My Approach to Helping
Hi! My name is Emma. I offer an alternative, holistic, and spiritual approach to therapy for adults. I particularly love helping young adults in their 20s and 30s. I help you get to the root of your problem and heal past wounds so you can feel more conscious, integrated, and whole. I use IFS therapy, Depth Hypnosis, Shamanic Counseling, and TRE, all of which I am fully trained and certified in. I also offer mindfulness and Psychedelic Integration work. One fun fact about me is that I have studied, lived, and worked in many countries. Ask me about working at a mindfulness center in Thailand or getting yoga teacher trained in India!
Many people who come to me feel they are “seekers” in life or have a mystical side to them. They may have tried talk therapy or other personal growth methods before, and know they are ready for something “deeper.” They are excited to try something new and grow deeply on a personal and spiritual level, healing wounds and patterns from the core.
I particularly love working with clients who are highly sensitive, intuitive feeling types (think INFJ, ENFP, etc on the Meyers-Briggs personality test), spiritually curious, and eager to go on a path of personal growth and self-awareness as they heal their underlying wounds and work through the issues that brought them into therapy.