My Approach to Helping
Are you a Mom Struggling to Find the Joy in Motherhood?
You are exhausted and overwhelmed. You need someone who gets it. I can help.
You are a Mom and You're Suffering
You are burning the candle at both ends trying your best to be everything to everybody, but it is not going well. You may be a more seasoned mother, or you may be pregnant, postpartum, or even just trying to start a family; but, it is so much harder than you thought. You may have young children who need you, but you aren't feeling good enough to help them. Worse yet, you are worried you may be part of the problem. Or maybe you have older children, even adult children, and you are at a loss about what is happening with them and in your relationship. You thought you were close, but lately, it has been so confusing. You might be wondering what to do now that they are growing up, in college, out of the house, or even married. Now that you have an empty nest, it might just feel empty. Maybe you are grieving the death of a parent, or struggling to help your parent(s) because they are aging, but it all feels like too much.
Your Relationships are Suffering
You are feeling lonely and disconnected from other people in your life. You want more support, more fun, and more friends, but you never quite find the time or the confidence to create these relationships. Maybe only better mothers or very lucky women have time for that. You aren’t sure if you deserve better. If you did a better job, if you were just more organized or something, maybe your life would feel more like other mother’s lives. Other mothers seem so much happier.
Maybe you don't have a partner to talk to, or you try and talk about these feelings with them, but one of you always ends up getting defensive, leaving the room, or yelling. Each time you try to talk about things, it ends up feeling like a blame game and both of you feel criticized and hurt.
Your Work is Suffering
These feelings can make you feel like you are just circling the drain. You are distracted at work and you worry you will never get the job you want. You went to school because you wanted a fulfilling career, but now you feel unmotivated and bored and you don’t have the confidence or the energy to make the changes at work that you need.
At the same time, you’re worried that work is taking too much from you and you don’t have enough gas left in the tank to be the mother you want to be. Maybe you have children you know need extra time, attention, and care to reach their full potential, but you feel like you are failing at meeting their needs. It just feels like it is too much trying to meet everyone’s needs and yours are not even on the list.
“Resilience is the courage to grow from challenges, to bloom where we are planted, no matter how tough the soil.”
My approach is to help you learn how to take care of yourself so you can take care of others the way that you want and the way that they need. I know you are dedicated to your family, and I want to help you create the kind of family you have always wanted. I also know that for this to happen, you need to feel good too. Your happiness and serenity is the key to everything else. Using several different therapy approaches such as ACT, CBT, and Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Therapy, I create a warm, safe therapy environment that provides the soil for you to grow into the woman and the mother you have always wanted to be. Sometimes even with a good laugh.
Decide to invest in yourself so you can feel the peace and happiness that can come from motherhood. You deserve these years to be like you expected, rich, satisfying, and meaningful. I can help you get to where you want to go. See for more details.