Why Divorce Hurts

Man looking out hotel window

The pain of divorce is often unbearable. The experience can be so awful that you wonder whether it would have been easier to stay married or even to be dealing with some other horrific life event like death. The depth of pain is often surprising, particularly when you know you don’t want to be married anymore. What many people forget is that divorce is just a fancy word masking what is truly a broken attachment between two people. Divorce is more than separating assets and belongings.  It’s the severing of a very strong bond founded on deep feelings of dependency and need. Believe it or not, you developed an attachment to your partner over the course of dating and marriage that connected you on an emotional and physiological level beyond what you realized.

When two people get married they are vowing to be committed and to love one another, but they are also pledging to become “attached.” This attachment is unspoken and unknown to both, but it is the most powerful connection anyone can have to another person in a love relationship. According to author Helen Fischer in her book Why We Love, our “cuddle chemicals,” namely oxytocin and vasopressin, contribute to the sense of closeness and attachment couples feel toward each other in a love relationship. These bonding hormones promote a sense of fusion between lovers that deepens attachment and a sense of oneness. This biological phenomenon explains the depth of devastation felt when the attachment is broken and the physiological symptoms that become activated when attachments are severed. The response is often primal, leading to thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that might never surface in any other context of life.

The end of a marriage is one of the most emotionally painful human experiences. Thinking about the experience of divorce within the context of attachment generates a greater sense of empathy for what you might be feeling. It explains the levels of rage, vindictiveness, grief, and despair that so often accompany this common life transition. We too often think of divorce as a noun or a verb, but it is actually a relational trauma that has a physiological and emotional effect. You may be creating more suffering for yourself by resisting what you are feeling or telling yourself that you are overreacting.

Recognize that the end of your marriage represents much more for you than you may realize. If you were a small child and the person you depended on most was suddenly unavailable to you, there is no doubt you would have a strong reaction. The end of your marriage is no different. Give yourself the time and space to heal and repair. You are not damaged, just temporarily devastated, and the recovery will come with time. Divorce is not just a matter of the heart but an experience that impacts the whole person on a multitude of levels. 




© Copyright 2012 GoodTherapy.org. All rights reserved. Permission to publish granted by Andra Brosh, PhD

The preceding article was solely written by the author named above. Any views and opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by GoodTherapy.org. Questions or concerns about the preceding article can be directed to the author or posted as a comment below.

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  • Graeme

    September 14th, 2012 at 11:51 AM

    Very nicely explained.I went through a divorce years ago and still cannot forget everything I went through then.It seemed like the end of the world then but even though I do remember it,I have realized that it was a phase and although things will never be the same again,it is not the end and there is just so much more to life.

    I hope everybody who goes through the heartache that comes with divorce have the strength to cope with it and that they determine to go beyond that and be happy again.All the best to all your heartbroken wonderful people out there and thanks a lot to the author of this post.

  • Damon

    December 30th, 2019 at 10:21 PM

    It’s so much pain.

  • Andra Brosh

    September 14th, 2012 at 3:19 PM

    Thank you so much for your comment. Divorce does leave a permanent mark, but it’s almost like a beautiful scar to remind you of how resilient and courageous you are. It sounds like you have grown from the experience, which is all we can really ask for.

  • in nothing

    September 27th, 2016 at 1:53 PM

    I love my wife and I’ve been an asshole after the divorse ill probly end up alone the rest of my life but its OK she cheated and when I found out on her phone my life didn’t matter depression anxiety and PTSD then the drugs to numb the pain it’s the past im going to treatment to try and have a life lucky to be here almost killed myself and I still cry everyday and will always love her

  • Charles

    September 30th, 2016 at 1:07 PM

    Im going through the same thing now. I didnt treat her right,wasnt there for her when she needed me and i didnt wanna be married anymore . Now thats shes gone and with someone else it hurts so bad

  • WestEnd Girl

    December 23rd, 2016 at 5:00 PM

    I know how you feel. I am in the depths of despair. My husband is leaving me after 30 years of marriage and he says it’s all my fault. I have begged and pleaded but he is completely cold and detached from me and I feel crushed. I am seeing a psychiatrist to help me but I can’t get over this and he hasn’t even moved out yet. I’m turning 51 in 2 days and I don’t know how I can build a new life. I want my old life back when we were together.

  • arthur

    September 14th, 2012 at 3:27 PM

    Divorce can be so hurtful because you have placed all of your trust in this one person, and when that falls apart it is like you lose a part of yourself too. I have been through a painful divorce, and not only experiencing my own pain, but watching how it affected our children as well as our whole families, wow, that was the worst. I lost my best frined, but my family lost someone that they loved too. For many other people there is that promise to God that they feel like they are breaking when the marriages fall apart, so that is even more pressure than is already being experienced. There is this feeling that ylou have let so many people down, hurt so many and disappointed tham, that divorce can really rip you to shreds.

  • Bob

    December 27th, 2016 at 6:01 AM

    One thing i learning , is not to have catastrophic thinking ,about where my life takes me. But too learn to love me 1st with structure,boundries and awareness..about my actions i take everyday knowing i do matter please everyone let go….& everything will get better..we all desreve..happiness true happiness take care…

  • Andra Brosh

    September 14th, 2012 at 4:32 PM

    Yes Arthur so many commitments and bonds get broken. The loss and heartbreak is often unbearable, and children are definitely affected by the pain of broken attachments as well. They are such innocent victims, but fortunately kids are most often even more resilient than their parents!! Thank you for your comment.

  • Hope

    September 15th, 2012 at 3:30 AM

    My ex husband and I had one of those turbulent marriages, really even before we got married, and why I ever thought that things would change with a ceremony and a piece of paper. . . well, let’s just say I had to learn my lesson the hard way.

    So while it did hurt a little, I knew deep down that I was saving my self and my soul by leaving him and I would not go back and change a thing.

    I did not want counseling, did not care to try to work it out, kind of because I think that I eventually learned that really this marriage was over before it started.

  • tiara

    September 15th, 2012 at 3:02 PM

    although divorces tend to be hurtful and mentally draining for both partners it need not always be that way.I separated from my former husband five years ago and we still remain good friends.there was no bad blood between us when we split and we really respect each other.

    coming back to divorce being hurtful,we got through it without much of hurt in either of us.that was probably because we spoke so much about it before we went for the divorce and because we really understood each other’s concern.what could also be a reason is the short period we had been married for(less than a year).

    anyhow what I would like to suggest is to try and work things out by talking and try to minimize the conflict between the two of you.a divorce need not always be war as it is often made out to be!

  • katherine

    September 16th, 2012 at 12:50 PM

    I’ve been through three heartbreaking relationships and I just can’t take it any more. Everything I have experienced has now left me scared of any relationship at all and I am no longer looking to anything like that. I can only imagine how much hurtful a divorce can be and its not difficult to understand why those that have been through divorce seem to be so very heartbroken and hurt.

  • Alley

    September 17th, 2012 at 4:11 AM

    You know, I really wish that more couples would give more thought to want they are doing befor juumping into marriage!

    maybe we should make natiowide marriage counseling a requirement before getting married?

    Nah then people would say the government was intervening in ways that they shouldn’t, and that’s probably true. But I just can’t help but feel like we give far more thought to things that don’t matter th=an we do to the things that do. By that I mean we are so concerned about things like, oh I don’t know, gay couples who actually love each other, but we give little attention to the fact that the divorce rate among heterosexuals is going through the roof and families are losing out as a result.

  • shelly

    October 1st, 2012 at 5:32 AM

    Too many people have such a disposable attitude towards relationships. I mean how many people do we know that have left a relationship once the “new” has worn off or left a marriage because it’s not perfect. I don’t mean there are not valid and good reasons to leave a relationship because there are but so often people just don’t want to do the work that is necessary to maintain a healthy relationship.

  • George Peabody

    October 12th, 2012 at 11:37 AM

    Two thoughts—-one, I would question the premise that marriage is… “the most powerful connection anyone can have to another person in a love relationship”. Perhaps I’m misreading this statement (or reading too much into it), but I believe that a parent-child love is an even more powerful love/connection.

    Two, while divorce is undoubtedly painful, perhaps we need to be questioning the institution of marriage itself. Is it still a viable institution? I would love to hear/read feedback.

  • Alley

    January 11th, 2014 at 11:20 PM

    I agree with you. A parent child relationship is the strongest connection we have to another person. I lost my child five years ago and went through a divorce last year. Even thigh a divorce hurts it is no comparison to pain I feel about being separated from my son.

  • Dr. Brosh

    October 15th, 2012 at 8:09 PM

    Hi George – You are absolutely right about the power of a connection with one’s children. I tried to make it clearer by using the phrase “love relationship” but maybe this didn’t quite get the point across. While the attachment to children is powerful in it’s own right, a love relationship between two adults offers a different kind of connection that holds it’s own weight. In response to point #2, I completely agree about questioning the institution of marriage and I actually address this topic in my next blog. Stay tuned!

  • Shannon

    August 21st, 2016 at 9:35 AM

    Looking forward to reading it. I myself question the validity of the institution, aside from my respect for religious purposes. Great blog and discussion!

  • Benefits of Divorce

    May 28th, 2013 at 1:27 AM

    Going through a divorce can be difficult, especially if the separating spouses have been married for some time or have tried their best to salvage the relationship. However, if irreconcilable differences have arisen or if one of the spouses has been unfaithful, then a divorce may be a blessing for both parties. Despite this new direction their lives have taken, and the emotions that can accompany a divorce, for many divorcing couples, separating is the best option and brings with it a host of benefits.

  • Divorce is Wrong

    July 25th, 2013 at 9:03 AM

    While I appreciate Dr. Brosh’s article explaining the reasons for the hurtfulness of divorce, I do not agree with her opinion that “kids are most often even more resilient than their parents” (see comment #4). From my experience of being born to a mother who is a child from a divorced family, and of being current divorced by my husband who is also a child from a divorced family, I see divorce as a virus that destroys the very soul of our society like cancer destroys the body, and our legal system is doing nothing in relation to divorce to promote the values of justice or faithfulness. The effects of divorce on children are devastating, and they force children to develop all kinds of defence mechanism to protect themselves during this traumatic experience which often lasts most of their formatting years. These defence mechanisms while having short term benefits, often erodes the children’s self-esteem and hinders their growth and development in the later years. If you are interested in knowing more of the psychological effects of divorce on children, I found Breaking the Cycle of Divorce by John Trent PHD very helpful. The author is an adult child from divorced family too, and I found his views on these effects spot on with my mother and husband. In abandoning the institution of marriage and its sanctity, we are allowing our selfish pursuit of ‘happiness’ destroying our hope for true happiness and the moral psychological and spiritual wellbeing of our future generations. I agree with what Leo Tolstoy wrote: “If an individual or a whole society has problems, there is only one reason: lack of faith”. As with marriage, I think faith is especially important, because marriage does not make us happy, but makes us holy. In our currently not so faith-bound world, I hope the pain of divorce can awake us to God’s never-forsaking love for us and pass it on to our fellow human beings.

  • New Jersey Divorce Lawyers

    September 17th, 2013 at 10:53 PM

    Divorce is really an painful and difficult process.

  • Deidra

    November 1st, 2013 at 2:18 PM

    I have been divorced now for over 4 years and even with me being the person to leave the marriage it is a constant struggle. The what Ifs can plague you, but seeking solace in the blessings you still have is key. For those of you struggling it gets better and sometimes instead of taking it day by day you have to take it hour by hour.

  • Alex

    January 20th, 2014 at 9:59 AM

    My divorce is only hours old. I left but the ocean of pain I find myself in is impossible. I miss my family so much (ex and our two beautiful pups) but left because of a lack of attraction. But I still miss them. Horrifically. Everyone says it gets better. I can’t imagine it at this stage. I just can’t

  • Cw0519

    May 31st, 2016 at 4:05 PM

    I’m separated and we are starting the paperwork. It was ultimately my decision and I left because we are so different and I can’t handle the stress. I’m a war vet and have a multitude of issues, I know she deserves better, but this is more painful than anything I’ve ever dealt with. I’m a strong, hard man, an alpha male; I feel weak cause I can’t stop crying. Weird thing is I miss her more than I miss seeing my kids often. I hope I can get over this soon, all of your stories give me hope.

  • Paul

    January 15th, 2018 at 8:41 AM

    I left my wife 10 years ago, just after being married for 1 year. I had everything and freaked out about starting the next chapter of life. I wish someone would of just told me to take a step back and relax. I made a quick unthought out decision and left. She was so special and the perfect life partner for me. Ten years later I have been in a couple relationships and nothing comes even close. I feel intense pain every minute of every day trying to live with the fact I made the biggest mistake of my life. She remarried a year after we divorced and now has two kids. I have tried to contact her, but she will not answer. I am at a total loss…

  • Gary

    December 29th, 2013 at 2:53 PM

    Eleven months into separation, I find myself looking at next month. I have made arrangements to have a mediator assist in the next step, Divorce. We, my wife and I, don’t really talk about the next next, however here we are. What I really need to say/ask/hear about, is that in a relationship about to end in divorce, there is your heart and your brain, they fight all the time, one of the many hard parts that I am experiencing is that we are booth here together but one is further ahead. I don’t mean that to sound like a foot race, just one of the partners has initiated the separation and appears to be able to move on or forward. Me personally, this whole loss of a true friend sucks.

