10 Serotonin Deficiency Symptoms Everyone Should Look Out For

Woman standing outside, looking thoughtful while she holds a coffee cup.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in behavior, mood, movement, learning, and many other functions. Its technical name is 5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT. Like all neurotransmitters, serotonin carries a nerve signal across a synapse.

When serotonin levels are too low, this can weaken nerve signals. One of the most common symptoms of low serotonin is depression, but low serotonin levels plays a role in mood and the central nervous system and can have side effects to almost every system of the body, leading to a wide range of symptoms.


Researchers have studied serotonin for more than 60 years and uncovered roles for this important neurotransmitter in numerous brain functions. All animals and even plants produce serotonin, suggesting it appeared very early in evolution.

Yet serotonin is difficult to isolate. Moreover, a wide range of neurotransmitters—as well as other factors, such as a person’s overall health, environment, and unique biology—can affect mental and physical health. This has made it difficult for researchers to establish direct correlations between serotonin and various functions.

Researchers have long thought serotonin deficiency can lead to depression. In fact, many popular antidepressants including SSRIs increase brain serotonin levels. Yet some studies throw even this widely accepted theory of serotonin into question. A 2014 study of mice, for example, found that genetically lowering serotonin levels did not lead to depression. Clinicians have long theorized that serotonin levels are genetically low in some people with depression, so this study undermines that theory.

Numerous ailments can cause symptoms of serotonin deficiency, so it’s important to see a health care provider to get an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

This mixed research means it is impossible to diagnose serotonin deficiency based on symptoms alone. People with normal serotonin levels may experience symptoms consistent with serotonin deficiency, while some people with low serotonin may have no symptoms at all. Numerous ailments can cause symptoms of serotonin deficiency, so it’s important to see a health care provider to get an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.


Most cases of serotonin deficiency are idiopathic, meaning doctors are unable to find a specific cause. Some inherited genetic disorders may affect the body’s ability to make or metabolize serotonin. Lifestyle and other factors that may also play a role include:

  • Hormonal shifts, such as due to beginning or stopping hormone replacement therapy, menopause, pregnancy, or advancing age
  • Lack of sunlight
  • Poor nutrition
  • Certain drugs,supplements and medications, especially when used to excess or over a long period of time
  • Chronic stress

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Serotonin never acts alone, and it’s part of a complex system. People with serotonin deficiency may also have deficiencies in other neurotransmitters, as well as metabolic or other health problems. Some common signs of serotonin deficiency include:

1. Depression

Research increasingly points to a complex relationship between depression and serotonin. We don’t fully understand how serotonin deficiency can cause depression, but most studies argue that it is a factor. Depression related to seasonal affective disorder, life events,and chronic stress and trauma, may also deplete serotonin levels. So serotonin deficiency can be both a cause and a result of depression.

2. Changes in sleep

Serotonin helps regulate the body’s internal clock, including the ability to feel sleepy, remain asleep, enter rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and wake in the morning. People with chronic insomnia, unusual sleep patterns, chronic fatigue, or consistently vivid dreams may have serotonin deficiency.

3. Chronic pain

Serotonin affects the way the muscles behave, so low serotonin may cause chronic pain. Low serotonin is strongly correlated with fibromyalgia, a type of widespread chronic pain. People with fibromyalgia may even get relief from antidepressants that raise serotonin levels.

4. Memory or learning issues

Some studies have the role of serotonin to memory and learning, so sudden difficulties with memory or learning could signal a serotonin issue. Additionally, other symptoms of serotonin deficiency, such as sleep deprivation and depression, can make it difficult to concentrate and learn.

5. Anxiety

Anxiety, including obsessive-compulsive disorder forms of anxiety, may indicate a person has low serotonin. Anxiety that comes on suddenly and appears unrelated to something else, such as a recent trauma or stressor, is often due to a serotonin issue. Chronic stress and anxiety may also deplete serotonin.

6. Schizophrenia

Many studies have found low serotonin levels in people with schizophrenia. Unusual beliefs or behaviors, auditory or visual hallucinations, and sudden changes in mood or personality may be a sign of low serotonin.

7. Problems with the body’s internal clock

Serotonin helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythm, which is its internal clock. Though it’s common for people to have difficulties getting up in the morning or occasionally forget meals, dysregulation in the internal clock can cause serious sleep, appetite, and other issues. A person who never sleeps according to a regular schedule, who has difficulty maintaining a consistent pattern of hunger and eating, or who feels chronically tired or hyper could have a problem with their circadian rhythm. This may be due to low serotonin.

