How to Show Love When You’re Depressed

How to Love Someone When You're Depressed | GoodTherapy

How to Show Love When You’re Depressed

Learning how to show love when you’re depressed can save your relationships with loved ones. The first step is recognizing that depression looks different on every person, but a common question that comes up is how to show love when you’re depressed. Whether you have been diagnosed or think you might be dealing with depression and have yet to seek help, showing love to those in your life can look different during this season of existence. Learning how to show love when you’re depressed can also vary from person to person. If you or someone you love is trying to manage symptoms of depression, it may be time to consider getting the help of a therapist.

Remain Honest About What You Are Experiencing

A common tendency of someone managing depression is to put walls around certain emotions inside their mind. Unconsciously, depressive episodes can lead someone to unintentionally exclude someone they love from what they are experiencing. Isolating in nature, this mental health issue may cause someone to distance themselves from the people who care about them. Learning how to show love when you’re depressed should involve as much honesty as you feel capable of giving. Remaining honest about what you are experiencing can give the person you love insight and understanding on how to be there for you.

Educate Your Loved Ones

After opening up and being honest with the people you love, you should then educate them on how depression might impact you during this season. By working with a therapist, you can start to put words, descriptions, and reasoning to your depression. With this knowledge, you can learn how to show love when you’re depressed while educating your loved ones on what you’re going through.

Do Your Best to Accept Their Help

When learning how to show love when you’re depressed, try your best to accept help. It can sometimes be frustrating or isolating when your loved ones are offering help, but not in the way you need. If you are unable to describe or put words to what it is that you need from them, do your best to accept the help in the form they are offering it to you. The more people you love that are in your corner, the more help and support you will have as you navigate your depression.

Be Patient with Yourself

When learning how to show love when you’re depressed, you need to spend time loving yourself. While you might not know how to show love to yourself during this time, try and understand that you are doing the best with what you have. Through working with your therapist and accepting the support of your loved ones, you are working toward success and freedom. Being patient with yourself and the pace at which you heal is essential to learning how to show love when you’re depressed.

Get Professional Help

Getting the help of a qualified mental health professional is the key to learning how to show love when you’re depressed. Your therapist can teach you ways to manage and cope with your depression while also getting you connected to the resources you need to conquer it. Rather than trying to help yourself on your own, accept the help of your loved ones and your therapist.

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  • Leave a Comment

    September 14th, 2020 at 2:36 AM

    Am in a relationship with some one but l don’t feel attracted , l don’t feel loved and l don’t feel loving back not only her but all the people in my life l don’t fell them at heart and l don’t get attracted to them ..

    What could be the problem about my health.??

  • Hunter

    September 17th, 2020 at 4:08 PM

    Hello Rogers,
    It’s helpful to hear that I am not alone in experiencing the exact same phenomenon. I have been isolating from my girlfriend and it has caused havoc. I have finally explained what’s it feels like to my girlfriend it feels better to have opened up, even though telling her has made her sad. Anyways I am going to get on antidepressants and make an effort to get better.
    Stay strong brother,

  • Claude

    October 9th, 2020 at 1:34 PM

    Hello fellow inquirer, there are many proposes for entering, remaining and/or disengaging relationships. Attraction seems to be the norm however, out attraction takes various routes and they are rarely as others perceive. We are woven into relationships and we serve ourselves best being patient pondering all avenues to attribute our attraction. We are not in a relationship with person to get something from them and offer something similar in return. We are in a relationship to learn and teach even though our way of learning or teaching seems like a debate

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