  • Alley

    January 8th, 2014 at 8:23 PM

    Thank you reading the article and comments made me feel less alone. It has been a week since my divorce was finalized. I was shocked by all the confusing emotion I felt even those I am the one that wanted the divorce and I know it is for the best.

  • Marilyn Arellanes

    March 8th, 2014 at 5:08 PM

    After reading this article, I am starting to feel better. I was very attached to my ex which is why it hurts so much. We made so many future plans and now that its over, they won’t take place.

  • David

    August 26th, 2014 at 11:58 AM

    I know this post is almost 2 years old but it is timeless. I am in the midst of very painful divorce and it has opened up emotions I never knew I had. This article sums everything I’m feeling up and let’s me know that I’m not alone in feeling this way and that I will eventually heal.

  • Beanie

    August 30th, 2014 at 8:38 PM

    I’m sure hard on both but not as hard or devastating as the one left. Especially if the other has moved onto another person or was cheating. Then said hurtful things they never apologized for. Marriage is full of choices you stay together and work hard. I think I feel bad for some who have lost their attraction to the other, that’s not really a choice. We often times pick and choose clothes and furniture based on looks such as a favorite color we cannot help what we like. Yet often times I hear of people falling out of love. I think that is a choice because you will always see the good and the things you love in the other no matter what. Choosing to stop seeing that person as the one is a choice. Especially when you only look at what you hate about them. When married often times that is what couples do. Try dating then you will see what I’m talking about you will only see their good and over time their flaws will emerge and bother you. Obviously being with someone for that long it becomes harder to appreciate them. Thus marriage is work and never to be entered into lightly. Divorce is basically the death of a loved one except their not physically dead. Unless you have children together you will basically never see them again and I think that’s just sad that’s an option so think before getting married.

  • Dr. Brosh

    August 31st, 2014 at 8:38 PM

    First of all Patty, you were not thrown away you were left. Garbage is thrown away, but sometimes valuable pieces are not appreciated and often replaced. The pain you’re feeling is partly the disillusionment that comes with your life tragically changing, and partly due to your ego being crushed. This man has his own issues, and although it’s impossible not to take this personally you have to remember that your value is not defined by whether someone wants to remain married to you or not. You have a painful road ahead, but it’s nothing more tumultuous than what you’ve already endured. Draw on your survival strength, and remember that this is not life-threatening, just devastating.

  • Jennifer

    September 9th, 2014 at 6:15 PM

    This article describes the depth of divorce pain so accurately. I’m still fresh, just reading about my own feelings brings me to tears.

  • Keith

    September 16th, 2019 at 3:06 PM

    Wow Jennifer, (September 9th, 2014 at 6:15 PM)
    A lady of few words but so powerful and so very true. Divorce is unbelievably hard. My wife of 10 years turned to me a year ago and said she wanted a divorce, completely out of the blue. I must have been blind. My world fell apart. A year on the divorce is still pending, house sold and we split 7 months ago. Life is hard, but with little steps it is getting a little easier. I still love my wife very much despite everything and reading your comment and others, still makes my tears flow uncontrollably. There is life after divorce but it doesn’t make the pain easier to deal with. God bless you Jennifer and everyone that posted on this site. Hang in there and keep looking forward. Try and have faith that happiness will return sooner than you or I might think.

  • Dee

    September 11th, 2014 at 3:47 AM

    My husband has filed for divorce after 25 years . The sick feeling in my stomach just doesn’t stop and the tears never end . Some days I don’t even know how I am getting out of bed . Rejection is a powerful reality and I can’t imagine staying in this condition . I won’t survive it . How long will I feel this bad.. Sorry to all those feeling this . It’s horrible .

  • Lisa

    February 21st, 2015 at 3:30 PM


    Your situation is identical to mine. I have been married for 29 years, I don’t want this divorce he does. He has been cheating for 3 years and I still love him. He wants out. All I do is cry, don’t eat, just want my life back. I can’t deal with this. When will I stop hurting? I don’t want anyone else, hate being alone. Life feels like it is over. All I can say is why does he not want me.

  • V.

    September 30th, 2014 at 1:00 PM

    Last week, my husband of 13 years filed for divorce. I felt so blind sighted. He said he felt trapped and hoped for “true love”. I cried and begged he consider counseling but his mind was made up. I said goodbye to the man I married years ago. This man is mostly thinking of himself. I have four beautiful children that will suffer. I am 36 years old. I am a fit mom even after four kids. I have been blessed with beautiful genes from my parents. All this doesn’t matter to him. I loved him immensely but now I’m so hurt. I know things will eventually work out but the “now” is undoubtedly a trial that I am suffering greatly from.

  • Eric

    March 26th, 2015 at 3:22 PM

    My wife of 18yrs is doing the same exact thing to me. We are both 39 and have 4 beautiful children. I’m so hurt right now. This pain is unbearable.

  • Sylvana

    October 3rd, 2014 at 9:15 PM

    It’s been 4 years since my divorce my husband remarried 8 months after our divorce was finalized. The pain and hurt is still her after 4 years. I am very depressed I feel I will never find love again. This pain I will really like to end I don’t feel attractive. I sometime find myself praying that my ex husband would come back to me.I really need help

  • Shiva

    October 5th, 2014 at 7:56 PM

    For me, it’s been 3 years And yet I could not even bear with the painful feeling. All I can do just give my self a little bit of patience And focus on the here and now, I have less time to think about the past.

    When the past memories creep into your consciousness (as they are bound to do from time to time), acknowledge them for a moment. And then bring yourself gently back into the present moment. Some people find it easier to do this with a conscious cue, such as saying to yourself, “It’s alright. That was the past, and now I’m focused on my own happiness and doing _______________.”

  • Cris

    October 13th, 2014 at 2:36 PM

    It hurts so badly to be discarded by my husband of 12 yrs (together for 17). I feel like I can’t go on and time is not healing. The loss of time with my 3 children is devastating, as are all the lost hopes and dreams for us as a family. My husband says he is still attracted to me but our marriage just wasn’t working for him. Wtf? He wants a divorce and I’m too over whelmed to face that reality and the finality of it all. It’s unfair to be in this position. How can someone be so selfish as to destroy 4 lives for his own benefit? He doesn’t have anyone else and seems to just want freedom. I’m trying to take it minute by minute.

  • Cami

    October 18th, 2014 at 6:40 PM

    Cris, I am in the almost exact same situation as you. Been married 13 years with 3 kids and my husband has told me the same thing and I have the same feelings you do. Where does he get off thinking that this family is an option and that he can just toss us to the side because he has decided he doesn’t want to try to make this marriage work? How can someone be so selfish and cause so much pain to me and our 3 kids when we have done nothing but love and support him over the years? It’s devestating and I’m so fearful of the long term damage a divorce will do to these kids.

  • Geoff

    October 21st, 2014 at 1:59 PM

    I am the guy doing exactly what is happening to you. I feel incredibly guilty. My wife is great – but – we have grown so far apart of 20 years it is really just become a series of tasks. Sex is non-existent, although we are both generally attractive. We both failed to fight for this. I am moving out next week.
    There is no easy way to do this – but honestly I just want to be alone and participate as much as I can in my kids lives. I would take a bullet for all of them (wife included) but I am just not happy anymore and can’t believe I am doing this.

  • Melvin M.

    May 17th, 2015 at 9:54 PM

    Dude I am going through this exact same situation but its been moe like 6 years. I feel horrible but the feeling isn’t the same anymore. I’m tiref of arguing in front of my kids….it’s the worst.

  • Sarah Hurley

    November 9th, 2014 at 8:35 AM

    I have just separated from my husband and it seems we are on an unstoppable route to divorce. It was my decision to separate, he has drug and mental issues that I couldn’t live with any more due to the level of pain, unhappiness and dysfunction they were creating. I feel like a piece of utter s**t for leaving him when he is clearly in pain, but i tried everything i could to get him to get help, and he point blank refuses. I never wanted any of this. I left because I felt I had no choice, and i hoped that some time and space apart would help us to figure out a way forward. I never wanted a divorce, that has all come from him as he is so full of rage and hurt towards me for leaving. I feel utterly bereft, broken and desolate. I love him so much, he is my soul mate and I can’t imagine ever feeling happy or even normal without him. I keep reading people saying that they have never got over their divorce, and I cannot bear to live the rest of my life feeling like this. I don’t want to go back into a dysfunctional, unhappy marriage, but that option feels better to me right now than divorcing. Every possible option is a painful, awful one. I don’t know what to do.

  • Amy

    December 24th, 2019 at 6:20 AM

    I am sorry you are going through this. Don’t go back to him. Please get help yourself so you can move forward. I know it’s hard but it will be for the best for everyone. Trust yourself and love yourself. Once you do that everything else will come. Believe!

  • Sandy

    November 10th, 2014 at 8:11 PM

    I must be different then most people here because I found divorce to be incredibly freeing. Married to a real jerk who was very abusive and sneaking around with other women, I prayed to God every day to save my marriage. I pleaded with my spouse to treat me right but he was a jerk from the start and I was just in denial. I was a virgin when I married him so due to my religious beliefs I was very confused since I was indoctrinated to believe that God would bless me for saving myself and I also had a baby boy who’s dad was not at all being a responsible father. As time went by, because he knew of my good Christian beliefs and refusal to leave him, he thought that I was just a rug to be kicked around and walked on and cheated on and he could still come home expecting a nice hot dinner and comfy home and sex.
    Then one day after praying I had a very strong revelation. In the Bible 8 always thought I couldn’t get a divorce…but my pastor pointed out to me “except for marital unfaithfulness”. (Which is not merely sexual unfaithfulness but emotional and or physical abuse… And since I had tried for so long and he treated me so terribly …I WOKE UP.
    Once this happened I came to my senses and stopped feeling sorry for myself. Marriage is supposed to two people who love each other working and playing together and being lovers and best friends. If this stops happening and your husband becomes very unresponsive and turns emotionally cruel and doesn’t want you anymore NO AMOUNT if whining and crying and throwing a guilt trip at them or telling them they are wrong for what they are doing is going to help you one bit. Do you want a lover or a damn prisoner! NO WONDER THEY LEFT!

    Move on! Move forward! Get a life! Get over it! Stop wallowing in “feel sorry for myself land”. Face it. He doesn’t want you anymore or he’s a jerk! This is terrible for the kids! Who’s kidding who?

    All my clinging to the hopes he was ever going to straighten up were a waste of my time and precious energy. Once I left him and took my son, he got his girlfriend pregnant and to tell the truth I was actually grateful. because he was such a selfish and cruel man that now I knew he’d be preoccupied elsewhere.
    After the divorce I never saw him again and he abandoned our son. My son grew up without a dad for many years…grew up without a total abusive jerk as a dad. (Who later also abandoned his second wife and kids).

    My son grew up to be a wonderful, handsome and successful man. My ex never paid child support or sent him a single birthday card ever. My son says he is very grateful that I left any man who would do that. My son is a very happy man with a beautiful fiancé now.

    Why do you want these men? Why do you cling to the past, kids or no kids. When. Relationship disintegrates it happens for a reason. Many times women neglect their husbands until they drift off to another woman and then thy blame everyone else. Or in my case, you try everything to hold on to someone who’s not worth it.

    If you got a dud, move on! Live! Let go of the past. (Throwing your angry bible at the man who left you to try to guilt him back isn’t love! It’s stupid! Love is kind. Love is not envious. Love is gentle…love is something beautiful and that’s want we have to be to be happy and to attract true love.

    Many many years later I have found someone who really adores me for me. He was also cheated and emotionally abused by a spouse.
    He also has kids and guess what…kids don’t have to be ruined by divorce! It’s our bitterness that hurts them. Our refusal to accept change and move forward and make the very best of life.
    Life is short! You can’t make a man stay with you by begging and pleading or getting bitter and trying to guilt trip him into seeing what a sinner he is for leaving.
    Let him to. Don’t interfere when he comes to visit the kids. Get help for yourself and maybe you’ll save your marriage by acting like a grownup. Maybe he’ll fall in love with your willingness to change or maybe you’ll both part ways even if you don’t want to but later find there is a better love you never even imagined who actually likes you. Maybe you’ll realize you like living alone…there are endless possibilities.

    Life isn’t destroyed by divorce. It’s a temporary situation and it’s hey painful but if someone is so unhappy they want to leave you there is nothing right you can do to hold onto them and please don’t hurt your kids by using them to punish your ex. You are only being cruel to them when you do that.
    Move on. It’s healthy and it gets better.
    Trust me.

  • lorrie h.

