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Find a Therapist in Hinsdale with GoodTherapy

It’s normal to experience mental health issues and relationship problems. Talking to a licensed therapist can help. Therapy can teach you more about yourself and your mental health concerns in a healing way. Many therapies are evidence-based and have been proven effective.

Since 2007, GoodTherapy has helped people like you connect with ethical, compassionate counselors and therapists. The therapists listed above, who practice therapy in Hinsdale, are trained to protect client confidentiality and privacy. In keeping with our high membership standards, these mental health professionals are also committed to eliminating the stigma that keeps many people from seeking help.

Beliefs about how much therapy costs may deter some people from finding a therapist. It’s a good idea to contact therapists you’re interested in and ask about insurance, sliding-scale fees, payment plans, and other options to stay within your budget.

Rest assured there are qualified therapists in Hinsdale who can treat a variety of concerns, including family conflict, relationship issues, anxiety, or depression. With our directory, the right therapist is easy to find.

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About Hinsdale

Hinsdale is a village located in both Cook County and DuPage County, Illinois. It covers roughly 5 square miles. Hinsdale was founded by William Robbins in 1865 and incorporated in 1873.

Hinsdale contains 17,700 people. The population grew by 5% between 2010 and 2017. The median age is 41 years old.  Of adults age 25 and older, 79% have a bachelor’s degree.

The racial composition of Hinsdale is 84% white, 9% Asian, 4% Hispanic, and 1% black. Nearly 97% of people in the village are United States citizens. Roughly 11% of residents speak a language other than English at home. Hinsdale has around 430 Spanish speakers, 350 Chinese speakers, and 150 Hindi speakers.

The median household income in Hinsdale is $173,600. The homeownership rate is 85% (over 20% higher than the national average). Roughly 4% of village residents live below the poverty line.

Mental Health in Hinsdale

Opioid overdose is a serious concern in Hinsdale. To address this issue, the Hinsdale Police Department has equipped its officers with naloxone. Naloxone is a drug that can reverse the effects of opioid overdoses.  

Government officials in DuPage County have created the Heroin/Opioid Prevention and Education Taskforce. The task force includes 17 experts in mental health, substance abuse treatment, education, law enforcement, and the court system. It aims to reduce opioid use by educating residents about addiction and creating a more integrated support system. The task force also seeks to decrease the stigma associated with addiction treatment. 


  1. DuPage County creates task force to combat drug crisis. (2018, May 1). Retrieved from
  2. Hinsdale, IL. (n.d.). Data USA. Retrieved from
  3. QuickFacts: Hinsdale village, Illinois. (n.d.). United States Census Bureau. Retrieved from
  4. Searles, M. (2015, March 11). Cook County Board urges naloxone use to reverse heroin overdose. Hinsdale Patch. Retrieved from
  5. Village history. (n.d.). Retrieved from
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