Young therapist woman working on her website.Whether you’re just starting your behavioral health private practice, or you are established and trying to grow your client base, it can sometimes be difficult to get more therapy clients through the door.

In order to earn more leads for potential clients, therapists must address their online presence and better their website to draw people in. Below are some common problems that are keeping many therapists from growing as well as solutions to get more therapy clients in the door from your practice website.

Common Website Problems:

1. Self-Centered Copy

More often than not, therapists are using self-centered copy on their website and it prevents them from seeing more therapy clients. Self-centered copy is written content describing oneself or their qualifications as a professional in their field. For example, a therapist’s page might list the degrees they hold in their field or how many years they have been practicing. It is used mostly due to the fact therapists are not sure what else to write. Self-centered copy is a quick way to deter clients from pursuing services with your practice. Keep reading to learn the correct approach.  

2. Too Much Clutter

Another issue that is preventing a therapist from gaining more therapy clients is that their website or page has too much clutter. For clients who are seeking out services for any number of behavioral health issues, an overwhelming website can be enough to discourage them.

3. No Traffic/Inquiries

If there is no traffic to your website or page, it will be impossible to develop new online leads and bring in more therapy clients. There are many ways to increase traffic to your page involving paid and organic content. Without implementing a tool that drives traffic followed by a call to action, the lack of traffic and inquiries will make it difficult to obtain more therapy clients. See some suggestions below.

Solutions to Get More Therapy Clients:

1. Client-Centered Approach

Just as you might take a client-centered or person-centered approach at your practice, you must approach your copy in the same light. Client-centered copy means writing about how the client will benefit from utilizing services at your practice. By showing your clients that your practice takes a client-centered approach on your web-page, it will reflect your ability to offer them client-centered services in the future.

2. Focus Your Page

Make the decision to remove the clutter from your website and give your clients a calm and concise environment to learn about their options. By reducing the likelihood that a viewer is overwhelmed by your website, your practice will secure more therapy clients. Your page should also clearly outline what you offer without focusing too much on the accomplishments of your practice.

3. Clear Call to Action

If your website lacks clarity in what a viewer should do if they want to pursue services, you will not likely gain more therapy clients. Your website or page needs a clear call to action. Whether that be a phone number to call, an intake form to fill out, or an email to contact, your website needs a call to action to make it simpler for more therapy clients to move forward with your practice.

4. Expand Your Online Footprint

The best thing your behavioral health practice can do to gain more therapy clients is to improve your online presence. In today’s world, everyone is looking online to find out as much about your practice as possible before they make the choice to partner with you. Improving your online presence should include appearing on the most used search engines or directories that clients use to search for therapists. It should include positive online reviews. It also could include paid/organic content that will show up during a client's search. By improving your online presence, clients are more likely to find your website and inquire about services.

To learn more about how your practice can grow online and get more therapy clients, click here.