    January 18th, 2015 at 11:59 AM

    Wow!!! I’m in awe of Sandy’s comment. I TRULY NEEDED THIS!!!! I’ve been doing everything to save my marriage no matter my agonizing pain of despair and heartache. you see in October of 2014 my husband left me without a word took everything the car the money everything and left me with nothing but the why question I could not wrap my mind around it well then one day he got a hold of me and wanted to reconcile now he lives in another state which is Oklahoma so I agreed to that and I was getting ready to come down there at to him to throw me away again kick me to the curb whatever so I actually live it all over again so I am actually started doing all the therapy and self-help things I could do to save my marriage because I feel like I love him and I did not want to go against God I do not want to go against God but this man tells me its always my fault and he never accept responsibility for anything so I thank you for this and I’m not trying to say that its only his fault I mean I’ve had a trying life I was molested as a young girl by a grown man I was abducted when I was 11 walking home from school I was in a very severely abusive marriage for 10 years I I buried a son, and when I was 26 I was abducted raped beaten and stabbed and left to die and I have survived all of that but for some reason I cannot seem to get out of this severe depression this time and I don’t leave my home I don’t leave my room I cry constantly , cannot work and beg God to take my pain I’m just desperate I don’t know I don’t know what to do. I’ve only been married to the man a year. I’ve always been so happy during all my trials and tribulations in life and I have found the blessing in all of it and I know that there is a blessing to come of this I just don’t know how to let go of this man one of my children came to me and took me by the shoulders and told me to snap out of it that this man is aging me and making me miserable… at once when I met him he didn’t work he hasn’t worked our entire relationship so I asked him why he left me how you could do that and he said he want to better himself so he says that he recently he’s been working last 2 months and that he is found Jesus so I guess I’m a little bit upset I was sad that I wasn’t worth all of that but and I know I need out of this I thank you,thank you very much I needed to hear this. I’m hoping that if I just keep reading your words that it will come and I can get that through my head because I’m educated im above average looking very strong at one time.

  • kathleen

    November 10th, 2015 at 12:31 PM

    Best comment ever. very empowering and focuse! Thanks. Similar to my story.

  • S. S.

    February 19th, 2015 at 9:38 AM

    Last October my same-sex partner of 19 years informed me that he no longer wanted to continue in our relationship. He no longer saw me as his future life partner. He felt that the love connection was lost and that now we simply coexisted as friends. Despite several pleadings and one begging for reconciliation, he was resolute that we should separate. I didn’t see any of this coming and was in complete despair over the “hit and run” separation executed by my partner, a psychiatrist.

    It is now 4 1/2 months later. The denial/disbelief is over, the anger is over, the crying is over. Yet there are still days when a piercing pain penetrates through me. I am left without a home (I’ve left him) and have ended a number of friendships with people who continue to support him.

    I can forgive his decision to end our relationship. I can forgive his affair. I can forgive the fact that he conducted the affair in our family home. I can forgive the fact that he gave his heart to someone else. But I am finding his duplicity – the fact that he started a new life while still in our relationship – unforgivable.

    How can I get over his duplicity? My ex is already involved in a realationship he began two months after dumping me, while I am still picking up the pieces of my life. How is it that he could easily leave a 19 year relationship while I am finding it so difficult to let go? It seems that there is no justice in my circumstance.

  • Susan

    March 7th, 2015 at 1:14 AM

    I’m divorcing my husband of 27 years. Four years ago he tried to kill me in a jet ski accident, broke my bones but failed. He said it was an accident but never apologized. Sinister ! I can’t wrap my head around why he wanted to kill me? Money? Affair? He has since sabotaged my life and undermined me with our children! I feel like I married Dr. Jekyll and ended up with Mr. Hyde!!! Truly a nightmare! I pray for answers… There’s none….

  • Joe p

    March 13th, 2015 at 5:32 PM

    After reading all the different comments I realize every situation is different and grants different opinions. My wife and I have been together for almost 10 years. Married for 9 of those. We started out in a drug Infested life trying to save one another. Ended up getting very involved In her fathers church and getting totally sober for 8 years. We have had a lot of horrible fights and hurts towards one another. And we always picked up and moved on. With 2 kids involved that were my stepsons , I found good reason to fight for us everything. They had a bad start at life. 3 yrs ago my wife cheated on me with a dear friend of mine in the church. Totally crushed me spiritually and emotionally. I gave us another chance. One last chance I told my self. And we moved forward and ended up buying a home and started building a new life. All this while still no real apology of the cheating. Although life looked and seemed great because of our accomplishments , I still have never gotten over the hurt and trust issues generated. In the past 8 months I caught her in many lies and a lot of communication with different men. Obviously furthering my trust issues. She had never been an affectionate person and that has been a struggle since day one. I finally made a decision last week that enough is enough and making the choice to stay in this marriage for my stepsons and her well being was not fair anymore with the pain and loneliness I deal with on a daily basis. I love her more then I’ve ever loved anyone in my life. And to think of life changing scares me to death and hurts so bad. But I feel this is the only option anymore. And honestly I feel like a horrible person for making a decision to try and find a way to be happy in life. Divorce has to be one of the most difficult things I’ve ever experienced. Probably worst then death of a loved one. Once they are gone you do not see them anymore. In the case of divorce you still see them and feel the connection. Agghhhhh this is messed up

  • Vaneshia E

    May 9th, 2015 at 3:29 PM

    Praying for you. I know exactly how you feel.

  • Chaney

    April 17th, 2015 at 4:52 AM

    My ex husband came home one day and over his birthday dinner his exact words were “I’ve found my out”. That was back in Oct 2011 in front of our 5 year old.
    I did literally fall off my chair, My heart physically broke in front of him. It was painful, I lost 45lbs in 2 months. I found out he had been having an emotional affair for 3 years previously with a work colleague.
    He met someone only 3 months later, he filed for divorce, they are now married But no matter what I do to move on – I’ve tried going out on dates, getting a catholic annulment, trying new hobbies, travelling – the unconditional love is still there, my broken heart is still broken. I love him terribly and miss him so. I still cry every week. And would gladly welcome him home to be a family again after all this time :'(

  • Joe38

    April 23rd, 2015 at 5:12 AM

    I know what you mean by unconditional. This sounds a lot like me, although my experience is recent. My wife had an emotional affair with our crossfit instructor, and has left me for him. Divorce final yesterday. I also want to pursue a catholic annulment. I don’t feel as though I will bounce back anytime soon, although I’d like to. We have two sweet little daughters. I’m so heartbroken. Trying my best.

  • Rafeal

    July 8th, 2015 at 9:56 PM

    Sorry to hear about your sad predicament. I feel nowadays no human being is worthy of true love. Forget about that b****** and move on. And never love anyone truly again. Work on yourself and find another guy who’s way better than him… and on this occasion, treat him like s***; believe me, he’ll always wiggle his tale like a dog. Keep him like that. He’ll remain your obedient, subservient slave. Remember again: no Human being deserves true love these days.

  • taku

    September 2nd, 2015 at 9:27 AM

    I totally agree with you…they is nomore true love out there..I do not know what is left for us

  • Susan

    April 24th, 2015 at 6:14 AM

    Yes you worded that well! In my case my soon to be ex husband ‘knows’ he abruptly took that ‘safety’ away and revels in my pain :(

  • J

    May 5th, 2015 at 1:18 AM

    I feel very lost and very broken…not because he left me but because I had to take my my kids and leave him.I have endured so much pain from him yet my heart was still so willing to fight for what I desperately wanted…and that was my family. I’ve learned that I cannot make a man cherish/love me, nor will he honor and respect a marriage if he just simply has no desire to b married. I held on to the belief that we could b fixed if he truly surrendered himself to God so that he could b shown how to b the leader of his home…but again u cannot make anyone want something for themselves when they see no need to have it. There have been years of lies, emotional infidelity, porn addiction, deceit and broken trust…and complete refusal to ever take ownership and fix the aspects of the relationship he broke. Manipulation was rampant, and he would sing his sad sob story to anyone that would listen. I was expected to just let him do what he wanted whenever he wanted and not ever question him about it. I got to a point of just being tired…I’m carrying our 3rd child together and he has completely let me do it alone which has been so painful… Im his wife, how am I being treated like a random person he got pregnant? My children hurt because of the brokeness but I had no other choice but to remove myself from a situation that was sucking the life from me. I just don’t understand y my being gone hurts even more now. He does not communicate with me, and has completely tossed me to the side while he lives life freely. It hurts to see him prosper while I suffer…to see him not even phased when I’m so broken.I thought I was a good wife, I thought I was someone worth having and keeping by his side. I loved him to no end and still do, completely faithful to him and our family and gave him as many chances as he needed to finally get it together… He just didnt see us as worth it. In spite of all he’s done, the devastation hits like bricks at knowing I’m losing my dream of a family, especially when I’m giving birth in a matter of days. Please pray for me and my children as I will have to navigate this road alone and I’m terrified. I got married to have “forever”…and I’m so angry that he made the choice for both of us to so selfishly cut that short and think nothing of it.

  • Vaneshia E

    May 9th, 2015 at 3:25 PM

    I’m praying for you!! I cried reading while reading this because this exactly where I’m at right now. Some days the pain is unbearable but I know I did the right thing by leaving. I thought marriage was forever but I found out differently. God will see us through. Keep the faith

  • Nisha

    May 24th, 2015 at 10:29 PM

    I feel your pain, i am going through exactly what you going through. Been six months since divorce, my baby was a 1yr old at the time we divorced and 2 days after leaving home my husband starting dating my best friend. I have so many unanswered questions, were they seeing each other while I was still married but he refuses to talk to me. He spoils her rotten while I can barely manage a meal a day, I was a dedicated house wife for 12 years and now can’t find a job and he refuses to help except pathetic maintenance that he pays. My child of 5 supposed to be in Gr R and she can’t attend school, can’t afford it. I can’t stop hurting and worrying how to get around this situation. Im sorry for what you going through and pray that we will have the courage live, love and be happy again.

  • Susan

    May 26th, 2015 at 6:43 PM

    Hi Nisha! You have a very sad story too! It must be difficult with a child to take care of. Would you like to email me. We can be friends:) I am on Facebook too. Let me know. God Bless.

  • Salman

    May 10th, 2015 at 5:10 PM

    Hi since everyine is spilling their guts I figured i would too . Was married for 15 years. Loved my wife and pretty sure she loved me. Have two kids and a good job as well as her. We have zero financial problems (although I could have been less of a cheap ass) but could have given her more of the lifestyles of the rich and famous. I smoke pot every day at night after the kids are asleep and had kept that hidden the whole time. As soon as she found out she tried to get me to stop but I didnt. You know the rest of the story. I feel like a complete failure even though financially I am not . I pay her like $2000 month in child support just so you know I’m not a scumbag . I don’t care about money or material things and because of those tendencies people (my family especially ) make me feel like a failure.

    I don’t know how I’m supposed to live the rest of my life now without the woman that I love. I’m hurting real bad .

    Middle aged and scared in Miami

  • Melvin M.

    May 17th, 2015 at 9:39 PM

    We should get together and smoke and talk about this because this is the most emotionally dark thing I’ve ever had to experience.

  • Syed

    May 18th, 2015 at 9:05 AM

    Yea dude anytime. I am sure it will help both of us.

  • Lisa

    May 26th, 2015 at 8:29 AM

    A year ago my husband came home in a weird mood. I asked what was wrong…he said we would talk later, after the kids were asleep. After bedtime we were watching TV and I asked if he wanted to talk. He said we needed to move (buy a new house) because there were too many “bugs” and we needed to start over. I was confused and asked him to elaborate. He got an “emergency” call from work and had to leave (at 10pm). While he was gone I sent him a text asking if he was cheating on me (not even sure what made me ask). He replied “Emotionally, not physically” and said he’d be right home.

    In the 24 hours after that he admitted to “talking to/seeing” a girl that works for him. He and I were 34, the girl was 22. He said they’d been talking for a few months, and he was in love with her. He said he loved me, but felt like he would be “jipping himself” if he didn’t see where things went with her. He admitted later to sleeping with her. I begged him to stay…to try to work it out. Admitted where I failed as a wife, and told him I knew I could do better…and believed he could too. He told me he loved me, but felt like he had to go. He moved out, into an apartment around the corner from our house. She moved into his apartment building a week or two later (not his apartment, but in the building). I tried everything I could to convince him not to move forward, but he did anyway. I maintained a friendly relationship with him (even though it was killing me).

    I filed for divorce and asked him (many times) if he was sure this is what he wanted. He said yes. Fast forward a few months…the girl is no longer part of his life and he wants to come home. Says he was never truly in love with her, and realizes now what a mistake he made. He loves me more than anything in the world, and wants me to believe we could be even better than our best before the affair. I said no.

    He’s relentless now. Threatening to cut off child support if I don’t let him come home. Threatening to hurt any man who comes near me. Telling our children that I’m the reason he can’t come home. All peppered with “I love you, I miss you, you’re the woman I want/need, I’ve changed, it will be better”. Kindness, then bullying. Love, then hate. It’s so emotionally traumatic for so many reasons.

    I can’t continue to let him torment me, but I know as soon as I stop being kind he’s going to make me his enemy and try to destroy any happiness I find. He created this mess, and he keeps acting like its my fault. I don’t want to be enemies…and I don’t want to be his wife…I’m damned no matter what! – Feeling so hopeless!

