Wired for Intimacy Awakening the I-and-Thou Experience in Couples Therapy

Presented by Hedy Schleifer, MA, LMHC on 05-30-2008 at 9 a.m. Pacific to 10:30 a.m. Pacific (1:30 p.m. Eastern)

Neuroscience and biology tell us that our brains are wired for relationship and that we experience each other physiologically, as well as psychologically. Yet, couples therapy tends still to be conducted in the purely verbal realm, focused on the words of each partner's individual story, while neglecting the body's vast potential for emotional and spiritual expression.

During this web conference, we'll explore the four pillars of Tikkun Relational Therapy to help couples reconnect by stepping outside their separate identities and entering an unsuspected realm of intimacy. Martin Buber, in his book "I and Thou," called this realm the "sacred" space between them. This model integrates the latest findings from four sources including Imago Relationship Theory, Appreciative Inquiry, and interpersonal neurobiology. We'll explain and discuss techniques and rituals that activate the natural capacities of our brains for deep, wordless emotional and spiritual connection.

Continuing Education (CE) Information

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Meet the Presenter

Hedy Schleifer, MA, LMHC

Hedy Schleifer, MA, LMHC

Hedy Schleifer is the Director of Schleifer & Associates in Miami Beach, Florida. Hedy is an internationally known psychotherapist, trainer, relationship coach, workshop presenter and motivational speaker. She earned her BA in Psychology from the University of California at Los Angeles, and her MA in Clinical and Child Psychology from Tel Aviv University. Hedy completed training in developmental play with Viola Brody, and has been certified by Harville Hendrix, PhD, as a Clinical Instructor and a Workshop Presenter Trainer of Imago Relationship Therapy.

While living in Israel in the years of 1972 to 1978, Hedy counseled indigent families and assisted families affected by the Yom Kippur war. In the United States, Hedy has worked in Christian-Jewish relations, with persons with AIDS, and most particularly, assisted women to overcome their personal development issues and be empowered into their full potential. Together with her husband Yumi, she co-founded the Orlando Florida Chapter of the Foundation for Mid-East Communication, a group that created an environment for building relationships between Arabs and Jews.

In 1993, Hedy brought Imago Relationship Therapy (IRT) to Israel with the support and encouragement of the Israel Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (the Aguda). Since then, she has trained over 120 Israeli therapists and eight Imago Workshop Presenters. From 1993 to 2003, together with her husband Yumi, a former aerospace engineer and business man, she has presented over 30 Imago Relationship workshops for couples in Israel. Yumi and Hedy were catalysts in the establishment of Imago communities in South Africa, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden and Canada.

Today, Hedy travels extensively throughout the world bringing her passion and expertise in the "art of relationships" and "conflict dissolution" to many settings, spanning the mental health, healthcare, religious, educational, and corporate communities. Hedy currently bases her work with couples and her trainings on an integrative approach inspired by the philosophy of Martin Buber, as well as a variety of relational methodologies including IRT, Appreciative Inquiry, Re-evaluation Counseling, and Relational Neuro-biology. She counsels, supervises, and trains psychotherapists worldwide, and together with Yumi, she conducts seminars for couples in over 16 countries. In Israel, the Israel Association for Marriage and Family Therapy is a champion of their work and a sponsor of their workshops and trainings. In February 2007, Hedy appeared on Israel TV in a new 7-part series entitled "Couple Therapy." Hedy is one of three therapists who showcase three different methodologies for working with a couple.

Born in Switzerland and raised in Belgium, Hedy is fluent in six languages. She and her husband of more than 40 years reside in Miami, Florida. They have two sons and nine grandchildren. Hedy believes that world peace begins with the human family, and that it can best be achieved by creating strong, committed, and growing partnerships.

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  • GoodTherapy.org, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0395.
  • GoodTherapy.org, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed marriage and family therapists #MFT-0022 and for licensed mental health counselors #MHC-0031.
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