Judith Barr,MS, LMHC

Judith Barr,MS, LMHC

Professions: Counselor, Mental Health Counselor, Psychotherapist
License Status: I'm a licensed professional.
Primary Credential: LPC - 000256
Secondary Credential: MHC - 000328
Billing and Insurance:

I don't currently accept insurance, but I can provide documentation if clients wish to submit to an insurance company for "out of network" benefit coverage


PO Box 603
Brookfield, Connecticut 06804

My Approach to Helping

It is my sacred honor to help people with their deepest and most personal issues: their ancient wounds, in their lives within and without; their deepest hopes and fears, dreams and longings, and the blocks that interfere with creating their lives and finding and birthing their Selves.

It saddens me deeply to see our world being offered "quick fixes," "bandaids," and "get over it" or "transcend it" philosophies for dealing with life's deepest wounds and traumas. It saddens me to see people being offered symptom "management" instead of real healing -- managing thoughts, feelings, and more -- leaving the real wound beneath the symptom, beneath the surface to continue to haunt them in their lives.

It saddens me to see our world encouraging people to repeat as adults what they did as children - repress their feelings and find defenses to keep them away. For children, this is sanity- and life-saving. For adults, this is society degrading feeling and keeping us emotionally stuck, emotionally unmatured. For adults, this is society working against our healing, our growing, our transforming, our becoming all we can be.

It saddens me to see us go 'round and 'round the vicious cycle of cause and effect when we leave our own individual wounds unhealed -- deeply affecting the state of our world and our country -- and then when the state of our world and country, in turn, triggers those same unhealed wounds within us.

I bring to clients a message of lasting healing, healing to the root. I help people find and claim their own wounds, commit themselves to the real work of healing inside and out, work at their organic rhythm and pace to build their capacity to feel, and more.

I also help people recognize the link between their individual healing and the healing of our planet. With a passion for safety and for healing to the root, I am committed to helping heal and transform our world one-by-one and on a global scale.

More Info About My Practice

I bring to my practice of psychotherapy a tapestry of gifts interwoven with my life experience and professional skills, and a commitment to each person with whom I work. I love this work of psyche and soul! I have been a depth psychotherapist in private practice for over 30 years, with an M.S. in Counseling and licensure as a Mental Health Counselor in Florida, New York, and Connecticut. I offer my healing expertise in an array of formats, including working with individuals, groups, workshops, and consultations. In addition to this, I offer training and supervision for healing arts professionals.
I have also recently published my second book, “How Did We Get Here? Our Refusal to Know the Truth About Ourselves.” In this book (available via amazon and directly from my website), I explore the real answer to the question so many of us ask in these times: “How did we get here?” I explore how far too few of us try to go deep enough to see even the barest roots of why our lives, our countries, and our world are in the condition they’re in; what the deep roots of our world’s problems really are … and how we can truly be part of the healing.
Through this inspiring new book, as well as my first book "Power Abused, Power Healed," and my PoliPsych blog, I teach about the real roots of misuse and abuse of power in all arenas of life, and the vast healing that is possible when we commit to do our own individual healing work.

Important Factors for Choosing a Therapist

Choosing a caring, integritous therapist is a crucial part of your commitment to your healing journey. To truly heal to the root, it is important to partner with a therapist who does the work to heal hisher own wounding; who receives ongoing supervision from another healing professional; who is not afraid of both "light" and "dark" feelings and knows how to use both in healthy ways; who is compassionate and truly attunes to clients; and who is committed to helping clients heal deeply and to the root, rather than "manage" feelings and wounds with "quick fixes" or "bandaids."

Ages I Work With

  • Adults


  • English

Client Concerns I Treat

  • Abandonment
  • Abortion / Post Abortion Issues
  • Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues
  • Academic Concerns
  • Addictions and Compulsions
  • Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions
  • Adoption / Reunion Issues
  • Aging and Geriatric Issues
  • Agoraphobia
  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Attachment Issues
  • Blended Family Issues
  • Body Image
  • Breakup
  • Caregiver Issues / Stress
  • Chronic Pain
  • Codependency / Dependency
  • Communication Problems
  • Compulsive Spending / Shopping
  • Control Issues
  • Creative Blocks
  • Depression
  • Divorce / Divorce Adjustment
  • Eating and Food Issues
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Emotional Overwhelm
  • Emptiness
  • Family of Origin Issues
  • Fear
  • Forgiveness
  • Grief, Loss, and Bereavement
  • Habits
  • Helplessness / Victimhood
  • Hoarding
  • Identity Issues
  • Inadequacy
  • Individuation
  • Infidelity / Affair Recovery
  • Isolation
  • Jealousy
  • Life Purpose / Meaning / Inner-Guidance
  • Midlife Crisis / Midlife Transition
  • Money and Financial Issues
  • Obsessions and Compulsions (OCD)
  • Other - Not Listed Here
  • Panic
  • Parenting
  • Perfectionism
  • Phobias
  • Post Partum Depression
  • Posttraumatic Stress / Trauma
  • Power
  • Pre-Marital Counseling
  • Pregnancy and Birthing
  • Prejudice / Discrimination
  • Rejection
  • Relationships and Marriage
  • Religious Issues
  • Self-Actualization
  • Self-Care
  • Self-Compassion
  • Self-Confidence
  • Self-Criticism
  • Self-Doubt
  • Self-Esteem
  • Self-Love
  • Sensitivity to Criticism
  • Sexual Assault / Abuse
  • Sexuality / Sex Therapy
  • Shame
  • Social Anxiety / Phobia
  • Spirituality
  • Stress
  • Trust Issues
  • Values Clarification
  • Women's Issues
  • Workplace Issues
  • Worry
  • Worthlessness

Types of Therapy

  • Depth Therapy
  • Gestalt Therapy
  • Holistic Psychotherapy
  • Integral Psychotherapy (IP)
  • Integration of different therapy models
  • Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT)
  • Psychodynamic
  • Redecision therapy
  • Regression Therapy
  • Relational Psychotherapy
  • Transpersonal Psychotherapy

See other therapists in Brookfield, CT.

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