  • The GoodTherapy.org Team

    May 26th, 2015 at 9:22 AM

    Thank you for your comment, Lisa. We wanted to provide links to some resources that may be relevant to you here. We have more information about emotional abuse at https://www.goodtherapy.org/therapy-for-emotional-abuse.html and additional information about what to do in a crisis at https://www.goodtherapy.org/in-crisis.html

    Warm regards,
    The GoodTherapy.org Team

  • Syed

    May 26th, 2015 at 10:40 AM

    Don’t show any signs of weakness. File a restraining order against him. Afterwards, explain to him that if he stops the child support you will have him put in jail.

    Make sure he knows you mean business and that you won’t be taking any threats lightly.

    Hope that helps.

  • Alberta K

    June 1st, 2015 at 11:10 AM

    It really is nearly unattainable to encounter well-advised americans on this theme, then again you seem like you fully grasp those things you’re revealing! Cheers

  • Colette

    July 10th, 2015 at 11:45 AM

    I am a 56 year old who was divorced 4 years ago after 31 years of marriage. My marriage was difficult, I was lonely, my former husband is a bit of a bore; but I had supported his professional pursuits which included obtaining a PhD, and several false starts in his career, we enjoyed our sexual interactions, he is smart and handsome, and I truly believed that loves wins. I went to therapy to work on ‘my’ unhappiness, yadda yadda. Well, when he left me for a younger woman and just before his career took off, I can tell you my entire sense of purpose vanished. I do not know what to do with the fury, and resentment. I know that it does me no good to hold onto to these emotions, but there does not seem to be any bottom to the well of disappointment. I can’t focus on myself, live in terror about my future, and resent all the platitudes about the great adventure that lies ahead. Men my age want to date women in their 30’s. My professional life is in flux, I have no big shot resume, having worked in a service industry to support my family while my husband found his feet. I just cannot believe I did the traditional wife thing. I have a mind, but it was eclipsed my fantasies of happy ever after.
    The next divorced man with a young woman on his arm who suggest this is a great opportunity is risking his life.
    OK. Yes, it is about attachment. My early childhood relations were not supportive. Knowing all that I know about my human foibles, and living in a middle aged body leave me pretty certain there is no golden path awaiting me.
    But it did feeling really good to vent just now. Thanks for that.

  • Johnathan

    July 17th, 2015 at 5:04 PM

    I got married in June of 2013 and in October of that same year my wife put me out and said she wanted a divorce. The reason she said at our divorce hearing in March of 2014 in a room full of complete strangers was immaturity. Two years later I still haven’t gotten over it and don’t ever know if I will. That was the hardest time of my life. I had taken on two jobs during our marriage and I ended up leaving one to go back to school only to lose the other one a week or so later and that same day she put me out. I had no where to go and if it hadn’t been for my parents then I would have been sleeping in my car. I did all I could to save my marriage but it was like she was a different person. To this day I remember everything she said to me and I can’t forget it. I remember she told me that I wasn’t worth fighting for and a few days later I tried to take my own life because it hurt that much to have someone who you said something as sacred as your vows to treat you like that. I’m a fairly handsome young man but the thought of trying again is hard for me. I have friends who have told me that I did all I could do to save my marriage so I can’t feel bad but if that was the result then what faith do I have in trying again. I forgave my ex but I’m messed up on the inside. I can’t say I remember the last time I was happy since then. I honestly don’t know what to do because most days I just want release from the pain. Not suicide but just fast forward to the day when all of this makes sense or it no longer hurts or both.

  • do it your self divorce in alberta

    July 27th, 2015 at 1:44 PM

    Divorce is really an painful and difficult process.

  • Katie m.

    August 13th, 2015 at 10:54 AM

    It’s been 6 yrs since my divorce after 29 yrs of marriage. I was absolutely devastated and still am heartbroken. I just cannot believe that my ex feels nothing about me or the past we had together. He remarried his high school sweetheart and totally ignores me. When I reacted in anger and emailed him he went to the police saying I was threatening his new wife. How can he just walk away with no regrets or remorse?

  • Susan

    August 13th, 2015 at 2:41 PM

    I feel for you Katie. It’s heart wrenching. I’m going through a similar break up too. Mine was 28 years total, seperated for 1 year now. He was cheating also but with more than one I believe. My story is sad and bizarre.. but I really feel for you. Oh Katie I hope God looks on you with great compassion and mercy and convicts your husband to return to you. The bible says we are to be married for life! Till death do us part! The betrayal hurts after being married for sooooo long. I’m going to pray for you Katie. Hugs.

  • Jackie

    September 6th, 2015 at 4:12 PM

    He left me after 16 years of a chaotic marriage he broke off all contact. 16 years and he doesn’t care whether I live or die. How is that possible?

  • GoodTherapy Admin

    September 6th, 2015 at 9:13 PM

    Thank you for your comment, Jackie. We wanted to provide links to some resources that may be relevant to you here. We have more information about what to do in a crisis at https://www.goodtherapy.org/in-crisis.html

    Warm regards,
    The GoodTherapy.org Team

  • Lisa

    September 22nd, 2015 at 2:53 PM

    We’ve been married for 23 years. The past 2 years we were just holding on. We decided to divorce. We both know it’s the best thing for us, so why does it hurt so damn bad? I have anxiety so bad that it turns into full panic. I don’t understand it. I thought I had forgiven him all his wrongs

  • Mimi

    September 27th, 2015 at 6:42 PM

    Enjoy reading that I am not alone

  • Shikha

    October 9th, 2015 at 6:35 AM


    I searched for this website since I was feeling bad as we are filling for divorce next week.
    It just doesn’t stop hurting. Why do I feel like a loser when my rational mind knows its for good. We had a bad marriage. I am a victim of severe domestic violence and had mental and psychological effects due to that kind of behaviour. Several times I thought to myself that I didn’t deserve this treatment but did everything to mke the marriage work because I felt I loved him. I could feel the feelings of love for him were leaving my body. I didn’t say anything to him but I couldn’t feel the same way. I was depressed but didn’t say a word to anyone for the sake of my marriage and a feeling that Its my duty to protect him. All aspects of this marriage feel wrong, I didn’t follow my career. I have been emotionally manipulated by in-laws and husband. On top of it, I feel I am more sensitive than normal people. So, all in all it was bad. 2 yrs back, he fell for someone, both made plans, she divorced her husband and my husband left our house. I have been fighting him in the court for 2 yrs thinking once he gets back to his senses he will realise what’s he doing but nothing at all happened. So,I said let’s file for consent at least save the energy that’s going on running for justice and lawyers and being let down.even after all this, he seems to have a good job, he just moved on from me to her, his family seems to be okay with him.his mother and his sister were involved from the very beginning. They were okay with

  • Shikha

    October 9th, 2015 at 6:43 AM

    Sorry didn’t complete the earlier post.

    They were okay with his son dating someone else while their daughter in law is sitting at home.

    Why do I still feel bad? It should feel good to get rid of some many problems. Get rid of a guy who says he loves me but would not think twice before bearing me to death. Why do I feel this loss? Why does it seem like he has everything but I dont

  • ss

    October 19th, 2015 at 2:27 AM

    My 55 year old husband left 5 years ago because he was having an affair with a 17 year old child, however he still tried to string me along with the reconciliation theory. She had his nose open so wide a mac truck could make a uturn in one nostal. He wanted me to continue to handle his business affair he had no knowledge how to handle, meanwhile treating me very bitter, in the beginning, hoping the reconciliation would happen but he continued to stomp on my love, I got to th. point that i would tell him i did not know how to do things with the comment, ” ask her, maybe she might know, oh I forgot sshe’s young and dumb and don’t know nothing about life yet”. That stopped that. He became so confident in his affair with her and telling me his reconciliation lie, he told me how he was having his cake and eating it too. How he is taking care of her, not me of course. She became pregnant, of course he denied the baby is not his. Finally iI told him he can have his cake and eat it too but I was not going to be a part of it. He showed me what he wanted and it would be best if we cut all ties, i won’t call you any more, don’t call me. Dont talk about reconciliation to me any more. I changed my phone numbers. That was 2012. 2013 he filed for divorce meanwhile he got my family involved, I asked my family to stay out of it but being the noisey people they are they won’t. After a 1 1/2 years of no communication wit. him family calls tells me to call my husbnd cause it is urgent. When I call, he’s yelling and screamimg telling me to cut him loose, let him be, stop trying to hold on to him. I hung up. My family tried twice after. I did not respond to his madness. 2014 my husband puts a note on my car asking me to call, it was important and he would pay me 500 dollars. 3 days later my son died. He tried to use my son’s death as a way to walk back in the door. My family all in my case about not calling him, how I shouldn’t act like that,etc. He have them caught up in the reconciliation lie but he never told them he filed for divorce. After the burial of my son, I cut my family off. He tried to contact me on facebook, I blovked him. He wanted to give me extra money. ( by then I was recieving close to 800 dollars spousal support) I do not want any part of nything outside the courts, this way the communication lines remain close. I have changed my phone number 8 times. The last time 2weeks ago. My family and whatever friends he could recruit are too busy telling the baby isn’t his, she was just a piece of a#%, he didn’t know how old she was, all kinds of stuff except tbe truth. Before he left he had just got out of the hospital because he suffers with blood clots and is on a lot of blood thinners and high blood meds. Both his legs had clots and he had two iv bags with 2 different blood thinners in each leg. He almost died but he wanted what he wanted. He hs been in the hospital twice for the same surgery since he left. Word is he is really sick now and is constantly trying agitate my world. My uncle and I just had an arguement about him cause my uncle is on his side. This was two months ago. He bought a 2015 suv in March then lost his job in April. He refused to sign the divorce papers every time we went t. court. We go back in Dec to sign. I love my husband but it was too much drama being married to him. His family is troublemakers and liars, his infidelity, lies and emotional abuse is enough to last a lifetime. Enough is enough. Seeing him is ooverwhelming but I can’t wrap my head around his affair with a child.

  • Sue

    October 19th, 2015 at 9:51 AM

    Sounds like the narcissist I married. Sorry you were betrayed. I was too. 27 years! Can’t believe it. Move on sweetie :)

  • Rebecca

    October 21st, 2015 at 4:23 PM

    I am married to a narcissist right now and we are talking about divorce. I’m so heart broken becuase I love him so much. But it hurts worst walking on egg shells, always being the problem, always wrong and no compromise. We have been married 6 years and my heart says Rebecca stop working your dream job so you can be home every night and make all these changes to save this but my head says stop it….if he loved you he would support you and would be open to compromise….. Who am I fooling be will never change. A narcissist doesn’t know change

  • Amy

    December 24th, 2019 at 6:13 AM

    I am married to a narcissist for 28 years and finally filed for divorce. I know this is the right thing to do and I have no doubts doing it. It has been 11 months since we have separated and I am still struggling. I have no desire to get back with him. However I am still surprised at the pain and I wonder if it will ever go away. I am in therapy, have a great job, friends, and family and yet I continue to struggle. I just want to know that there is happiness in my futile because I don’t see it right now.

  • B

    October 27th, 2015 at 6:34 AM

    My husband left me on April 28th of this year. When he first left he said divorce wasn’t an option but a month later he said he wanted a divorce because he was no longer in love with me. We have been married for 16 years (together for 23). He has been gone for 5 months and he never asks how I am doing. He filed for divorce and said that he doesn’t want to be married because he is unhappy. I asked why he is unhappy and he said because he doesn’t want to be married. It just keeps going in circles. He can never give me a definite answer why and he says he is tired of talking about it. I am seeing a therapist but most days are a struggle. I am living in the house and he moved closer to his work. I just can’t believe that his feelings for me could change in a month. June 17th was the last day he told me he loved me then BAM everything changed. He said that there is no one and his therapist couldn’t believe there wasn’t someone. His therapist also said this all could have been avoided if he would have talked to me. He told me that he had been lying to me for a year about working late. He had joined a pool and dart league. I asked why he lied he said because I would not have let him join. I have let this man do whatever he wanted and when I did voice my concerns he would pout like a child. I knew when I married him that he was selfish but this really goes beyond. I think it is a Mid-Life Crisis but he says no that it has to do with Age and Opportunity. HELLO!!! That is a what Mid Life Crisis means. He tells me he is happy and comfortable with his life now and he will not reconsider divorce. I just don’t understand how he can just turn off his emotions and feelings for me. When he came back to get his the rest of his clothes, he said he threw up twice before he got to the house. I am sorry but if you are having that much anxiety over telling someone you want out then you are not dealing with your true feelings. I pray to god every night to help him change his mind and pull his head out of his a**. My therapist says he is going to regret his rash decision and the fact that he shut off his emotion and feelings for me. In 2011, we went and got a dog that he wanted but he wants nothing to do with her even though it is his dog. He has no responsibilities and just wants to do what he wants to do when he wants do it. Just last February he bought me a new diamond ring wedding band set, I asked him when he was leaving why would you do that if you were so miserable in this marriage, he couldn’t answer me. We went on a vacation to Vegas the fall of that year and he acted like everything was fine. We has sex in Vegas but he wasn’t in love with me or attracted to me according to him. I don’t get it and it hurts. I have done nothing but put myself down over this even though he said it is all him. I hope that he is devastated during the holidays and he realize the mistake he is making. I know I shouldn’t hold my hand on mu butt for that but one can only hope. I am also tired of being hopeful because it just seems that it is never going to happen. Thanks so much for letting me share. DIVORCE HURTS! Marriage doesn’t mean what it used to and that is a damn shame.

