
Regression is the act of returning to an earlier stage of behavioral or physical development. A child who suddenly will not sleep by his or herself and a person with Alzheimer’s who begins exhibiting childlike behavior both may be regressing. Regression can be symptomatic of an illness or a normal part of development. Stress can also cause temporary periods of regression, particularly in children. In Freudian psychology, regression is the act of returning to an earlier stage of psychosexual development as a result of overwhelming anxiety or stress.

Causes of Regression
Children commonly regress to earlier stages of development, and thus regression can be seen as a normal part of development. Children are especially likely to regress during times of stress, such as the birth of a new sibling. Regression may also be a part of the learning process; some children regress a bit before fully mastering a concept such as potty training or reading.

Some illnesses can also cause regression. Neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s, some brain tumors, and Parkinson’s disease may result in both psychological and physical regression. People undergoing extreme stress from mental health conditions may also regress. Anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress, and depression may all cause temporary regressions, though the symptom is not characteristic of these conditions.

Treatment for Regression
Because regression is a normal part of childhood, it does not typically require treatment. When regression is extreme or long-lasting, a child may be evaluated for conditions such as autism, and parents may be advised to implement strategies to help their children deal with stress. When regression is caused by extreme stress such as the death of a parent, psychotherapy and medication can help. When regression occurs in adults due to illness, physicians typically focus on treating the underlying illness and helping the person establish coping skills.

Regression Therapy
Some therapists use regression therapy to help their clients regress to childhood, typically under hypnosis. This treatment was popular in the 1980s and is controversial because it has occasionally resulted in the uncovering of false repressed memories.


  1. American Psychological Association. APA concise dictionary of psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2009. Print.
  2. Harwood, R., Miller, S. A., & Vasta, R. (2008). Child psychology: Development in a changing society. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Last Updated: 08-20-2015

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  • Bill

    December 1st, 2018 at 7:30 PM

    I am disabled due to CPTSD and related complications. My anxiety and stress caused some urinary incontinence issues. But the active choice of being in thick abdl diapers 24/7 and freeing myself of all urinary concerns I’ve noticed actually has improved my ability to cope and function. Would this be the intentional use of a regressive behavior as a psychological therapy???

  • Rebecca

    February 5th, 2021 at 6:59 PM

    That’s a question you need to ask a doctor. But I have incontinence issues and if I could fit in a diaper I’d wear them because peeing on yourself is no fun at all. I don’t think it’s regression. I think it’s dealing with a situation in a logical, rational way. I mean, that’s exactly why they make adult diapers. It’s not like you’re trying to act out being a child and having someone else take care of you. You’re taking care of yourself. Just thinking about you might pee on yourself in a public place or you might not make it to a bathroom in time would stress anyone out. If diapers work for you, great. You might also think about going to a urologist. Maybe you have something going on in your urinary system that needs attention. Good luck. If you find some vendor that sells extra huge diapers for like a 300 plus pound person, let me know. I would wear them in a heartbeat.

  • Malebo

    July 22nd, 2021 at 7:17 AM

    Pls send me notes on pschotherapy
    And link me with a therapist

  • Sara GT

    July 22nd, 2021 at 7:31 AM

    Dear Malebo, here are instructions and a link to find therapists in your area. Please start by entering your city or ZIP code into the search field on this page: From there, you’ll be directed to a list of therapists and counselors who meet your criteria. You may click to view our members’ full profiles and contact the therapists themselves for more information. If you need help finding a therapist, you are welcome to call us. We are in the office Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mountain Time, and our phone number is 888-563-2112 ext 3. We hope this helps! Kind regards, The GoodTherapy Team

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