Are You on an Emotional Roller Coaster? 9 Ways to Cope

Emotions connect us to each other. They are the barometers that we use throughout the day to determine our well-being and degree of happiness. When we feel sad or lonely, these feelings can lead us to seek out comfort and companionship from friends or family. When angry or hurt, these emotions can indicate that we need to try to change our circumstances in order to feel better. For some people, however, their emotional life tends to resemble more of a roller coaster than a barometer, with ups and downs that leave them feeling wiped out and drained. These feelings may cause them to act impulsively, without stopping to consider the consequences. They become so caught up in the waves of their emotions that they may do and say things they later regret. If you struggle at times with your emotional well-being and would like to learn to get your feelings under control, the following are some considerations and skills that may help:

1. Think before you act.

When we feel carried away by the strength of our emotions, we can sometimes throw caution to the wind and act in rash and irresponsible ways, especially if we are feeling angry or hurt. Taking a few deep breaths to calm down before responding to someone who has upset us can give us a chance to catch our breath and think through the situation.

2. Consider the bigger picture.

When we get caught up in our day-to-day dramas, we often forget that which is most meaningful to us. When we feel upset, trying to look at the situation from a different perspective can offer us an opportunity to gain insight, into either the other person’s point of view or the wider panorama of our lives. Is winning another argument more important in the long run than trying to maintain loving relationships with our partners?

3. Change your circumstances whenever possible.

If you are truly unhappy in your relationship or your job, consider the fact your emotions may be trying to give you a wake-up call. Tune into your heart and follow your inner calling. If your relationship has been having more downs than ups recently, couples counseling may be a good option to help you get back on track. If you feel as though your job has been causing you more heartache than fulfillment, looking for another one or seeking training in another field might be the best course of action.

4. Practice radical acceptance.

Regardless of how well we care for ourselves, there will always be situations that arise that are upsetting for us. Accepting those challenges as an integral part of life can assist us in creating a greater sense of peace.

5. Take up journaling.

If you experience a lot of emotional ups and downs throughout the day, journaling can be a helpful exercise. Writing down the struggles that you have been facing can help to get them off your chest and give you more peace of mind.

6. Learn to forgive.

Holding grudges and resentment toward another can be extremely toxic for our mental and physical health and well-being. By releasing our inner anger and bitterness, we can open ourselves up to greater compassion and love toward others, as well as toward ourselves.

7. Sit with your emotions.

When you experience a lot of emotional turmoil, try to spend a few moments sitting down and tuning into your feelings. Let go of your thoughts surrounding the emotions and focus on the actual sensations arising in your body. For example, if you are feeling angry, where are you feeling the anger? Does it manifest as a tight ball in your stomach or as tension or clenching in your jaw? Wherever you feel your body contracting around the sensation, spend a few moments just breathing into that feeling.

8. Practice mindfulness.

Our emotions can feel like a roller coaster ride when we allow our thoughts and fantasies to get the better of us. When we think negative thoughts, these affect our emotions in powerful and negative ways. Rather than imagining the worst-case scenario or replaying over and over again an unpleasant memory, practice being mindful of what is happening in the moment and letting go of any thoughts of the past or future.

9. Share your feelings with others.

Rather than stuffing your emotions inside, express them to others whenever you can. If you are feeling upset about an incident that occurred with a loved one, allow yourself some time to cool down and consider the situation more rationally. Then try to share your emotions to get them off your chest and reach a better understanding.

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Learning to deal with our emotions in a healthy way, rather than letting them run our lives, can make a tremendous difference in our ability to maintain a sense of stability and inner peace. If you are still struggling with managing your emotional well-being after trying some or all of these skills, you may want to consider meeting with a compassionate therapist who can lead you on the road to a healthier and happier state of mind.

© Copyright 2014 All rights reserved. Permission to publish granted by Wendy Salazar, MFT, Stress Topic Expert Contributor

The preceding article was solely written by the author named above. Any views and opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by Questions or concerns about the preceding article can be directed to the author or posted as a comment below.

  • Leave a Comment
  • beatrice

    December 2nd, 2014 at 10:34 AM

    If I can just have my journal with me then everything is okay. I just have to have an ability to get all of my words out and even if the situation does not lend itself to being able to do that verbally I always feel much better even if I can just write my thoughts down to put them on paper. It allows me to let it all out but without the chance of stepping on the toes of others

  • St. Louis Behavioral Medicine Institute

    December 2nd, 2014 at 1:02 PM

    This is a great list and better yet still, it is filled with simple steps that can really help people. Everyone can be better at number one especially!

  • Keri

    December 2nd, 2014 at 3:14 PM

    I agree, a great list and things that are actually manageable and something that all of us can work on. I hate that feeling of being on one roller coaster ride right after the other- sometimes we have to be better to ourselves than what we are, and I think that being more mindful and aware of the things and suggestions on this list are all great reminders that above all there will be times when we must first be kind to ourselves.

  • Jason

    December 3rd, 2014 at 3:46 AM

    I know way too many people who forget to think before they act and if the truth be told then I am probably one of those people! The thing is, it is so easy to immediately say what we think but it is so much harder the ever go back and make amends for what we did wrong. I think that if we tried to be a little more conscious of the things that we say then we can get off of that roller coaster of saying too much and then having to find a way to back pedal and undo the damage that this may cause.

  • brodie

    December 3rd, 2014 at 12:00 PM

    While I used to be the guy who would try to run away from my feelings, I am beginning to learn that like you have suggested, sitting with these feelings and taking a good hard look at them and how I am actually feeling is what works best for me.

    If I run away from them, and I did not get this for a long time, but if i run from them and hide then how is that ever going to allow me to resolve those very issues?

    I think that this is why the same things kept coming up over and over again because I would never really take the time to actually deal with them, only to try to hide away from them.

  • PHIL

    December 3rd, 2014 at 8:51 PM

    Seen a lot of mates not want to share their emotions and feelings. Maybe they think it is not masculine to do so but how are you going to be a better human being without sharing or caring about your emotions and feelings? And where does masculinity come from if you are not human any longer!

  • Rebecca

    August 25th, 2021 at 7:21 PM

    Self care is very important. Not just in school life but in my professional and home life as well. Its easy to get burned out if we dont.

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