  • Worzel

    November 10th, 2015 at 10:09 PM

    @ B

    Maybe he knew you would never accept his reasons for wanting a divorce–that his reasons would be marginalized, denied, or criticized if he told you any details.

    It is actually best to avoid giving detailed explanations and reasoning when ending a relationship with someone. The details no longer matter at that point and the ex will only use them to draw you into an argument where their main objective is to tell you you are wrong and make you feel guilty for leaving them. It is better to wait until they have emotionally come to terms with the ending of the relationship before discussing the reasoning behind the choice.

    Some people who initiate their divorce were unhappy for a long time before they had the courage to make it a reality. It’s not a decision they made lightly. They might have had moments when they seemed happy during the time before they ended the relationship; it’s just that a few good moments of happiness or hope that things will be different don’t make up for a relationship you feel unhappy in majority of the time.

    The bottom line is, he is happier on his own now.
    You must accept that no matter how much you are hurting.

  • Justine

    December 23rd, 2015 at 11:42 AM

    I am going through exactly the same as your situation. Married for 15 years, we had a row via text in September, he left to live with his mother. He told me the next day that he has fallen out of love with me, don’t see me as his wife any more, he started divorce the next day!
    His feelings have completely vanished into thin air, he’s gone from being such a loving husband (or so I thought) to being a hateful.
    He swears there is no one else involved & I actually believe him.
    He has said some horrible nasty things to me including that he’s never loved me or found me sexually attractive. He’s either a very good liar or narcissistic?
    I’m going with the narcissistic option because looking back I was always walking on egg shells scared of upsetting him, he would manipulate me in such a way, I never noticed until now. He turned family against me (triangulation).
    The reasons he’s divorcing me is for calling him names? I now see it was because he would light my fuse & watch me explode (gas lighting).
    Even tho I now realise he is narcissistic, it still hurts like hell. How can these men have no compassion or empathy. He even seems to enjoy watching my hurt & pain.
    I have now broken all contact, I can’t take any more hurt. Hopefully I will get through this like others have X

  • The GoodTherapy.org Team

    December 23rd, 2015 at 1:45 PM

    Dear Justine,

    Thank you for sharing. We are sorry to hear of the hurt you are experiencing. The GoodTherapy.org Team is not a substitute for professional advice, but we encourage you to reach out. The support of a therapist or counselor can be helpful during the process of a divorce.

    If you would like to obtain a list of mental health professionals in your area, simply enter your ZIP code here:

    Please know you are not alone. Help is available, and we wish you the best of luck in your search.

    Kind regards,
    The GoodTherapy.org Team

  • Josh

    November 9th, 2015 at 6:01 PM

    This is the most unbearable pain I’ve ever been through, my wife of 8 years together 11 who I have 3 children with joined a gym in February and lost about 60 lbs it was something she wanted to do but the beginning of June she said she wanted a divorce out of nowhere. She had told me it was because I worked to much, she loved me but wasn’t in love with me, she felt like we were roomates. I did work a lot but she wanted to be a stay at home mom and I thought that would be best for the kids. It blew me away our relationship was good we had a lot of communication, barely argued and when we did it was not very long nor crazy. We spent time together and we’re good to each other. I tried everything to stay in the house but she told me if I didn’t go she would take the kids and not let me see them which I didn’t understand why she was behaving this way, I left the July 4th weekend when u picked up my kids the told me mommy has a boyfriend at the house it was a personal trainer from the gym. When I left she started working in continued to pay her bills I even gave her a car after she wrecked hers and her boyfriends so she could have transportation but she continued to be more demanding and hostile until in late August I finally told her I can’t afford to keep paying like this I lost everything I have to rebuild everything but she got mad at me for this and now is treating me as though I am a enemy.I don’t understand how someone can be my best friend one day and my worst enemy the next, and yet I’ve still yet to lash out and retaliate , I just can’t hurt or attack someone I love this much.I never could imagine something hurting this bad I just wish it would stop and our family put back together, I can’t stop missing her and my children who fortunately I sent them to stay with her mother to keep them out of this. I miss my family they were my everything. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.

  • ashley

    December 9th, 2015 at 11:27 AM

    Wow i can totally relate. My husband who ive been with for 8 years just left out of the blue. We were buying a house and trying to have a baby and he was genuinely happy. The only signs and warning i had was three days before he left he became withdrawn. When i asked him if he was mad or upset about something he said we needed a break that he didnt know if “all this” (the suburban life, family, ect.) Was what he wanted. I asked if there was anyone else and he said no… a week later i found out he had been texting and calling a girl for the past month before he left. He left Sept. 1st. Since then his lies have gotten out of control. He got a van and stayed in it for a short amount of time but has pretty much lived with this girl in her rv since. In the beginning i spoke to her once and she knew he was married and admitted to flirting with him because she was jealous of us. So after 8 years he left me and his little sister and our animals to be with that. I am beyond devestated and he filed for divoce Nov. 18th. Its like the body snatchers came and invaded him because he is not the man i know and have known for 8 years. This is the hardest thing i have ever been through and i dont know how it will get better. Im so sorrh for everyone going through this situation.

  • Brandi

    December 9th, 2015 at 12:34 PM

    I totally understand how you feel. It does get somewhat better. I have been dealing with this for about 8 months and the divorce he filed will be final by Christmas. Merry Christmas to me!! :-( I am finally realizing that why should I care if he doesn’t but it was a long emotional road. You need to seek therapy that is about the only thing you can do to help yourself with all the emotions.

    Hope things turn around for you.

  • Holly

    December 18th, 2015 at 8:52 AM

    Ashley, I’m feeling the same way. I was married 26 years, thought everything was ok. Then the body snatchers came and blindsided me. I don’t know this person anymore. He’s not the man I fell in love with. Everything went so fast. He has filed for divorce. He moved in with the girlfriend he said he didn’t have. He had everything a man could have had in life, but he got to saying he had nothing. I don’t know what happened. He was my life. I have never lived by myself, and that’s hard for me. All that keeps me going is that one day he will get his. I can’t work so I have no money. He gives me $100.00 a week and enough to pay the bills. He said he was getting a bonus, that he was going to give me half. He’s told so many lies I don’t get my hopes up. I have had to go through our 26 year anniversary, Thanksgiving, my birthday, then there going to be Christmas and New Years. All these holidays don’t help at all. I have a broken heart and should hate him for everything he has done to me. He cheated years ago and we never recovered from that. A hooker. I guess I should have left him then, but I loved him. I tried to trust him, but that was broken. I hope you will feel better soon. It helps to talk about it. Good luck. There is life after divorce. The last time I was married 14 years with a child. And I made it then. I will make it again. Don’t let them win, show them you are strong. I don’t mean don’t cry, crying helps you heal. I could have filled up a lake by now, with all the tears I have shed. Hang in there. I’m 61 years old and have to start again. But life will go on with or without us.

  • Alys

    November 10th, 2015 at 1:00 PM

    Great article!!! Explains my feelings well!

  • Nell

    November 14th, 2015 at 2:49 AM

    I am so depressed and sad and lonely and just feels it better to end it all…if looks like everyone is going on with their lives even my kids

  • Brandi

    November 14th, 2015 at 7:51 PM

    He is not worth ending it all over. You need to see a therapist to work through your feelings. We understand what you are feeling. Your kids need you even if they seemed to have moved on. You are their mom and they love you and couldn’t bear losing you. Please talk to someone, a friend, pastor, a therapist or a divorce group. You need help and I am concerned about you. Please! He doesn’t deserve to win and you are better than he will ever be!

  • Stephen

    December 6th, 2015 at 10:53 AM

    It hurts so bad sometimes I can’t even breathe

  • Judy

    December 8th, 2015 at 12:22 PM

    I can only imagine your pain, and hope you take solace in knowing you are worthwhile and previous. The feelings are valid, but they do not define who you are and will be. Divorce is a loss, and I believe you will discover new strengths with time. The pain is only a part of the package. Allow yourself to become the person you were meant to be. Hugs….

  • gemma

    December 13th, 2015 at 2:41 AM

    Loved the article….14 months on and im still heartbroken and stressed…I left the marrige as id had anoth…lot of issus but since it been not stop emotion had to fight for mine and my sons house back as he wouldnt let me live there..as he would make my life hell…he was dating 1 month after our marriage broke down 12 years we were togethe…five months after has a new partner lock me out or son out of the house so he could let his partner in and n dose everything with her and our son that he never did with me and my son….he knows l loved him but as a couple it couldnt work…iv blocked out alot of the pain but now seems I want to deal with it….

  • WC

    December 16th, 2015 at 6:25 AM

    Wow, I found this article looking for a answer if divorce was really this hard, or where I just weak…reading through the article and comments answered so many questions. We had been married for almost 14 years when I found out he has been cheating with so many women, I think he lost count years ago and that include prostitutes. He wasn’t a good husband to start with, but I kept putting my everything into our marriage believing he can change. It is 7 months now and my family thinks I should have gotten over it already but it still hurts so SO much!!!

  • Andy

    December 20th, 2015 at 1:06 PM

    This is so painful to be tossed to the side like trash and they act like nothing. I hate my life and being away from kids, i hate it all, i hate being alone. At least I have a good job and he appears to want to help out financially, i will be even more devastated if he decides to have a life with the person he was talking to at his job…does time really heal all wounds? Im doubtful

  • Rebecca

    January 3rd, 2016 at 2:24 PM

    It will I promise. It’s going to take time though, and you will have bad and good days. You will eventually realize that the pain is ebbing away.

  • Daniel

    December 20th, 2015 at 5:06 PM

    I am going thru the divorce process (wife filed) after being together for 5.5 years, married for 3.5 years, we have a beautiful 2 year old baby girl, have 2 step girls ages 14 & 12. Living in CA, moved from NY (I am from there), gave up my job, life, friends & family and followed the women and living with in-laws plus all working together just got too much h. Argue, fighting but never curse or physical. All my energy was spent on her kids and our baby girl, I was pretty much taking care of the baby, flexible with job since being in real estate it’s independent. Wife says i didn’t care, no love & took things for granted. I thought taking car of her kids and working would do, I was so exhausted! I am lost, hurts so much, will be moving out soon. Eventually, will move back to NY where I have support system.

  • gry p

    December 22nd, 2015 at 4:55 AM

    I wish to express my appreciation to this writer for rescuing me from this crisis. After researching through the world-wide-web and coming across thoughts which were not beneficial, I figured my entire life was gone. Existing minus the strategies to the difficulties you have resolved by means of your good blog post is a serious case, and ones that could have in a negative way affected my entire career if I hadn’t discovered the website. That skills and kindness in taking care of all the stuff was tremendous. I am not sure what I would have done if I had not discovered such a solution like this. I can at this point look forward to my future. Thanks so much for this impressive and sensible guide. I will not be reluctant to endorse your blog to any person who would like direction on this situation.

  • Bob

    December 28th, 2015 at 10:20 PM

    Been married 32 years since I was 25 years old I’ve been living out of the house for the last four and a half years overall petty stuff. It seems I can never do anything right I can never please my wife I always feel that I’m on the defensive side how is defending my actions yes I so much want a divorce knowing that I’ve been in an abusive relationship yeah I don’t want to leave my wife behind how sad you create such a bond entrust overtime you become numb like an outlet that has been plugged in over the years and then pulled out so sad life has to but we all reap what we sow I wish everyone the best out there keep your head up and be proud of who you are and never give your power away to anyone learn to have the power to be you love you and believe in yourself for you do matter hi love me I care about me and I do matter thank you for this article it’s giving me enlightenment then I want to share my feelings with everyone on this post

  • Rebecca

    January 3rd, 2016 at 2:19 PM

    I was married 10years, was divorced some months ago and I am still grieving. I love him very much, I just couldn’t take being hurt anymore. I am grieving the death of our marriage. I know with time I will feel better, but I don’t quite yet. It’s going to be a long road but it will get better. I have good days and bad days, someday I will have more good days then bad.

  • Damla

    January 6th, 2016 at 9:30 AM

    I am Exactly the same, got divorced 2 months a go after 10 years of marriage. In my case, the reality kicked in hard after 2 months and I can’t stop crying since yesterday. I have no idea why this emotional explosion started after 2 months and I can’t control this pain. I hope I’ll get better soon.

  • The GoodTherapy.org Team

    January 6th, 2016 at 11:42 AM

    Dear Damla,

    If you would like to talk about this or any other concern with a therapist, feel free to return to our homepage, https://www.goodtherapy.org/, and enter your zip code into the search field to find therapists in your area.

    Once you enter your information, you’ll be directed to a list of therapists and counselors who meet your criteria. From this list you can click to view our members’ full profiles and contact the therapists themselves for more information. You are also welcome to call us for assistance finding a therapist. We are in the office Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time; our phone number is 888-563-2112 ext. 1.