8. Appetite issues

A number of studies have found that people with low serotonin production may have appetite issues or eating disorders. This may include overeating, not eating enough, or alternating between the two. Additionally, some people with depression also experience problems with appetite.

It’s possible for a person whose blood serotonin levels appear normal to have very little usable serotonin.

9. Hyperactivity

Low serotonin can cause symptoms of attention deficit/attention-deficit hyperactivity (ADD/ADHD). A person may have trouble concentrating, constantly fidget, be chronically bored, or be unable to sit still. Children may appear to have boundless energy, behave aggressively, or frequently get into trouble at school.

10. Dementia

A handful of new studies suggest that low brain serotonin is linked to dementia and may even be an early warning sign of this group of diseases. It’s unclear if the low serotonin causes dementia or is a symptom. Because serotonin can affect memory, concentration, and other cognitive functions, however, it’s possible that drops in serotonin increase the risk of dementia as a person ages.


A serotonin blood test can measure levels of serotonin in the blood. However, doctors usually only use this test to check for serotonin-producing tumors. Doctors don’t usually perform blood tests to assess serotonin levels because factors other than blood serotonin—such as metabolism, the behavior of serotonin receptors, and hormones—can affect the body’s ability to process and use serotonin. It’s possible for a person whose blood serotonin levels appear normal to have very little usable serotonin.

Instead of testing serotonin levels, doctors typically treat a person’s symptoms. Depending on the symptoms you have, your provider may recommend tests to rule out other causes, such as hormone imbalances or a physical injury. Then they may recommend antidepressant medication that raises serotonin levels, such as paroxetine or citalopram. In some cases, providers may also recommend lifestyle changes such as regular exercise and dietary changes.

Serotonin deficiency is a complex issue. Lifestyle and psychological factors often play a central role. Moreover, symptoms of serotonin deficiency can affect a person’s relationship and quality of life. Therapy can help in numerous ways. For people with depression related to low serotonin, a therapist can offer lifestyle management tips, a sympathetic ear, and help with mental health and relationship issues.

Therapy can also help people with low serotonin become better advocates for themselves. For example, a person with fibromyalgia or chronic pain may struggle to talk to loved ones about their symptoms or feel reluctant to request accommodations at work. Therapy can help them explore their options, adopt healthy self-care strategies, and advocate for their needs.

For help finding a therapist who can support you as you deal with low serotonin, click here.


  1. Al-Nimer, M. M., Mohammad, T. M., & Alsakeni, R. (2018). Serum levels of serotonin as a biomarker of newly diagnosed fibromyalgia in women: Its relation to the platelet indices. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 23(1), 71. doi: 10.4103/jrms.JRMS_859_17
  2. Angoa-Pérez, M., Kane, M. J., Briggs, D. I., Herrera-Mundo, N., Sykes, C. E., Francescutti, D. M., & Kuhn, D. M. (2014). Mice genetically depleted of brain serotonin do dot display a depression-like behavioral phenotype. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 5(10), 908-919. doi: 10.1021/cn500096g
  3. Brain scan study adds to evidence that lower brain serotonin levels are linked to dementia. (2017, August 14). Retrieved from https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/brain_scan_study_adds_to_evidence_that_lower_brain_serotonin_levels_are_linked_to_dementia_
  4. Frazer, A., & Hensler, J. G. (1999). Serotonin. In G. J. Siegel (Author), Basic neurochemistry: Molecular, cellular and medical aspects (6th ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic Press.
  5. Whitney, M. S., Shemery, A. M., Yaw, A. M., Donovan, L. J., Glass, J. D., & Deneris, E. S. (2016). Adult brain serotonin deficiency causes hyperactivity, circadian disruption, and elimination of siestas. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(38), 9828-9842. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1469-16.2016

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  • Leave a Comment
  • Andrew

    July 30th, 2019 at 1:21 AM

    I battle anxiety for 30 years without knowing it and in 2015 iwas generally petigue , and fear took control of my life. I feel hopeless because all the test was Ok and I was confused. One day an old Dr. Put me on C8pramil (Citalopram) and it helped me to regain my strength however due to having 5he problem many years I’ve trouble sleeping .I used to have very bad dreams at night times and go to pee often at nights. However when I take Citalopram no dreams and I slept well so please help me fully recover to live normal lives. I would appreciate your help .
    God Bless .

