Emeline Thermidor,MA(Counseling & Spirituality), MSI, BA

Emeline Thermidor,MA(Counseling & Spirituality), MSI, BA

Not Accepting New Clients
Telehealth Available
Professions: Marriage & Family Therapist, Mental Health Counselor, Pastoral Counselor
License Status: I'm a licensed professional.
Billing and Insurance:
I am an in-network provider for:
  • ComPsych
  • Great-West
  • Great west life
Fees: First Consultation - Free (up to 30min)
Following sessions:
$100hr - Individuals
$150hr - Couples and families
A referral will be provided for group healing practical prayer seminars (Christian), after the first session. This model allows you not only to receive support, but also to benefit from the sharings of people who have lived-in experiences with various struggles.
Free Initial Consultation
Weekend Availability
Evening Availability


Ottawa, Ontario K1N1A7

My Approach to Helping

1. I help you explore issues with mainly a biblical perspective ( welcome andor return to God by asking YeshuaJesus in your life as Messiah, Savior and Lord;
2. We address ungodly beliefs related to self, God and others;
3. We identify and address generational sins and curses and deliverance.

By seeking and welcoming Yeshua (Jesus) as your Savior, the Bible states you will find love, peace, hope and the meaning and purpose of your life here and eternal life . How?
a. Read the Bible and talk to God every day.
b. Repent to God of bitterness, hatred, rage, anger, self-esteem, addictions, anxiety, depression, fears, guilt, grief, loss, sadness, shame, stress, resentment.
c. Forgive yourself and others.
d. After one session, do encourage others who are suffering, to quicken your own healing and wellness.
e. Yeshua (Jesus) is the Way (to God, the Creator), the Truth and Eternal Life (beyond death) (John 3:16). 3 sessions maximum per client. If you need more, I will refer you to a christain group healing ministry, where you can
- continue receiving
- learn from others (and become a trained facilitator, if you want to, to give support to others who are suffering, in a safe and confidential space.

More Info About My Practice

I am listed with the following Employee Assistance Program and Inusrance Companies, to issue receipts for counseling:
- ComPsych
- Canada Life
- Medavie Blue Cross Croix Bleue Medavie

Specific Issue(s) I'm Skilled at Helping With

None. And no one can pretend being skilled in helping the human psyche. And if you meet someone who says they can...run! Only the creator of a human being can help His creation. Only GodYeshuaJesus can. And that is why the most stellar work I can do is to teach you how to facilitate your relationship with Him, so you can experience His abundance in all areas of your life....and then you can help others do the same.

My Therapy Focus


I like to zero-in on your issue, and address them from the roots, with foundational truths from the Bible:
1. Issues in your relation with yourself (identity, worth, shame, guilt, etc...)
2. Issues in your relationships with God (presence, action, words, etc)
3. Issues in your relationships with others (all of the above, plus communications,, and love)
Did you that from God's perspective, issues often shows a lack of love, and appears when there is unrepentance, bitterness, unforgiveness, hatred, anger, to name just a few) and when you are believing lies (about yourself, God and others). Lack of love and lies often creates illnesses and diseases and they require unnecessary medication....for a very long time.

Identifying these "issues" does not take several sessions. When you are hurting, you want help right now, and not an extensible plan to get well in 6 months.

My View on the Nature of 'Disorders'

From "Healing Begins with Sanctification of the Heart", by Michelle K. Strydom, physician