    Kind regards,

    The GoodTherapy.org Team

  • Damla

    January 6th, 2016 at 9:31 AM

    And I hope you get better soon too.

  • Ellen

    January 5th, 2016 at 6:45 PM

    I am on the cusp of leaving a marriage of 38 years. I have waited for last to be off to college. He has abused meds and has cheated. His personality changes sometime nice and all is well other times disdainful. I want to leave. I still am taking care of an elderly parent. No chance of work for me, too much bias against a woman like me over 60. It is hard, but when he is gone out of the house the oppression is relieved. The article is right, the trust is gone the hurt dreadful. I may have 20 years of decent living left…. Is it worth the pain of divorce or should I just go??? I don’t know.

  • Jackie

    January 9th, 2016 at 11:16 AM

    Ellen, yes. I am so, sorry. You should go. He has cheated, drug abuse.. I know there must be so many layers as well. I am sure based on your writing that he is not contributing to your relationship and therefore it cannot thrive or be healthy. If you cannot find work, go on assistance but do not stay for that reason. Room with someone, stay with family and contribute to household in other ways, but LEAVE. It is a terrible process to rip from your world but the alternative is 20 more years as you are.

  • Viv

    January 16th, 2016 at 12:53 AM

    I am so sad, for all of these comments are heartbreaking. I wish we could just wave a magic wand to get this pain over and done with. No such magic wand, but hopefully all this suffering won’t be for nothing. There are lessons to be learnt here I am sure of that. For starters, even just reading through the comments helped me feel not so alone. This whole divorce business feels like a very lonely journey. I’m also going through it. Been married for 12 years (together 15), separated about a little over a year ago, however, this is the third time. Each time my husband left me and each time he told me he just wanted to be alone and doesn’t want to be married anymore. He felt he just wasn’t cut out for marriage and that he was unhappy. Each time I took him back, even though the second time around he cheated on me but I forgave him. Though we were never able to restore trust again, not about his infidelity but about the fact that he left me. I just knew, felt that he’ll leave me again as he eventually did. A day after he moved out he already indicated that he felt he may have made a mistake. I told him that i think this was a good decision as we can’t keep living like this,; him moving in and out all the time. The fact that I found some evidence of him possibly cheating on me again didn’t help either. I was devastated. I don’t know what to think anymore. Is he really incapable of marriage, or is it just us that don’t fit? I also think he is unhappy with himself and I can’t make that better. That’s a fight he’ll have to do. At any rate, shortly after he moved out he got a girlfriend and moved in with her. We don’t have any children, but I so desperately wanted at least one. We didn’t seem to be able to have any and when it was time for procedures and some help, he always picked a fight or backed out in different ways. It is for the best now, but here I am just turned 40 and I feel that I wasted all my good years on a man, hoping he’ll change, hoping and praying that he’ll go to therapy. I guess he just didn’t want to change, he didn’t want compromise. I’ve given up so much for him. I left my country, my family, my friends and my job to follow him around while he was building his carrier, I neglected mine by travelling with him. Now I am in a foreign country (though I do have some friends here). I know now all these choices were mine, though I blamed him for a long time and sometimes I still do. I was blinded by love and the belief that if i am a good wife he’ll want to be a good husband. Now I see he didn’t even want to be a husband. We managed to finally buy a house together, but even that was a struggle. He put up such a fight during the process. I clearly see now that this man should not have gotten married and I should have left him years ago no matter how much he begged and promised to change. Promises are cheap, there was never any actions behind those words. I spent many years in therapy during our marriage that helped me endure and work on myself. I thought if I iron out my deficiencies he’ll want to do the same and our marriage will be better. That never happened either, but that is how a co-dependent operates. Anyone who keeps wishing and hoping their life partner change, or after divorce still dreams of their ex returning I recommend looking into co-dependency. There is a reason why you are having a very difficult time letting go and this could be another reason. Me looking at both of our psychological patterns, baggages has helped with the separation and now going through the divorce but it is still a painful process. The past year was hell, especially with discovering more lies, his double life, and him cutting financial support I almost ended up on the street. I wonder who the hell I married. You think you know a person you sleep in one bed with but you don’t. I think we lose our innocence and faith in relationships with the divorce. We grieve so much, not just the marriage but our lost innocence and hope for the future. At any rate, I say even with all my regrets, you know what? I am a better person. I am healthier and I know I’ll chose better the next time around and so will you! Sometimes, it takes a divorce and all that pain and work that comes with it to discover why we chose a mate so bad for us. Then you can use that knowledge to choose better next time! I think the most important thing is to not let your heart harden. You’ll only punish yourself and rob your own future of happiness. You gotta find a way to trust and love again, that should be your revenge, a happy life! That’s how you can show your ex what he/she lost. Anyway, keep your chin up it will get better and better. You’ll be happy again, it will just take some work and self awareness!

  • Slum_beautiful

    January 26th, 2016 at 10:33 PM

    Why does it hurt so bad?? In the beginning stages of divorce and all I do swell up and cry. Truthfully speaking, it has been a rocky road and this decision is for the best, it’s just so hard. My husband treats me like crap and claims he’s being cordial. He’s not. Why is he so mean and uncaring? He just wants to get it over with and be done with me. I believe divorce is natural to him as he’s been married (and divorced) multiple times. He’d rather file than fight for us. I’m unhappy and never thought it it would be so difficult. We’ve been in each other’s lives for nearly 20 yrs and married 10. It feels like death and I don’t like it. I just wish he show some sign of grief or concern.

  • Steve

    February 3rd, 2016 at 4:55 PM

    My wife of 6.5 years left me and our divorce is final. I joined the army to help pay for school, went to Afghanistan and she said I wasn’t the same person anymore. The thing is, she is so emotionally insecure, our relationship was always about her and her feelings. She would blow up for no reason, it got to the point that I was embarrassed to take her places. She graduated from nursing school the same day I got back and ran away and hid in the car when I got off the plane because I hugged my cousin after getting off the plane. Of course I hugged my wife first. Divorce should be liberating, I mean I’m free from her mental abuse, from her calling herself my sugar mama in front of my friends( recently got accepted into a graduate program where I can’t work). She developed a relationship with a married male nurse, we went on couples dates, it turns out those were actually dates between them. He told her he’d do anything with him but leave his wife and daughter, yet she still wanted to be “friends” with him. I’m not sure why I feel so bad, I tried going to counseling and genuinely tried everything I could think of. Yet her leaving me still hurts. Now whe is playing the victim, which I guess is par for the corse for someone with a personality disorder. She hasn’t even talked to me since she left, like I’m some bad guy. But I’m not, she admitted that I spoiled her, that I always put her first. But it still sucks. Logically it shouldn’t, yet it does. I hope I can get past this but the level of emptiness, betrayal and hopelessness absolutely sucks. I can’t say I want her to be happy after the way she handled this, I hope karma gets her and someone she cares about cheats on her and abandons her just like she did to me. I wish I could just move on, but I can’t. This absolutely sucks, she broke my heart and shattered me, I can’t figure out what to do to numb the pain.

  • shola

    February 23rd, 2016 at 3:36 AM

    I have been separated for 4years n it’s was an exhausting journey of pretence of trying to make it work while he was dating. Last week our divorce became final and he came into the country with his mistress of 4 years to marry. I am surprisingly heartbroken because I thought I was over the drama and especially because it was an abusive marriage but yet here I am, confused, heartbroken and almost tempted to call him to know why. Am glad I came here because what sandy wrote made me feel a lot better and am awaken from my deep self pity am in. I clearly probably still love him but for the sake of my 5 years old daughter I will stand and snap out it but I feel like I can’t do it alone.I hope somehow God will help me find a way to forgive and stopwondering why one person can do so much damage to my life.

  • Landon

    March 16th, 2016 at 7:47 PM

    Valuable info. Lucky me I discovered your web site by chance, and I am surprised why this twist of fate didn’t came about earlier! I bookmarked it.

  • patricia

    March 18th, 2016 at 10:19 AM

    My husband left the country we were living in last year cause he kept saying he hated it and wanted to return home. The last year he became worse than ever and finally moved away in february leaving me unemployed with a sick son to deal with everything. He kept telling me it wasn’t us he left it was the country and he wanted the family together but in his home country. So I struggled for months to sell our house cause I was about to lose it to the bank, sold all our belongings, forced my kids to leave the country they had lived in for 13 years to move to be with my husband. Once we got to where my husband is I find out that he had been seeing an old flame ever since he left and in fact he had been having an online affair with her for the last year he was with us. So now not only am I going through the tremendous pain of betrayal but my daughter has gone back to the country we left a year ago together with her daughter, while my sin and i have been left homeless on a Mediterranean island too. I really don’t know if I will ever recover from this and the only thing keeping me going is the hope that I will get my son to england to get specialized treatment for his severe ocd. I have always been a fighter but this has really knocked me back and I am totally devasted.

  • The GoodTherapy.org Team

    March 18th, 2016 at 11:29 AM

    Dear Patricia,

    Thank you for reaching out. The GoodTherapy.org Team is not qualified to offer professional advice, but it might help to talk about this or any other concern with a qualified mental health professional. You can use our site to do an international search for a therapist here: https://www.goodtherapy.org/international-search.html

    We wish you the best of luck in your search.

    Kind regards,

    The GoodTherapy.org Team

  • Maruska

    March 18th, 2016 at 10:31 PM

    I went thru the whole divorce with my husband seemingly well. I understood he wanted out because we did not communicate and gel after the honeymoon stage. But, once the reality hit that he had actually had a girlfriend for years without me knowing, and the great loss of money we both paid for him to have this new relationship, i finally realized what I’d done and what he’d done and was depressed seeming forever. I even lost my job over it. It had devistating and lasting effects on me as I am 60 and realize that being with another man intimately is just not there anymore for my mind. I have also gone thru menopause and it to has caused such uncomfortable side effects that I can tell I will never find nor look for a man. I simply won’t open up to another again this late in my life.

  • Dr. Brosh

    March 20th, 2016 at 6:37 AM

    Maruska – Divorce later in life is so hard, but it’s becoming more and more common. To have spent your life with someone only to find that it won’t last “forever” is devastating. I encourage you to consider that age does not determine a person’s life, nor does having a man, and while there are practical issues that a younger person might not have to deal with, everyone has the opportunity to be happy in the context of their own life. Find role models of older people who have started over at a later age, or who have found themselves facing difficulties in later life. Don’t forget that someone your age could easily lose a spouse to death, and while they wouldn’t have the same type of heartbreak, they would still be facing a life alone.

  • patricia w.

    March 20th, 2016 at 11:06 AM

    I don’t know if it’s the betrayal and the fact he cheated on me or the fact that he lied and let me sell everything to rejoin him when he was already with this woman that hurts the most. Like it’s not bad enough to be cheated on but to be left homeless and penniless on top of it is just too much. I just don’t know where to start cause where we are we don’t have much support if I manage to get to england I am not sure if we would qualify for help strait away and if I go back to the original country I have to face claiming bankruptcy as I could not pay all the debts that had been taken out by both of us during the marraige.

  • Pierre H

    March 22nd, 2016 at 12:39 PM

    Helpful information. Lucky me I discovered your site accidentally, and I am shocked why this coincidence did not happened earlier! I bookmarked it.

  • Dr. Brosh

    March 23rd, 2016 at 8:40 AM

    Thank you Pierre. I’m glad you found it helpful!

  • Mary

    April 23rd, 2016 at 7:30 PM

    We’ve been divorced for a year and a half now. It still hurts like it happened yesterday. We were married for 8 years and together for 14 (met in college). I had trust issues going into the realtionship which I told him about before we were married. I told him the only thing I needed was honesty. We could work through any problem as long as he was honest with me. He assured me many times before we were married that he would always be completely honest with me. As it turns out he was lying even way back then. He is a porn/sex addict. He lied to me every day. why could he stay up so late on nights I went to bed early yet fall asleep early on nights we were supposed to spend together? Porn. My brand new computer got a virus? Oh, he downloaded a song from some website (despite me begging him not to, but turns out it wasn’t a song after all). He did have some odd behavior, but had also been diagnosed with serve ADD and dyslexia. Every sign that pointed to his addiction was easily explained away by his ADD. He told me about his addiction 2 days after our 5th wedding anniversary. He thought I had figured it out on my own (I had not). I was devastated. I literally couldn’t get out of bed for a week. We tried marriage counseling, but three different counselors told us that he needed one on one counseling before marriage counseling could even possibly be beneficial. Despite all of his lies, his unemployment, and his unwillingness to really work hard to get better, I spent the next 2.5 years trying to say my marriage. I still loved him with all of my heart, and sadly, I must confess I still do. I even tried filing divorce papers a couple of times but couldn’t do it. I became physically sick when it was time to get in the car to drive to the courthouse to file. The good news is he obviously didn’t have the same problem. Not only did he file the papers but he had his best friend’s wife (who was my bridal attendant before she married his best friend) notarize the papers for him.

