Marla Cass,Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Marla Cass,Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Telehealth Available
Professions: Counselor, Marriage & Family Therapist, Psychotherapist
License Status: I'm a licensed professional.
Primary Credential: MFC, Califonia - 45402
Billing and Insurance:

I don't currently accept insurance, but I can provide documentation if clients wish to submit to an insurance company for "out of network" benefit coverage

Fees: My fee is $200 per 55 minute session. I am happy to offer an initial phone consultation at no charge. I licensed in California (MFC 45402), Colorado (MFT 836), and Illinois (166.001564). I am also a Florida Registered Telehealth Provider (TPMF122).
Free Initial Consultation
Evening Availability


based in San Mateo, California 94403

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My Approach to Helping

I work with women who are successful in their careers but not in their relationships, with psychotherapists, and with the LGBTQQ++ communities.

Based in the San Francisco Bay Area - Silicon Valley, I am an experienced psychotherapist offering telehealth psychotherapy services to residents of California, Colorado, Illinois, and Florida. My practice focuses on helping women whether they are coming to therapy because they want to address a specific problem, because something just doesn't seem to be working, or because they are seeking to understand themselves at a deeper level. Many of the people I work with are women who are successful in their careers but not in their relationships.

My approach is warm, collaborative, and interactive, while also being honest and direct. I don't just sit back and silently nod, but am active and engaged, helping you to feel safe enough to look at yourself in ways that may have previously seemed impossible. I enjoy including humor, as appropriate, and I try to leave psychobabble at the door. I like to say that I bring my "Midwestern sensibilities" to my work, along with excellent training, extensive professional and personal experience, and a passion for ongoing study.

My practice includes people of all sexual orientations (LGBTQQ++) and gender identities, as well as people representing a wide range of cultural backgrounds. I welcome people who think that therapy can't be helpful to them or who may have had a less than positive experience with therapy in the past. I offer support for women in midlife and caregivers (often, one and the same) and gay and lesbian parents, as well as experienced, confidential therapy for psychotherapists and therapists in training who are looking for a psychodynamic and-or psychoanalytically-informed approach.

More Info About My Practice

I am interested in looking closely at what is going on for you now and in finding ways to help ease whatever you are struggling with, but I also know that your past is directly related to who you are today and how you got here. As a result, I weave together past and present in order to help you to better understand yourself, explore your conscious and unconscious motivations, and help you move forward with a greater sense of clarity and the ability to make proactive, rather than reactive, choices in your life.

I am influenced by a number of theoretical ideas, however, my approach is based on looking at you as a person and not as a diagnosis. As a result, I don't rely on any one specific approach or "formula" but, instead, incorporate many tools, along with many years of experience, to help you reach your goals. My work is grounded in the fact that we are all part of a larger socio-political and economic structure that increasingly has a significant impact on each of us.

All services are offered via secure telehealth platforms.

I am happy to answer your questions about therapy in a complementary phone consultation. Therapy can offer a safe, supportive, and confidential space for exploration and discovery. It is a unique opportunity to look at yourself and your life through a new lens.

Specific Issue(s) I'm Skilled at Helping With

Many of the women I work with have a lifetime of experience dealing with not feeling understood and of feeling not good enough. Maybe this describes you: you may come from a family in which you felt different or you may view the world from your own unique perspective. You may be lesbian, or gay, or bisexual, or you may feel different because you do not fit into either of the two options we are usually offered for gender identity. Perhaps you see gender as shades of gray and not as opposite poles. Regardless of what makes you feel different, therapy can be a place where you can have the transforming experience of feeling understood and find greater comfort with being yourself in the world.

If you are someone who has previously seen a therapist and did not find the experience helpful, or if you are someone who just doesn't think therapy can be helpful to you, I want to especially encourage you to not give up your search. I recognize that it can be challenging to find the right therapist, and discouraging when you meet with someone who does not feel like a good fit, but the effort will be worth it.

Before becoming a therapist, I had a number of careers and I appreciate the challenge of navigating the workplace or taking the risk of embarking on a new career path. Here in the San Francisco Bay Area, many of us have relocated from other places or may be thinking about moving away. Therapy can help with decision making and navigating new terrain.

In general, however, my "specialization" is understanding the people I work with and helping them to feel seen and heard so that they can open up to the possibilities of their lives.

On the Fence About Going to Therapy?

If you are ambivalent about therapy, you are certainly not alone! I try to make therapy as "user-friendly" as possible and I welcome questions and concerns about therapy, how therapy works, and about my approach. I don't think that therapy should be mysterious, nor do I believe that it should be hierarchical. There are many, many different kinds of therapists and just as many unique approaches to therapy. Take the time to read what various therapists have written about themselves and their work, speak with at least two or three therapists on the phone, and see what resonates with you.

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Ages I Work With

  • Adults
  • Elders


  • English

Groups I Work With

    Women who are successful in their careers but not in their relationships; Psychotherapy for Psychotherapists; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, and Questioning (LGBTQQ++); Women in Mid-Life

Industries & Communities Served

  • LGBTQ+

Client Concerns I Treat

  • Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions
  • Aging and Geriatric Issues
  • Attachment Issues
  • Caregiver Issues / Stress
  • Chronic Illness / Disability
  • Depression
  • Grief, Loss, and Bereavement
  • Identity Issues
  • LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) Issues
  • Life Purpose / Meaning / Inner-Guidance
  • Midlife Crisis / Midlife Transition
  • Relationships and Marriage
  • Self-Esteem
  • Women's Issues
  • Workplace Issues

Types of Therapy

  • Depth Therapy
  • Existential Psychotherapy
  • Feminist Therapy
  • Humanistic Psychology (humanism)
  • Integration of different therapy models
  • Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB)
  • Psychoanalysis / Modern Psychoanalysis
  • Psychodynamic
  • Relational Psychotherapy

See other therapists in San Mateo, CA.

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