimes, but if it happens often, you may have become the dumping ground for another person’s anger.
  2. Is the person’s expression of anger or criticism an attempt to repair a problem? Anger can alert us to the fact we’re unhappy about something. An expression of these feelings can be an attempt to improve your relationship. When a person’s expression of anger or criticism is controlled and respectful and the goal is improvement, a thick skin is valuable in helping you remain open to hearing what the other person is trying to communicate.
  3. Is the person’s anger or criticism an attempt to hurt you? Instead of trying to improve the relationship, sometimes the goal is to hurt you. It’s never OK for someone to try to hurt you. Your thick skin could be detrimental if it allows you to ignore hurtful behavior.
  4. Is the anger mild or high intensity? The intensity of anger runs on a spectrum from calm, respectful communication to red-faced shouting that is disrespectful and threatening. Your strength is a weakness if it’s allowing you to tolerate dangerous and disrespectful outbursts.
  5. Is this anger coming at me typical behavior for this relationship or is it a rare outburst? If hostility toward you is typical and frequent for your relationship, your tolerance is too high. Even if you think you can take it, the anger and criticism can take a toll on your health and mental well-being. A high-intensity incident, even if rare, is cause for concern and shouldn’t be ignored.
  6. Is the experience of tolerating other people’s anger isolated to one relationship or do you experience it in multiple relationships? If multiple people are getting upset with you about the same thing, then that could be an indication you have a problematic behavior you should confront. On the other hand, if multiple people—your boss, your neighbor, your friends—are all displacing their anger on you, then your thick skin may have unconsciously made you into a safe target for other people’s aggression.

The bottom line is other people shouldn’t hurt you. You might be able to take it, but maybe you shouldn’t.

© Copyright 2015 All rights reserved. Permission to publish granted by Rena Pollak, LMFT, Relationships and Marriage Topic Expert Contributor

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  • Em

    November 4th, 2015 at 8:27 AM

    I guess that my skin is a little too thin because ask anyone and they will tell you that I take EVERYTHING too personally. It is a bad habit and one I would love to break but you know, it is what it is.

  • Jonathan

    November 5th, 2015 at 7:40 AM

    People who are like this even though nothing seems to hurt them, you know that there have to be things going on beneath the surface that they are either not willing to face or they are never going to be a point where they can confront then. For them for whatever reason it feels easier to just simply act like they don’t get hurt very easily, all the time they are hurting on the inside and not willing to face it.

  • cruz

    November 6th, 2015 at 5:41 AM

    With the line of work that I am in I have to develop an outer layer of thick skin or else I would never survive! Too much competition to be soft.

  • BJ

    November 9th, 2015 at 6:35 AM

    Makes you wonder which is worse… being too thick skinned or too thin skinned? And how do you create a balance that allows you to be a little bit of both?

  • Ann

    February 14th, 2016 at 7:18 AM

    When I worked for the government in the Healthcare section the people would many times say that we as workers need to be thick skinned. I would agree when it comes to patient care because sometimes the patients will lash out at the staff. However, I do not agree with their terms of being thick skinned to deal with other staff members. Anger management or some other form of character therapy must me in place for workers who abuse other staff members, It should not be the culture I the workplace to allow workers to be abusive.

  • Jason

    July 16th, 2021 at 6:49 AM

    This article, while well-intentioned, is poorly written. Coming from a person who has been thin-skinned most of his life, I became much healthier and self-empowered once I learned to become tough-skinned. The bottom line, a thin skinned person will always be a weak victim who gets triggered at the slightest perceived negative behavior towards them, while a thick-skinned person remains emotionally detached and balanced. Most importantly, a thick-skinned person is much better at dealing with emotionally and psychologically abusive people. The abuser knows that it’s much easier to get “under the skin” of a thinned-skinned person (That is what empowers them to keep doing it). In contrast, a thick-skinned person is usually impervious to psychological abuse, forcing the abuser to find another means to hurt, win, or gain power. This is why abusers usually end up abandoning the thick-skinned people in exchange for an easier thin-skinned target who they can easily manipulate. This article was a huge swing and a miss.

  • rebecca

    September 23rd, 2021 at 3:02 AM

    I agree

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