    Cognitively, I know I’m much better off now that I was when we were married. But why am I still so devastated? Stupid me, I thought our relationship/marriage was one of those rare, beautiful true love stories most people only see in movies. I can’t believe I was so naive. If I knew then what I know now, I would have never married him. We didn’t have children (I’m not able to), so thankfully that is not a factor an also why I can so confidently say if he had been even partially as honest as he swore he would be I would have never married him. Why am I still so heart broken? I feel paralyzed. I’m just a shadow of the person I used to be. I have no self esteem. Yes, I have depression and am being treated for it. Thankfully, I have an awesome job that I love and if I get to feeling too down I can bury myself in work and that makes me feel better (My job helps improve patient care for an entire healthcare organization, which is why it feels so good to make progress). However, anytime I take a break for work and just exist, all of the pain comes flooding back. I’ve done therapy, but it hasn’t helped. Seeing as how I can’t/couldn’t rely on or trust either one of my parents and that the person I chose as my life partner ended up being exactly the same as them, I tend to struggle with sharing my feelings with anyone – especially a complete strange. This is an exception since it’s anonymous. I’m still hoping that it will stop hurting some day, but in the meantime at least I have my work to look forward to. And my puppies who are my constant source of joy and strength. Some people could really learn a lot from dogs!

  • Lesley

    May 4th, 2016 at 11:34 AM

    I had a wonderful marriage for 27 years with a man who was a great father and a super husband. We were together from school and everyone looked at us as being the perfect couple. Three great kids all with a close relationship with us both. We were a solid family unit. However last year my husband told me he had been having an affair to say I was devastated is an understatement my world fell apart as did I. I begged him to stay and try to work it out but he thought it was broken and couldn’t be fixed. He wouldn’t go to counselling and continued to have some contact with the other woman (she worked at his office). During this time he decided to go away to work while we kept up the charade of trying to save our marriage. He changed into someone I didn’t recognise to such a degree a friend of ours asked me if he had a brain tumour as his personality had changed so much. He was aggressive towards me verbally abusive and cold and unresponsive. He said there was nothing wrong with our marriage he doesn’t know why he started the affair but now he says he must have fallen out of love with me otherwise why would he do it? After 9 months he left the family gone he never tried to repair the marriage and went to live with his mum. The affair is over in fact he has moved job and now works away only coming home to stay with his mum every 3rd weekend. This is heartbreaking for both me and the kids who loved the person he used to be and not this cold quiet sad man he has become. He doesn’t speak to me his mum says he can’t bear the guilt about what he has done but I don’t know I just think he has becom someone I don’t know. I don’t know how to move on I just feel devastated,alone and sad will things ever get better. If he came back and said he was sorry and let’s try again I would but that’s doesn’t seem likely and to move on with my life is so painful.

  • The GoodTherapy.org Team

    May 4th, 2016 at 11:53 AM

    Dear Lesley,

    Thank you for your comment. The GoodTherapy.org Team is not qualified to offer professional advice, but we do encourage you to reach out. If you would like to talk about this or any other concern with a mental health professional, feel free to return to our homepage, https://www.goodtherapy.org/, and enter your zip code into the search field to find therapists in your area.

    Once you enter your information, you’ll be directed to a list of therapists and counselors who meet your criteria. From this list you can click to view our members’ full profiles and contact the therapists themselves for more information. You are also welcome to call us for assistance finding a therapist. We are in the office Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time; our phone number is 888-563-2112 ext. 1.

    Kind regards,
    The GoodTherapy.org Team

  • Kat t.

    May 28th, 2016 at 11:31 PM

    I feel terrible. The pain of separation is unbearable.. I initiated the separation..but it doesnt make the pain less. Ive loved my hubby for 20 years. But I feel like hes my brother or my child… There is no attraction anymore.. I would give my right arm to have some desire fir him. I never want to kiss him.. Why does this happen? It hurts me because I do love him….

  • Scotty

    July 11th, 2016 at 1:09 PM

    So perplexing, but I should have seen this coming 9 years ago when she left me the day after my father died. BUt she’s had some serious problems with a bipolar disorder and serious personality disorder. Wanted to try one last time to get her into therapy and work on “us.” She tried one session and then filed for a divorce. I’m devastated beyond repair. No eat, no sleep, brain fog so thick.

  • Jordan S

    July 22nd, 2016 at 12:06 PM

    Thanks so much for writing this post…the comments are heartbreaking and my thoughts are with each one of you. My ex and I are currently separated and will be undergoing divorce soon. Luckily we have decided to go the uncontested route and not to involve lawyers. I’m still feeling sad about everything, but a divorce is for the best. My thoughts are with everyone on this thread.
    I also came across this website: thistoo.co … for anyone who is also in the same boat as me and is going through an uncontested divorce. I used some of their products, and read a few of their blog posts which were informative.

  • Linman

    July 23rd, 2016 at 3:18 PM

    I fell upon this post as I was looking for information about the reason it was taking so very long to get past this difficult experience. Your words are most helpful.
    For me, my husband of 32 years left 2 years ago, our divorce was final 7 months ago. He left 6 months after the death of our 1st son (26) which was very sudden and unexpected, we had 4 children together. I completely trusted this man. After some time I learned he was well into an affair prior to this death. In fact he moved in with her (20 years younger) 2 months after he left and bought a home with her 7 days after our divorce was final. I had no idea!
    I struggle daily with my feelings, they are so powerful and are made worse by the fact that he has NEVER once owned his actions nor explained himself. Granted I am not inviting him over for tea. When I see him it makes me physically ill.
    I understand that the death of our son was traumatic for both of us. I just don’t see it as the time or reason to leave or be dishonest; during counseling he said there was no one else. We all needed each other so much.
    I seem to be coping with the loss of my beautiful boy better than his betrayal. Meanwhile I work hard to stay “neutral” around my kids and maintain a stable home base for them. They seem to be weathering all of this together as the three of them have a shared experience. I am grateful for them and my friends every day. I am just so tired of the way I feel and the tears that rain down like a storm on my “crash and burn” days. I am also tired of feeling (when I dare to be fully honest) like my feelings and pain are a burden to my friends and family. It’s just a rough road and I really hope that one day this won’t hurt so much and my feelings will mellow.

  • Bradbob

    October 8th, 2016 at 1:54 PM

    I found this posting while searching for why divorce hurts (so much). I experienced many of the same things I’ve read in other’s comments, like– anxiety, depression, hopelessness, and many other emotions. I cried a lot and was angry about what I was going through. I also didn’t want to be a burden to my friends, so I kept my feelings unexpressed. I did find a counselor and a group that allowed me to talk-it-out and also to discover my part in why the marriage failed. This did help me get past the anxiety and depression. But I think the more significant contributor to getting past this hurt has been “time”. Time to figure out how to be single and living on my own again, time to allow my heart to heal, time to rediscover who I am and what I like to do. It has been three years since my divorce and I’ve come a long way and I know I still have more to go, but it is getting better. I still have days (like today) when my thoughts go back to how much it hurts and somethimes I do searches for something encouraging (like this thread of comments), and it helps me to get though the day. I hope anyone reading this will also be encouraged, time does heal. We may never get over it (entirely), but I think we can get past it.

  • Rogers

    January 29th, 2017 at 8:13 AM

    I tried for 17 years to make a life with a narcissistic woman who lied, cheated, hoovered, gaslighted, did everything narcs do. She finally said she was “bored” and dumped me for an old boyfriend. I was shattered and it nearly killed me after all the efforts and changes I had made to keep her happy. She did the narc thing and wanted to “stay friends” after clearly scamming me in the divorce.

    Many will think I am just being hurt and acting out and “it takes two to tango” and all that malarkey, but she really did screw me royally. She still got me to come fix her car, do house repairs, and pay for her insurance. She has not held a job since our son was born 11 years ago. She just got me to carry her insurance a little longer because she broke up with her boyfriend. Soon as I paid it she ran back to him. I’mean done with her swindling me.

    Everyone says not to be consumed by anger. Let the anger flow away by forgiving and loving yourself and I call bulls***.

    I AM ANGRY, D*** IT!!

    My aversion to anger has kept me here and simmering for a year. I let her have it. I have had my little eruptions but I never told her what I hated myself for feeling but this time I raged at her, calling her a vicious, seditious little rat. I told her to get her boyfriend or one of her hot side c**** to take care of her like should have been happening all along, that she is anything but a friend to me and that I will never speak to her sorry a** again outside of where our son is concerned.

    I cannot believe how far I let this toxic little 56 year old shit manipulate and swindle me but it is what it is.

    There…I let the anger flow out of me my way. Pain is still there but everyday is like leaving an island on a boat. I look back and it’s smaller and smaller.

    I have a woman in my life now who I believe is really loving me for the right reasons. Maybe the remaining 20-30 years of my life I will finally have what I have needed in my life. When my ex finally succumbs to the narcissistic h*** her life is I will still be here for our son. My new lady loves him…

  • Moogly

    July 24th, 2016 at 7:44 PM

    I miss my husband and our life together so much. He was everything I ever wanted and I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life. He is truly the love of my life and I will never get over him. I wish he had seen the beauty in our marriage. I was forced to leave him when he became more and more abusive and threatening. I don’t know why he couldn’t stop it…his violent temper ruined both of our lives. I will love him forever, I’m so devastated that it’s come to this.

  • TexasHusband

    August 26th, 2016 at 6:38 PM

    Sorry to hear your husband couldn’t see the “beauty in your marriage”… you said that so well. I filed for divorce today and though I initiated it, the pain is massive. My wife of less than two years changed the day we married. She was here but didn’t “live” here. Her heart & mind were always elsewhere. Refused to work, played on the iPad all day, chatted with friends and relatives during our evening time, and was humiliating me with sex. She refused counseling, though I’ve been going for three months.I put up with her absenteeism long enough and got it over with. But the “idea” of who she promised to be as a wife? I miss that so much.

  • John

    August 26th, 2016 at 5:43 PM

    I am currently in a 23 year marriage and have told my wife that I want a separation but my plan is for a divorce. It is very painful at times for me and my wife is devastated. I just started crying today listening to music that reminds me of us. I have contemplated this off and on for years. I agree with many of the comments. Sometimes I do feel selfish for seeking my own happiness but I ask myself, is that so wrong? The answer I always seem to be drawn to is “NO”. And I want my wife to be happy just as much as me. I am hopeful and confident that she will find happiness in due course. But labeling someone as selfish or if one is feeling selfish for wanting to exit a miserable marriage, is asinine when you really think about it. We, like I`m sure many couples, have tried counselling a number of times and each time our relationship declined further downward sometime thereafter. I feel terrible for our three children. They are all young adults but it hasn`t been easy for them to cope, especially our youngest daughter. Life is short, why should we sacrifice our happiness for religious beliefs? That makes no sense to me. I feel badly for everyone on this thread because it seems everyone is or has struggled along their own journeys. All I can say is, try to be grateful. Count your blessings and be grateful for them and if you have kids, show them that nobody else but ourselves control our destiny. That in itself is a powerful lesson for all. Mourn and grieve the severing of a relationship, but life must go on.

  • Theresa

    January 18th, 2017 at 3:01 AM

    I was in a long term marriage when my ex decided he was no longer happy and deserved to be happy. i would have never thought he was interested in dating another woman….what hurts the most is all the lies and how he treats me with so much hatred….if you feel you must separate please do so and spend the time alone to get to know you and your needs and wants….you may find it is your wife….i got involved in divorce support groups and can tell you there are woman out there that will get involved with you to fill their needs…be careful

  • Stephen

    October 9th, 2016 at 5:00 PM

    She lied, she cheated, she forged my signature on two business checks, each for $10,000, she is a spendthrift and a slob. But she has filed for divorce and I am consumed with guilt accumulated over our nearly 15 years of marriage. How I wish I would have opened up to her early on and shared the things that were troubling me about our marriage. We could have made it work. Now, it is too late. Am I a fool?

  • James S.

    October 22nd, 2016 at 5:22 PM

    I’ll be divorced in 9 days. Although my wife is loud, ghetto and disrespectful, I’m feeling guilt and regret also. I really think I did everything I could do as a husband to make my marriage work. But there’s this thing in the back of my mind that’s making me think I could’ve done more. But what could I have done? If there is anything more I could’ve done, I don’t think I have the capacity to do it. We only know what we know. If she’s expecting something out of you that you weren’t capable of then part of that is her fault for marrying you in the first place. It’s not all your fault, just like it’s not all my fault.

  • Bob

    October 24th, 2016 at 8:42 AM

    yes!! James it is a 2 way street and is not one persons fault, it a build up of pain on each side looking at self first, i feel is so critical( easier said then done),if i may say to all reading this, the struggles i been going through is fear of loss, facing my emotions head on.. going through the deep pain, that i cannot change or reach the person i love to see my side of the story or change myself any more, without having worse feelings from emotional to physical issues, as we age it is even harder… family, feeling loss, feeling the burden of guilt….for wanting a safe, happy life, that i/we deserve in this lifetime,trust is the most important of all feeling to be heard and safe without it, their is no relationship, just pure lies and deception of our own- self and growth, i am still stuck and working for a conclusion..go back and face the same ?or go forward & keep faith close that all will work out…it is very sad to go through such uncertainty, letting the mind hold me hostage, to the truth of my heart.that is why i say faith is the key to moving forward into the unknown make life the best it can be, knowing we all in our thoughts and heart did the best we can and let go and sail into a happy joyful life filled with trust and honor and always tell the truth, to all as they say the truth will set you free…….