  • anoninmous7

    August 25th, 2019 at 6:07 AM

    See a specilist , to get checked to see if you have Fibromyalgia. Im researching more about it was diagnosed 2-3 days ago. i think its problems in the Decending pain pathway wich aperntly acording to Google ,what helps the Decending pathway as in pain , is Serotonin – aparently low Serotonin can cause pain. and well Fibromyalgia is also known as Chronic pain Disorder. has many symptoms too.

  • Anonymous

    March 10th, 2020 at 2:47 PM

    Andrew made no comments re: pain so why would you shotgun fibromyalgia? Not good advice.

  • Anonymous

    March 10th, 2020 at 2:49 PM

    Andrew, you might want to have thyroid testing done (pretty standard) and also given urinary frequency symptoms, you might want to see a urologist to see what the cause might be, UTI, prostate issue, etc. Another option could be adrenal related (addisons or cushings depending on your cortisol, etc. ) levels.

  • Christopher

    November 18th, 2023 at 9:49 AM

    I often struggle with what doctors call night terrors or very bad dreams. The doctors wanted to put me on medication to take away my dreams but I refused. Because as a person diagnosed as schizo-affective my dreams are all I have. It’s important to talk to your mental health doctors because there are a wide range of side effects due to mental health medication as with all medication but due to mental health meds that effect the brain doctors just look for side effects as it effects everyone differently. Some things you experience may be a side effect that you would never guess and if you don’t talk with your doctor he or she will never know. I was on a mental health med once and went impotent and I was very embarrassed to talk about this. I was also going through a divorce and just thought it had to do with stress from my failed marriage. I eventually told the doctor and it was a side effect of the medication. He took me off the medication and within weeks everything went back to normal. My other advice is whatever medication you are on should be accompanied with regular blood test and if you are on a mental health med longer than a year you should be getting full blood panels. If mental health isn’t doing it go to your medical doctor and request one with your yearly physical. My only complaint is mental health and medical should be coming together and talking about a patients overall health not just say this is mental health and this is a chronic health issue. This doesn’t happen and patients are often misdiagnosed as in my case when I finally found out that I have heart failure. After many issues of loss of consciousness or possible seizures. My heart was never looked at because of my young age.

  • Carlene

    September 2nd, 2019 at 12:51 PM

    Can having a sleep disorder affect someone temperament. Or response behavior

  • Gustaf

    May 15th, 2020 at 12:50 PM

    Yes, problems with sleep can cause bad response behaviour and affect the temperament in long term.

  • Helen

    July 4th, 2020 at 6:00 PM

    Since the Virus 19 started in the new year my stomach has been chronic, eating and digestive problems in my stomach, which I have always had trouble with when I have Anxiety, thought with this virus going on forever it’s a problem, with sleep, just 3 to 4 hours a night then sleeping daytime! I have had a stomach band fitted but always had trouble with bad digestive after it so finally go all the band deflated, it is still in place though, and wondering if this is causing some of my problems ? My anxiety is high with all this virus 19 etc., I have taken antidepressants for a long time now, IAm coming up to 73 years old next month! I have an unbiblical hernia also!
    I feel really very very sad with worry about this Virus 19 , I’ve two wonderful grandchildren and I worry so much about everything for them, always seem to be very sad and wondered if my serotonin is too low or something. I always feel happy for everyone else , so that’s not a problem. Just hoping you can give me so directions to go in, it’s hard to ask for help at the busy doctors because they are working so hard and it’s takes a lot of time keeping up to date with doctors appointments because my kidney aren’t working so good either! I feel so bad bothering everyone with my problems, thank you .

  • Willis

    July 27th, 2020 at 1:38 PM

    Don’t do anything rash, Helen! I am not a doctor*, but if I were you I’d keep taking care of my kidneys and do everything as usual, but add in some mindfulness training. Turn off the news, the TV, and anything else that reminds you or informs you of the virus. Have someone else who is in a better state of mind call you and let you know of any important updates like if new protocols are being put into place or new things are opening up, etc. Do not have them inform you of bad news. Eating up the bad news right now is not going to help anyone, and just hurt you! Covid 19 will be temporary, and often medications in this realm are difficult to get off of.

    P.S. Happy 73rd Birthday!

    *I am not a doctor or mental health professional. My comments are not a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.

