Self-Care Tips for Parents of Special Needs Children

Hiker with backpack and long ponytail watching the sunset on top of a mountain and over the oceanBeing the parent of a child with a disability carries with it unique responsibilities, stressors, and rewards. It requires an extra dose of emotional resilience, perseverance, and resourcefulness. Powered by the same (or an even stronger) drive to nurture, protect, and empower their children as parents of kids perceived as normatively abled, parents of children with physical, intellectual, or developmental disabilities such as autism spectrum issues, spina bifida, or Down syndrome often face profound social and systemic prejudices. These “invisible” obstacles can be all the more agonizing when they are unacknowledged.

The Global Partnership for Education notes “children with disabilities remain the most excluded group [when it comes to educational opportunities], discriminated not only because of their disability but also because of lack of understanding and knowledge about its causes, implications, and stigma.” Even parents seeking to support their child with attention-deficit hyperactivity (ADHD) or physical conditions such as blindness or mobility issues can find themselves overwhelmed by the challenges of getting proper testing or access to a restroom or play space. When a child’s disability dovetails with preexisting societal or cultural prejudices related to gender, race, religious affiliation, or sexual identity, the challenges intensify, with an impact on parents that peers, colleagues, and others may not fully comprehend or appreciate.

As parents of children with disabilities proactively seek information and support and advocate for their children, they may discover frustrating limitations that reinforce a sense of isolation or exclusion and stoke emotions such as grief or anger. As a result of these and other factors, parents seeking support for their special needs children have special needs of their own when it comes to self-care.

Here are some key ways parents of children with disabilities can make self-care a priority:

1. Get support.

  • Community support: Find others in your community with whom you feel accepted, celebrated, upheld, and safe. This could mean taking a class that interests you, strengthening your commitment to your faith community, or joining a book club.
  • Professional support: Find an individual therapist or coach who can help you work through specific challenges and issues; soothe, manage, and reduce your fears and anxieties; and provide a space for you to grieve, rejoice, or process anger. If you struggle with speaking up for yourself or your child, you may want to focus some of your energies on learning how to be a more vocal and effective advocate.
  • Peer mentoring/group support: Look for support groups, in person or online, where you can interface with others who are struggling with similar issues, or whose children are also facing challenges. This can serve multiple functions: it can help you feel supported and connected, it can provide relief as you share your difficulties with others who understand and relate to what you’re going through, and it can help you access important information and resources related to ways others have dealt with and approached similar situations.

Parents of children with disabilities face added pressures and need to acknowledge their limitations and find ways to slow down, let go, and relax control, giving their nervous systems a much-needed rest.

2. Find time to do the things you love.

As the parent of a child with a disability, you likely expend tremendous energy trying to make sure your child has the privileges and opportunities available to other children. When your child’s disability is long-term or involves being vigilant about basic safety needs, the strain can take a toll on your well-being unless you are disciplined about your self-care.

Finding ways to recharge, relax, and experience pleasure in your life is essential. The more balanced, relaxed, and recharged you are, the more patient, caring, and proactive you can be as your child’s protector, nurturer, and advocate. Start with making a list of “Fun Things I Would Do If I Had Time.” You might include activities like going for a bike ride, going to dinner with a friend or partner, painting or journaling, watching a movie, getting a massage, taking a walk outdoors, or going to the gym.

3. Seek and take advantage of respite care services in your city or state.

Some parents of children with disabilities avoid taking advantage of respite care services for their children or feel pressured to “do it all on their own.” They may be anxious about their children not receiving proper or attuned care, or they may feel guilty about needing a break. In fact, allowing yourself and your child to be supported by trained caregivers can offer both of you a positive “time out” from each other, allowing you to hit the figurative reset button. It can help you replenish your emotional resources so you can be stronger and more resilient in your parenting.

