During the process of recovery from addiction and mental health issues, people often look for residential treatment facilities. While these facilities offer round-the-clock support, they are not the only option for mental health and substance abuse treatment. Outpatient programs can also be effective. 

The primary distinction between inpatient and outpatient programs is that people live at inpatient programs. People in outpatient treatment continue living at home. However, the two options aren't mutually exclusive, and many people in need of treatment transition from one to the other. [rtc_widget_right]

Types of Outpatient Treatment 

Outpatient treatment exists on a continuum, with many people blending several options at once. Those include:

Types of Inpatient Treatment 

Inpatient treatment includes many of the options available on an outpatient basis, but all under one roof. The length of treatment can be predetermined or based on the needs and recovery speed of residents. 

Most inpatient treatment falls into one of three categories:

Which Option Is Better?

No single treatment option works for everyone. Many people with mental health or substance use issues may need to use several strategies over time. For example, a person with opioid abuse might seek short-term detox at a residential facility, pursue intensive outpatient counseling upon discharge, and then attend weekly support group meetings. 

The high cost of inpatient treatment can pose a significant barrier. People who are relatively stable may get good results from affordable outpatient treatment, but pursuing that when you need intensive treatment can be more expensive in the end. Working with a therapist can help you determine the best option for addressing your mental health needs. 


  1. Making the transition from inpatient to outpatient. (2014, April 10). Foundations Recovery Network. Retrieved from https://www.foundationsrecoverynetwork.com/making-transition-inpatient-outpatient/ 
  2. Types of treatment programs. (2012). National Institute on Drug Abuse. Retrieved from https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/principles-drug-addiction-treatment-research-based-guide-third-edition/drug-addiction-treatment-in-united-states/types-treatment-programs