My Approach to Helping
I believe deeply in the healing power of being heard, valued and validated in life. When I meet with individuals, I listen, respect and affirm their life story and experience. Together, we work to discover, explore and overcome any obstacles that places limits on their joy and energy to pursue life.
In my work with couples, I help them learn to hear and validate each other, so they may regain and deepen the connection and care-giving they once enjoyed.
More Info About My Practice
CenterPoint Counseling is located inside Second Presbyterian Church. We are a staff of ten therapists. I am the director of CenterPoint and offer a wide-range of services. My fees are $125 per clinical hour. Our office coordinator can help you with any questions you may have about our work, programs or insurance coverage.
Specific Issue(s) I'm Skilled at Helping With
With my training in Imago Relationship Therapy, I am well equipped to help people with relationship struggles, especially those related to marriage or committed relationships. This same training helps me with individuals who need a better sense of personal esteem.