"87% OF ALL DISEASES ARE A RESULT OF WHAT GOES ON IN OUR THOUGHT LIFE! "The quality of your life and health is brought about by the quality of your thinking. Think about that! Think about what you are thinking about? Your life is an expression of your thoughts. That is why the Bible says to guard your heart for out of it flows the issues of life (Matthew 12 v 34). If your thought life is a mess your life and health will be a mess. The devil deceives people into thinking that the source of their misery and problems is due to what is going on around them (their circumstances), but it is actually due to what is going on inside you in your thought life. If your thoughts are positive and Godly, your life will prosper and you will enjoy good health. You prosper and be in health as your soul (mind, will and emotions) prospers. You are going to become what you think. One translation of Proverbs 23 v 7 says: ?As a man thinks in his heart, so does he become.? This scripture alone is an indication of how vital it is that we are careful about what we think. Thoughts are powerful. They have creative ability. They shape your life. We tend to be complacent about something when we don?t realize how important it is to pay attention to it. It is essential that you realize that your life will not be sorted out until your mind is sorted out. Joyce Meyer says, ?For the believer, right thinking is a vital necessity. Just as the heart or oxygen is vital to the life of the body, a vital necessity is something so important that one simply cannot live without it. You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.? Remember Proverbs 23 v 7 and allow it to impact your life. As you think in your heart, so do you become. What you think is what you get, for better or for worse, it is entirely up to you! Therefore if you want to change your life, if you are not happy with the state of your health, you have got to change your thinking!" Michelle K. Strydom, Physician

What Makes up a Problem?

From "Healing Begins with Sanctification of the Heart", by Michelle K. Strydom, physician
"Very often we see that people need medication as a crutch or as an excuse to hide behind, Well there is a defect in my brain. I do not have enough serotonin. I cannot help it We use this victim mentality as an excuse to submit to that disease, meanwhile we can rise above it. This not only applies to depression but to other diseases as well. We need to take back responsibility. We are fully able to control our thought life. Whether or not your hormones and body chemistry goes out of balance leading to disease depends on your thought life. are you listening to the Word of God or the other message, the one from the kingdom of Satan? When you use medication to give you ease or an altered biological or psychological state, the real enemy is not dealt with while you are chemically manipulated and managed, and that is why it is sin. There is a place for doctors and medication, but disease management and taking medication on a chronic basis is merely an attempt to artificially by-pass the penalty of sin (which is the curse of disease) without dealing with or taking responsibility for the spiritual sin that caused the disease in the first place. So now you have two problems ? the sin that caused the disease and secondly the sin of witchcraft to artificially maintain and manage your disease. In following the attempt of mankind to heal himself, we have opened ourselves up to occult practices and may be following a mind-set or action that is an abomination to God because these ways of thinking and actions do not even include Him and do not line up with His Word. That is why prescription drugs are an occult deception ? it offers itself as a solution meanwhile it is merely a delusional safety and what

Paul called a work of the flesh. Revelation 18 v 23: for by sorceries (drugs) were all nations deceived. Paul identified pharmaceutical drugs as a work of the flesh because he knew even in those days that most disease is because of unrighteousness that we practice as a way of life and that the drug would keep us from being discipled and coming to a place of repentance. The will of God is that you are not a servant of sin, that you do not have disease and that you are not managed by drugs. I am calling those of you on chronic medication to get right with God because the Bible says that those who do these things as a way of life shall not inherit the kingdom of God. That is not my opinion so it is OK to take medication for a short period to help you but you have to parallel that with working on your thought life. Paul identified pharmaceutical drugs as a work of the flesh because he knew even in those days that most disease is because of unrighteousness that we practice as a way of life and that the drug would keep
us from being discipled and coming to a place of repentance. The will of God is that you are not a servant of
sin, that you do not have disease and that you are not managed by drugs.