4. Meditate.

Meditation can help you slow down, be in the present moment, and let go of trying to fix or control external circumstances, even if only for 5 to 10 minutes a day. There are multiple phone apps available with free or low-fee audio recordings of brief, guided meditations you can do between tasks, while you’re waiting in line at the store, or when you’re taking a bathroom break. These apps have reminders that encourage you to take a few moments out of your day and check in with yourself.

Everyone needs practice letting go of endlessly regenerating thoughts, beliefs, fear-based stories, and regrets in the interest of simply accepting life as it is right now. Parents of children with disabilities face added pressures and need to acknowledge their limitations and find ways to slow down, let go, and relax control, giving their nervous systems a much-needed rest.

In addition to experiencing high levels of chronic stress, anxiety, and depression, parents of children with disabilities are faced with the heartbreaking limitations that exist in a world where not all children are included, considered, and prioritized in the same ways. As you work to confront and overcome these limitations and to secure services, treatments, opportunities, and access for your child that will help them develop and thrive, it’s easy to ignore or minimize your needs. Far from being a self-indulgent luxury, your self-care is a critical necessity.


  1. Children with disabilities. (2017). Retrieved from
  2. Self-care for parents and caregivers of children with a disability. (2017). Retrieved from

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Permission to publish granted by Alicia Muñoz, LPC, Topic Expert

The preceding article was solely written by the author named above. Any views and opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by Questions or concerns about the preceding article can be directed to the author or posted as a comment below.

  • Leave a Comment
  • Hayden

    August 10th, 2017 at 9:35 AM

    Most of these parents are so giving and so selfless… they are the last people that I know who would ever consider taking time out to care for themselves and yet they are likely the most deserving.
    My first cousin has a daughter who is autistic and there are very few places that they can go or things that they can do without her daughter just being overwhelmed. So mostly they have to stay at home or only do the things that aren’t too stimulating for her.
    They find it hard to have someone babysit because there are very few people she feels comfortable staying with.

  • candace

    August 10th, 2017 at 11:40 AM

    These are people who spend so much of their time giving back to others, it is likely that most of them have forgotten about what the concept of self care is all about!

  • Archie

    August 11th, 2017 at 2:58 PM

    To say that this is a full time job would be a gross diminishment of the things that these parents and families do every single day. The bad thing is that many states seriously lack the resources to help them out all that much and even when they do they are always in danger of being cut or somehow lost in the shuffle of paperwork that is government assistance. Give a helping hand. Take someone dinner or offer to help out some with babysitting. Everyone deserves a break every now and then and even when it isn’t all that much to you, to them it could be like winning the lottery for a bit.

  • Andre W

    August 14th, 2017 at 6:58 AM

    You might not always feel comfortable asking for help. Keep friends and family close who don’t make you have to ask.

  • liza

    August 16th, 2017 at 10:46 AM

    Meditation can be a wonderful tool for any of us touse who are feeling beaten down and overwhelmed with daily life.

  • Rajiv a

    February 1st, 2018 at 9:06 PM

    Found informative

  • Penelope S.

    November 14th, 2018 at 8:51 PM

    I liked what you suggested about finding a service that will take care of your disabled loved one for a few hours. That does seem like it would help you have some much need rest and personal time. I wonder how hard it is to find a good service like that in most areas.

  • Leviticus

    December 28th, 2019 at 3:14 PM

    I really love your tips to practice self-care when caring for a child with special needs. My younger brother has manifested signs of needing special assistance. I wonder if my parents should talk with a lawyer about planning for the future about this.

  • Skylar

    January 10th, 2020 at 11:29 AM

    I really appreciate your tip to make sure that you take advantage of respite care for your special needs child. I like that you said it can help you replenish your emotional resources. We just found out that my brother is a special needs kid and my parents are a little overwhelmed.

  • ASW

    November 12th, 2021 at 4:12 AM

    These types of articles are very essential under this current pandemic situation. Children are susceptible for autism disorder at any age and my son is also suffering from mild autistic disorder. We have appointed a professional caregiver giver for outdoor activities for autism. Now we have to take care of these things and from this article came to know some valuable tips. I have also connected to the autism support worker to take their opinion as well.

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