  • Johanna

    August 13th, 2020 at 2:20 PM

    For those with Fibromyalgia, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1997 and have struggled with it for years. I was initially put on a 600mg of Nsaid and my stomach couldn’t handle it. I found a new DR and asked what I could take for pain that wouldn’t be so hard on my stomach and he prescribed Tramadol. I have been using it ever since. I have never taken more than a dose of 50mg which is the lowest dose available. At first I was taking one each day and was able to work, help care for my youngest grand child and be mostly pain free. I am now experimenting to see how low a dose I can use and still be functional. I have cut the 50mg tablets in fourths and depending on how much pain or how I anticipated the intensity of the day ahead, I can get by on 1/4 a tab which is a 12.5mg dose. I believe that, for me , Fibromyalgia is largely an effect of serotonin deficiency and a low dose of Tramadol can effectively help reduce pain and improve energy levels. My doctor has worked with me through out this process and is very open minded. I don’t know if this could help anyone else, but you might ask your doctor about Tramadol as a way to help with Fibromyalgia symptoms. Tramadol can be addictive so caution is necessary.

  • Andrew

    September 24th, 2020 at 5:44 PM

    I am a little shocked that in your causes of low serotonin that you did not mention alterations to the microbiome and gut health. I feel this is a serious omission as it is believed that as much as 90% of the bodies serotonin is produced by your microbiome.

  • Sudarshana

    December 22nd, 2020 at 1:09 AM

    Hi Helen,
    I am a counselling psychologist from India. Exposure to sunlight,bright white light in rooms,exercising a bit,eating nutritious food increases Vit D levels too.. that helps bring back serotonin levels to normalcy.. Low serotonin levels bring depression… Loud singing,chanting and gargling help stimulate your vagus nerves around the neck.. that can bring depression down.. pls try these🙂

  • Julie

    January 15th, 2021 at 7:10 PM

    I’m 55 and have Severe Anxiety. I don’t like taking benzos. What can I do?

  • Dan

    January 21st, 2021 at 2:40 PM

    Hi guys i am little confused as to what i have, for about nearly 2 years i have been unwell. I had a stressful event in my life which has now past and i am over it but my brain seems to be stuck with it.
    -lack of libido(male)i dont get excited enjoy sex
    -i dont see dreams anymore
    -sleep was an issue but its has come back.
    – i dont enjoy events which used to excite me like movies,outing
    i have been to the doctors done blood work testesterone etc came back normal including other harmones. Doctors were not helpful so i have booked a physiatrist to see early march.
    Any supplements i can take in the meantime? thanks in advance.

  • Andrew

    March 2nd, 2021 at 3:20 PM

    I had a slight pain on the right lower part of my rectum, when I was 24 and I battle for 30 years and medication did not help . I was really down and fear of fainting or dying took control of my life. One day a Physician put me on 5mg of Alprazolam for 30 day and it has drustically improved my condition and soon after put me on Cipramil and I went back normal ,however when I quit taking Cipramil , I develop sleep problem. Had frequent night Mares and it’s affecting me and therefore needs help advise to go about it.
    I would appreciate if one expert can advise on how to deal with this problems.

  • Alejandra

    April 21st, 2021 at 9:33 AM

    Try citaloprahm, i have heard a lot of good things about it, try asking your doctor or researching online

  • Ale

    April 21st, 2021 at 9:34 AM

    Citalophram , I heard it’s good

  • One

    June 10th, 2021 at 6:25 AM

    Hello. I have been with these anxiety and depression for 5 yrs, since 2017. But I only started taking meds since 2019, bcs things start getting more serious at tht time. Until end of 2019, I stop taking the meds, bcs i felt like it affect my work performance. I often feel sleepy at work, and my body feel so weak. I still managed to control it without meds, until feb 2020, the rush and uneasy feelings, is coming back. I still have my meds, (the one i got frm the hosp in early 2019), and sometimes, when I am out of control, I take one.
    For now, I;m still taking those meds, but sometimes i think the meds doesnt help at all. why ?

  • Yaotl

    October 19th, 2021 at 10:25 PM

    I Was struggling with severe post partum depression. Started taking a natural serotonin and dopamine from sprouts along with 5htp. I am back to my normal self and more in control of my thoughts and emotions. I almost lost myself completely, extremely thankful to have found something to help me.

  • Frances

    November 28th, 2021 at 9:52 PM

    What natural dopamine and serotonin did you take?