I?m calling those of you on chronic medication to get right with God because the Bible says that those who do these things as a way of life shall not inherit the kingdom of God. That is not my opinion so do not get cross with me - that is a statement right out of the Bible. Pastor Henry Wright once said, ?If we have fallen this far with the diseases of Egypt and the sorcerers of Egypt to avoid the living God and what creation should look like, it is not God?s fault, it is the fault of mankind. It is time as people of God to establish
the kingdom of God in the earth or we are going to continue to establish the kingdom of Satan and offer that to the future of mankind. Whether we win this battle collectively or personally, it is time to start preaching the gospel of our God now.? God has created you so that when you love Him, love yourself and love others, your body releases the proper chemicals, hormones and neurotransmitters to make you healthy without any need for drugs of any kind. God gives you the chemical fix that you need through obedience to Him. That is why pharmakeia and drunkenness are called works of the flesh which is sin (Galatians 5 v 19 ? 21). It is a substitute for your relationship with God and the peace that comes from that relationship. You do not need pills to get well. You just need the Gos-pill (gospel). How Man has Tried to By-Pass the Penalty of Sin and Become His Own Healer I am not against doctors otherwise I would not be a doctor myself. As a doctor I believe I have a valuable role to play in educating people about disease from both a medical and spiritual perspective. There are times when I need to use medical drugs in a life threatening or potentially dangerous situation to get a person into a place of safety, as I explained previously. If a person has a heart attack or slips into a diabetic coma for example, I have the knowledge and skill to save his or her life. This buys back time for the person to deal with the underlying problem. Furthermore it takes somebody with knowledge and understanding of the human body to make the diagnosis of a disease. If a person comes with intolerance to heat, sweatiness, diarrhea, increased appetite and weight loss, tremor in the hands, palpitations, visual problems and protruding eyes ? how is a pastor supposed to know it is hyperthyroidism? It is necessary for you to get a diagnosis so that you can find out what the sin is behind the disease and deal with it. Chiropractors,
physiotherapists, nutritionists and some other forms of medicine have a useful and valuable role to play. I recommend that you get proper medical care from a doctor. Sometimes supervision by a doctor is necessary for your safety. However, conventional medicine, chiropractic medicine, Eastern medicine, various religions and spiritual groups, are all trying to decrease the effects of disease through prescription drugs and various other methods. They are all merely trying to by pass the penalty of the curse of sin and disobedience but are getting nowhere. The worldly doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists and other variations of medicine are failing.

The World Health Organization has said that there have been zero advances made in mental healthcare and healing in the world in the past 20 years. Furthermore with all the drugs that we have to treat disease, over 80% of biological diseases are incurable. The bottom line is this: when there is a sin behind a disease, there is no medical drug, doctor, surgeon or any other form of healthcare that will be able to bypass the penalty of that sin and that is why the disease is incurable. Man has tried to become his own healer. We are putting our trust in doctors and medicine as an attempt to by-pass responsibility before God for the sin which has caused the disease. How much money have you spent trying to heal yourself with prescription drugs and various doctors? For example, people with severe allergies (a disease called Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Environmental Illness) have spent
between half a million and a million U.S dollars trying to be healed. The industry that they go to for help God has created you so that when you love Him, love yourself and love others, your body releases the proper chemicals to make you healthy without any need for drugs.

The industry that they go to for help is more than happy to take their money but no body is getting well. However many of them (and there are literally thousands) are completely well today because of this teaching and it did not cost them a cent! Thankfully with God there is a much better way. When His conditions for healing are met, He is always there to fulfill His promise. There are many people today who were on chronic medication but are now living normal, healthy lives and no longer need to take any kind of drug.They simply applied God?s principles in His Word concerning healing. You cannot bring blessing (which includes healing) without repentance. We cannot by-pass the penalty of the curse without taking responsibility for the sin that causes the disease and dealing with it. For example breast cancer is often a result of bitterness and unforgiveness between a woman and her mother, sister, mother-in-law or some other female. We can go to all sorts of doctors and specialists, get chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, go on health diets and do everything under the sun to get well but all that this will achieve is a form of disease management. What we should have done is to go before God to release, forgive and get our hearts right with Him. Then we should have gone and made peace with our mother-in-law or sister or mother. There is documented medical evidence of women with advanced breast cancer totally recovering (i.e. the cancer completely disappeared) without any form of treatment or change in diet. They simply dealt with the bitterness and unforgiveness behind the cancer." Michelle K. Strydom, Physician

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Ages I Work With

  • Teens
  • Adults
  • Elders


  • English
  • French

Groups I Work With

    You are consenting to explore issues with the Bible.
    You are consenting to reading the Bible and pray in the counseling sessions
    If you have been helped, you are consenting to share your testimony of breakthrough and salvation with at least one other person, so they can also be helped and have hope.

Industries & Communities Served

  • Education
  • Self-Employed and Freelance Professionals

Client Concerns I Treat

  • Abandonment
  • Addictions and Compulsions
  • Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions
  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Attachment Issues
  • Career Choice
  • Caregiver Issues / Stress
  • Depression
  • Health / Illness / Medical Issues
  • Identity Issues
  • Shame
  • Spirituality
  • Terminal Illness

Types of Therapy

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