  • The Very Truth

    January 9th, 2017 at 11:15 AM

    Well a woman that Cheats is a real low life to begin with since this did happened to me already which i was a very faithful, loving, caring, and very committed husband that showed her a lot of respect as well which unfortunately it still Wasn’t Good Enough for her either. Sometimes your best Isn’t Good Enough still no matter how Good of a person that you’re which is very sad. Been there done that.

  • JannaG

    April 17th, 2017 at 9:48 PM

    You’re right. Sometimes, that person will never appreciate you. A good, loyal man is like gold for some of us women. I shake my head at how some women can so easily throw something many of us would appreciate away.

  • pam

    March 1st, 2017 at 1:33 PM

    I been married to my husband for 20yrs. We been together for 28 years. We have 3 children. The youngest just turned 18. My husband never kept a job. I pay all the bills. When he get money he still wouldn’t help. I am very tired. I have struggled to take care of us. He said I don’t take care of him. These are my bills. He does not appreciate me at all. All he complain about is I don’t help him. He is 54 yrs old. He is verbal abrusive. He would get drunk and pull a gun on us. Always acursing me of cheating. I was taking care of 2 families and it got to be too much so I left. I am going thru therapy. I am hurting. I feel like I let my family down. I don’t want go back because I know he is not going to change. I met this guy at a party. We became friends. My son went through my phone. He saw a text from the guy from the party. He went and showed his dad. Now the dad telling everybody I left him for another man. I am still paying the bills. I told him that April is my last month paying bills there. I am trying to give him a chance to get a job. My lease is not up until May 2018. I just want a happy and peaceful life. I want to do things. enjoy life. I am tired of the miserable marrige. I have filled out my divorce papers but haven’t file them yet. I’m confused. I don’t want to hurt him. I try to talk to him. All he says its my fault and if he wasn’t there I still will have to pay the bills. I just want to do the right thing.

  • Bob

    April 19th, 2017 at 5:58 AM

    I’ve been married 34 years. I pay all the bills. When you are verbally abused it’s not healthy emotionally and physically.. do not second-guess your deepest emotional feeling. A divorce is a separation of financial affairs. I would strongly recommend to anybody at a minimum get a legal separation filed and processed. The pain is guilt and shame. We all want to keep our families intact. But regardless of how we feel about living our life we can live in misery or we can live in peace everyone deserves to live in peace and harmony. Most important what I’m learning I’m learning to take care of me first before any other person. Soothing oneself is the key to happiness. Not allowing codependency to exist learning to love thyself that inner child that cries out to be understood and to be loved.. do not get involved in any relationship until after you have completely divorced your husband or your wife. If you rely on another person to help you through the divorce it will be regrettable most of the time. It’s a new feeling a new expression of love and understanding. But you are not healed internally and that person becomes a distraction. And if not in a relationship we look for other distractions to keep us occupied other than working on the internal fabric of Who We Are and how we got to the point we did at this point in time. Trust in everything that you feel his of Truth. Emotional abuse it’s very hard to shut off once his happened over the course of years. It creates deep patterns that keeps a circular motion of guessing am I doing the right thing how can I fix this and the truth is you can only fix yourself nobody else and you’re here to enjoy your life nobody else. When other people accept you and love you for who you are that is a beautiful thing. Children grow up and they employ our behaviors in DNA structure, they also pick up the external world in society so I implore to everyone reading this please please love yourself make yourself a priority nurture yourself with love and respect gratitude appreciation and compassion compassion as difficult as it may seem go through the storm to get to the rainbow go through the storm walk through it you will survive have the will and the Trust In your own ability and you will shine in the sunshine and everything will be a memory and you will begin to build a new ending God bless everyone and may you find the Deep warmth and happiness that you so richly deserve in this lifetime it is such a short life we need to understand the five senses is the most precious gift God has ever given us learn to share your knowledge pass on your love with compassion but be kind and loving to yourself I wish everyone the best I love everyone we are all connected on some level we all need to understand that we doing matter…..

  • mccart

    April 19th, 2017 at 12:09 AM

    hi here

  • Kaine

    April 30th, 2017 at 4:19 PM

    Reading all these comments helps a bit. My wife is the love of my life and I’ve always been attracted to her. We’ll be married 17 years this June. Recently I found out she was having an affair with another woman for about a few months. I was devastated. I honestly didn’t think she was capable of that. At first when i confronted her she was sorry and said she still loved me and wanted to work things out. That they were just friends messing around but she’ll stop. I found it strange though that she wouldn’t cut her off even after I asked her to. Eventually I caught her again messaging each other and she basically made up her mind that she’s not happy in our marriage and wants to be with her girlfriend. I was crushed… I hope I’ll get over this. The pain really really sucks like a part of you is lost. It’s the whole “I love you but not in love with you thing”. I’m pretty sure she’s gonna want a divorce soon. We also have 2 kids and it’s tearing them apart :(

  • Jerome

    May 29th, 2017 at 4:11 PM

    Dear Kaine,
    Please protect yourself financially and physically. Take photos of everything in the house when your wife isn’t around. Open your own bank account and start putting some money in there. Document and date everything she does as far as the children are concerned and document and date every good thing you’ve done as far as the children are concerned. If you are intimate with your wife, please at least use protection. Consider looking into divorce care and divorce care for kids. You sound like an honorable man and a good father. You can get through this. Your strength will amaze you. Just please don’t let yourself become a doormat through this!

  • jason

    May 29th, 2017 at 7:08 AM

    I cheated on my wife after a very unhappy relationship. We both had stressfull jobs and a young child. We live in a small community. I stayed with the woman I cheated with for a while and as of recent she has left me. I am at a loss. She says its because we are in two different places. The worst part is I work with this woman. I truly care for her but she cant deal with the way I a feeling after my divorce. I don’t understand it. BTW this woman has been divorced two times and has jealousy issues. She doesnt understand my commitment to her.

  • bradbob

    May 29th, 2017 at 11:01 AM

    If you’re having difficult feelings about your former wife, getting into another relationship won’t help. Now that the girlfriend is gone, it may be time to let her go completely, just be on your own and figure out who you are. Learn how to be a single man, pursue your dreams without the distraction of a “romantic” relationship. Learn how to be the best father you can for your child. A counselling group may help.

  • Jerome

    May 29th, 2017 at 4:04 PM

    Sorry, you are going through this. Please realize that you may have hurt the mistress and your wife just like you are hurting now. Realistically, a lot of relationships that began out of an affair end. There’s so much baggage and lack of trust in those kinds of relationships. It tends to work a lot better if people either a) work on making their marriage happier or b) leave the marriage and start a new relationship AFTER they are now available. You haven’t really talked about your wife’s feelings here. How would you feel if you were in her place? Would you want her to keep cheating on you while potentially exposing you to STDs like you have done to her? Or would you rather she work on the relationship or at least have the respect to end your marriage before pursuing a new relationship? Whatever your answer to that question, I hope you treat your wife the way you would want to be treated. Remember, if you don’t consider her feelings now, you’re probably not going to like her reaction or actions later. This is a fair warning to help you avoid more pain and drama later.

  • Utkarsh K

    December 20th, 2017 at 12:24 PM

    We are moving towards a divorce and it hurts so bad. We still love each other deeply, have a wonderful daughter of 10 and no ‘big ticket’ marital issues. No infidelity, no abuse, no financial strain, nothing. Just incompatibility.
    She has walked out and I can’t even be angry knowing full well she is hurting worse than me. Our marriage was the only meaningful relationship she had. She isn’t close to her parents, or siblings or any significant group of friends. I don’t know how will she survive the trauma.
    Her only support is a friend who herself is grappling with an abusive marriage. Sometimes I feel my wife is leaving me simply to give courage to her friend who is proving incapable of leaving her truly abusive husband.
    I don’t know how to let go.

  • Denis

    May 13th, 2018 at 4:22 PM

    A second marriage for both of us, after several years of being single. Late in life marriage and now even later in life divorce. She was planning it for months. It seems once I retired and my income dropped considerably , and she inherits a large sum she didn’t need me anymore. I accidentally discovered she was transferring money and property to a trust, and created a will that specifically left me out. I had a mental breakdown, went to the hospital and she promptly locked me out of the house and filed for divorce said I violated her privacy by reading her trust and will. Now of course I am fighting like hell to get my half back. Yet I still cry every day, now 5 months since I have seen or talked to her, and I want her back one minute and the next I am angry, so angry. My emotions are swinging so many ways. I am seeing a therapist, which helps for the day, but the next day the hurt, despair, suicidal thoughts creep back in. I moved from the small town we lived in, am nearing destitution, because the divorce process for financial affairs takes very long. My biggest want it seems, is to be able to cry into the shoulder of someone with a tight hug. I cry everyday and have no one to hug.

  • J.L

    August 7th, 2018 at 6:22 PM

    Have been married for 3 years. I found 5 months ago that my wife was cheating. I was complete devastated . We tried to get back together but I cant get over that she slept with another men. I love her and i don’t know how to get over her. I know the relationship will not survive. My trust is gone. Its a very difficult time. I know is not a women for me but I don’t want let her go!!!

  • Bob

    August 8th, 2018 at 3:44 PM

    I realize over the last 7 years separated from my wife after all these years and reading the comments. You can never change anyone. You can only change yourself. We all take steps backwards into safety. So difficult to take two steps forward into the unknown. We can’t allow or lizard brain to play with us and stay in the old story. It does no good it creates Madness within and physical ailments. It all comes down to self love and Trust in your own thoughts in your own feelings of Who You Are. We are all victims of society. We create our own chaos we always have a choice what to do with it. We can live in the old story. Or we can start a new story and leave the old story out. Creating a better atmosphere for Who We Are as individuals first. Giving faith of self-love. Difficult we can never change other people. We can only change ourselves. Even when we see destruction in other people and we want to save them from falling flat on their face. And the best thing that we can do is just let them know that we love them and we’re there for them. Emotionally. You cannot go farther than that because then it becomes destructive internally. When You Reach and change yourself several different ways and methods to make someone see your side of the story and they don’t and you try harder and harder and harder and it never materializes. It’s all about self not about them. We all need to trust our own intuition. When someone cheats or lies or yells and screams or whatever it may be. We may be a facilitator to a point. But we did not make them make that choice on how to act or to react to any conversation or situation that we may have been apart of. And it goes both ways. I am so sad in so many ways. Nobody wants to be defeated in this world emotionally. Life is about the moment. And we need to strive to create action that drives this each day and making decisions and bettering ourselves. And not clinging to the past that has no value. This life is about one thing experiencing the five senses sharing or knowledge and our love. Keep it real be honest and truthful with yourself and keep working on yourself but find some humbling part about what you love about who you are and grow it it will blossom into something beautiful. Let go of the old story and start this beautiful new story I will say that I love everybody in this world. And I wish everyone the best in this world. Thank you for reading and I hope that I have said some warm loving words that may have helped some of you or just one person. Just writing this makes me feel good inside that I might help someone that feels sad or lonely inside. Just remember you are so loved. Give yourself a moment look in the mirror and express the joy the Gratitude the appreciation and the compassion that you have for yourself and what a fine person you really are and let nobody ever take that away from you because you know the truth of Who You Are and that’s the most powerful thing that anyone can give themselves. The power to be you do not change who you are for anyone. Remember you are Perfect Just the Way You Are as long as you’re not hurting anybody physically emotionally or spiritually and you know that you are compassionate for others. So blessings to everyone who reads this thank you

  • Kate

    August 12th, 2018 at 11:46 PM

    Wow I love this. It made me feel good and inspired to read it Bob. Thanks.

  • Bob a

    August 13th, 2018 at 1:19 PM

    I am so happy… thank you for your kind words Kate, best of luck to you

  • Ronda W

    September 5th, 2018 at 2:21 AM

    Me and my husband have been married for 25 years. We have been separated for 5 and a half months due to just growing apart. We still communicating like we are best of friends; to the point I am seeing the man I first met. We are now going to sign the divorce papers this morning. We still have relations with each other. This really hurts and I don’t know what to do. I live by myself and he has the house. Our kids are all grown with families of their own. How do I get through the pain of losing the best friend and lover I have ever had. We have gone on dates and spend quite a bit of time with each other; almost like we are dating. What should I do? Is this wrong or normal?

  • Katie

    December 4th, 2019 at 12:32 PM

    Thank you everyone for these comments. I recently began divorce proceedings and the pain, remorse, and guilt often feel beyond what I can stand. I know that many people go through and recover from breakups, separations, and divorces, but the feeling is that you are singularly alone and that the pain will never end. So thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences—it’s been one of the few things that has helped!

  • Edna

    June 9th, 2022 at 8:08 AM

    Am really amazed by this site,Sandy thanks for such insight on divorce

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