  • Maggie

    November 30th, 2021 at 7:14 PM

    I was on Lexapro for about 10 years for some reason I stopped taking it then I had four surgeries in three years the last surgery with me and I wasn’t the same when I woke up due to the low seratonean and my sister came suicidal hi anxiety eating disorder just downright crazy finally went to the doctor and put me back on LexaproI am still dealing with all the associates it’s been six months but I am getting better I pray to the Lord that I will regain my total mental ability I had raising mind Couldn’t say it high sensitivity to pain it was downright miserable word to the wise if you’re on anti-depressant please do not go completely awful without a doctor like I did

  • N

    December 21st, 2021 at 9:18 PM

    Same here I have fibromyalgia started using 5 HTP see how it’s works also have high prolactin 36.8 out 25 .

  • Margaret

    December 22nd, 2021 at 6:34 PM

    I actually have seratonion deficiency they have upped my lexapro ti 15 mg a day it seems to be helping thanks to the meds God and Theropy I’m seem to be getting better thanks for your fedback

  • Rosalie

    January 10th, 2022 at 9:19 PM

    All these situations point out what a failure medical doctors, as a whole, are. Their testing ability is insufficient. The reliance on drugs, which most often are a synthesis of a chemical in a plant that is known to cure. They choose the chemical that removes obvious symptoms and that synthesis is their drug. Every drug has undesirable effects. Plants contain synergistic chemicals to prevent side effects and actually help the body correct what caused it to be dis-eased. “Alternatives” should be your go-tos for health, when possible. And try to eat only organic unprocessed food prepared at home.

  • sharon

    March 14th, 2022 at 10:00 AM

    This all makes sense. 4 months ago I stopped taking Duloxetine after 10 years I decided I wasn’t depressed, why take it. Added to that weight gain and not able to lose it and excessive sweating.
    Since then has been a nightmare with increasing back pain and various other sites of pain, not sleeping

  • sharon

    March 14th, 2022 at 10:06 AM

    I have become very low in mood and dependant on analgesia from the GP.
    Eventually today I have been persuaded to start taking Sertraline.
    On reading your article I am really hoping my problem is the low serotonin levels that is the cause of my problems.
    I am also hoping the sweating and weight gain won’t become an issue again.

  • Sher zada

    March 27th, 2022 at 4:55 AM

    I have some problems like irregular sections of saliva which have bad taste. Increase heart rate. Sweating and energy is loss automatically when this attack is come . It come 5 to 6 time un a day . Doctor says its panic attacks.
    Please suggest me something

  • Sick person in pain

    April 18th, 2022 at 3:54 AM

    Please don’t suggest to take an opiate pain med. Trust me they are not worth it. They are highly Addictive and will destroy your life. They work good at first but your brain will actually change and then it stops working as good aka tolerance and that’s when you start feeling miserable, fatigued, pain comes back worse, you have no motivation,trouble sleeping etc. It’s a night mare. Unless you are dying and in a lot of pain I wouldn’t take opiates. They will mess ya body and brain up bad.

  • Annah

    April 30th, 2022 at 8:11 AM

    Hi, I have been experiencing OCD around house for cleaning for long time, my doctor put me on some low does antidepressants as I was reaching close to 60yrs old and my energy levels were getting low. 1 yr ago I was put on Setrolin and got very bad side effects and from there I have been on 3 diff antidepressants with antipsychotics but nothing helped. now 8 weeks with no medication, I’m stuck with high anxiety, panic attacks and bed ridden. I’m scared to try antidepressants anymore. Will I ever return to my old self? Did the side effects do this to me?

  • Joy and pain

    May 26th, 2022 at 8:08 PM

    Thanks guys I’ve been experiencing some of the same symptoms refuse to take meds that were prescribed, some days are better than most. Reading some of the comments let’s me know that I’m not alone and how I’m feeling is real. I feel like I need to be on a daily medication but I know it causes other symptoms and problems. I wish that it would all go away and never come back. This has been my daily life for 3 years now and it sucks!!

  • Mess82

    October 12th, 2023 at 8:20 AM

    You are all not alone! Seems there’s no quick fix for these issues. Even with medication, the anxiety of going to repeated doctors apt. It seems to always comes down to your lifestyle, but feeling the way you do every morning, it feels impossible to get that normal lifestyle feeling going again!

  • Malik

    June 5th, 2022 at 3:01 PM

    for young age people don’t take anti depressant and anxiety medicine bcs it’s make good your mood but it’s can low your libido and desire and sexual function. I have this experience. medicine like paroxeten citalopram alprozolam its temporary work but when you stop this.its will give you very bad experience.

