Compulsive spending has many names: shopping addiction, oniomania, impulsive buying, shopaholism, and more. Although compulsive spending is not an official diagnosis, it resembles other addictions. People with oniomania often invest excessive time and resources to shop. They may not know what need they are trying to fill, but the compulsion to buy is still strong. 

A 2004 survey estimates 5.8% of adults in the United States have a shopping addiction. Some studies show higher rates among online shoppers, perhaps due to the internet’s convenience and anonymity. The condition can cause financial concerns, relationship conflict, and personal distress. Oniomania can be as difficult to stop as any other compulsion or addiction. 

However, compulsive spending is treatable. Therapy can help a person move past addiction and take back control over their life.

Signs You Are a Shopaholic

Where does one draw the line between a shopping hobby and an addiction? Researchers at Bergen University have developed a tool to answer this question. The Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale adapts criteria from other addictions.

If someone shows 4 out of the 7 behaviors on the scale, they likely have a shopping addiction:

Who Is at Risk for Compulsive Spending?

Research suggests most people with shopping addiction are young and female. The condition usually starts in late adolescence or early adulthood. The prevalence seems to decrease with age. 

One 2016 study in Brazil analyzed how male and female compulsive spenders differ. Male participants were more likely to be non-heterosexual. They also had higher rates of co-occuring diagnoses such as intermittent explosive behavior.  

Personality may also impact compulsive spending. According to a 2015 study, extroversion and neuroticism are linked to shopping addiction. The study’s authors believe extroverts may use shopping to enhance social status. Meanwhile, neurotic individuals might shop to reduce negative emotions. People who are conscientious or agreeable are less likely to develop shopping addiction.

What Causes Shopping Addiction?

Many cultures today condone and even encourage materialism. Shopping for immediate personal gratification has been glorified as “retail therapy.” Overspending is easy to do in a world that provides broad access to credit. Although compulsive spending may have its roots in these cultural influences, the behavior is typically linked to more complex issues.

Some people believe buying the right object is the key to attaining happiness. This object could be a car, an item of clothing, or even virtual goods. Some people feel compelled to keep spending, even when they experience negative consequences

People’s goals can vary as much as their purchases. According to Shopaholics Anonymous, people with a shopping addiction may fall into one or more of these categories:

Conditions Related to Compulsive Shopping

Compulsive shopping has been linked to many other psychological conditions. Certain diagnoses may prompt compulsive spending. Shopping addiction may in turn affect one’s mental health. It can be difficult to pinpoint where one issue begins and the other ends.

People with shopping addiction often prioritize short-term gratification over long-term consequences. Because of this tendency, some researchers classify shopping addiction as an impulse control problem.

Other experts claim shopping addiction is compulsive behavior. Compulsive hoarding is closely linked to compulsive spending in several ways. Both conditions typically involve:

Lastly, a 2014 study showed shopping addiction is highly comorbid with depression. Other research suggests shopping addiction helps individuals boost their serotonin and dopamine levels.  In these cases, the impulse to buy may stem from neurological and emotional needs. Buying may provide temporary relief, but most people feel remorse after the sale.

Therapy can treat compulsive spending and any related conditions. If you or a loved one struggles with a shopping addiction, you can find a therapist here.


  1. Addicted to shopping? (2017, October 11). University of Bergen News. Retrieved from
  2. Andreassen, C. S., Griffiths, M. D., Pallesen, S., Bilder, R. M., Torsheime, T., & Aboujaoude, E. (2015, September 17). The Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale: Reliability and validity of a brief screening test. Frontiers in Psychology. Retrieved from  
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