  • A random girl

    June 25th, 2022 at 5:05 PM

    You need a 24 hour EEG to get tested for focal or partial seizures. I don’t know why but doctors seem to only reconize the ones hat look like its off a movie. I have parcial seizure’s after head trauma and it took 4 years to find a doctor that told me to do more then deep breathing and i was having black outs with mine up to weeks at a time

  • Lei

    October 29th, 2022 at 12:27 PM

    New comer in counselling skill

  • Ann

    November 10th, 2022 at 2:52 PM

    I was diagnosed with Pernicious Anaemia 8 years ago, they were stopped in April 2020 by a Doctor who me my told my injections were unnecessary , until Sept 2021 when diagnosed with Colon Cancer , My Surgeon insisted they be reinstated, My problem now is my treatment is not keeping me well and instead of increasing them , they gave me Ferratin that caused severe constipation. Do you know the latest information regarding NICE guidelines on this matter.

  • Andres

    July 28th, 2023 at 7:41 PM

    For constipación, eat three- four oranges, not process juice , in the mornings and hour before bed time, then drink water , walk outside daily and eat fiber .

  • Ali

    March 24th, 2023 at 8:31 AM

    serotonin deficiency is common in modern age, specially in teen agers , people don’t understand that serotonin deficiency mostly diagnosed wrongly , like doctors names it Depression , Biplor or other disorders. cause of deficiency are many more which may not be listed here specialy modern way of life, environmental pollution, consistent stree , to full fill serotonin deficiency wallnut is beneficial , eat wallnut on early signs for 1 month and check.

  • Miles

    April 23rd, 2023 at 3:53 PM

    Burning feet, hands and tip of tongue (Neuropathy) –

    2022 was very stressful for me and added to that was my higher than normal cholesterol (up to 140 mg/dL when the normal is below 99) and elevated hemoglobin A1C of 6.0% (prediabetic). While I had no pain or serious medical issues, my heart doctor put me on 20 mg Ataravastatin and low dose aspirin. Within 1.5 months I started developing very cold feet and soon burning or frost bite sensation in my feet. After 3 months I quit taking the 2 drugs and after that my symptoms got about 50% better but after 5 months now since I quit the meds I still have burning feet, burning hands and palms, and tip of my tongue. During the day the symptoms fluctuate in level from mild to intense. After I do intense aerobic workout and yoga, my symptoms get better and that better feeling lasts about an hour or so before it comes back. I went on a vegan diet to control my cholesterol and sugar and very successfully my cholesterol and sugar levels are normal for the last 3 months and my BMI decreased from 27 to 22. However, my neuropathy symptoms have only improved slightly. My neurologist has done a number of highly technical tests such as anti inflammatory markers, antibodies and vit D, Copper, B12, B6, folate, homocysteine, c- reactive protein, etc. All tests have been normal. I started taking vit D, B complex and Mg a few months ago to help. My neurologist asked me to take 20 to 40 mg Cymbalta. I tried it for 7 weeks and had a few days which were good and few days my burning feeling was there. I developed gases and difficulty in peeing as a side effect with cymbalta so I stopped it at 7 weeks.

    They did EMG and nerve conduction study on me and ruled out large fiber neuropathy.

    Do you think the personal events caused stress and side effect of statin lowered my serotonin in 2022 and resulted in neuropathy?

    Can anyone please share their similar experience and suggest what I could try to help with my neuropathy type symptoms?

    Thank you so much for your valuable time and willingness to share.

  • Hopeless

    June 6th, 2024 at 2:55 PM

    I just turned 41 yesterday. I was put on opioids at the age of 23 and taken off of everything two years ago ,due to all the new laws. The reason they took me off my pain medicine is because the pain clinic guy attended called during working hours, and I was working at a school at the time and could not have my cell phone out therefore, by the time I found out that they called me in for a pill count. It was too late to go in and they just missed me from their practice . Now I’m feeling my desperation is going to bring me to use things I shouldn’t or do things I shouldn’t because I cannot handle the pain. It’s caused complete insomnia. I rarely sleep at at all and it’s making it impossible to function and survive. I am in chronic pain stressed out an anxiety, single mother of three I’ve lost all hope I’ve tried all kinds of ant depressions all types of pain medication’s , several types of alternative treatments and also therapy without any relief Everything you can think of I’ve tried desperately. My children need the old me back and I know I’ll never be able to do the things I used to, but there’s gotta be something better than this. Does anybody know how to help?

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