Navane (thiothixene) is a prescription medication used to reduce and manage the hallucinations, delusions, and other symptoms commonly associated with schizophrenia and related mental health conditions. Navane is not intended to be a cure for schizophrenia, but it may help relieve some of the symptoms you experience from the condition and make it more manageable. This drug works by blocking the activity of dopamine in the brain in order to help control extreme or disturbing thoughts, emotions, and behavior. It belongs to the typical category of antipsychotic medications.

Dosage FAQs

Important Information Before Use

As with most antipsychotic medications, Navane carries with it significant risk and hazards. Your doctor, pharmacist, and/or health care provider should discuss the following information with you prior to prescribing you this drug:

Safety Considerations

As you begin your treatment with Navane, you should be aware of the following warnings:

This medication may make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. Be sure to wear protective clothing and use sun block (at least SPF 30) if you plan to spend a lot of time outside. Do not use tanning beds while taking this drug. Try not to become overheated or dehydrated when exercising, especially in very hot weather. This medication may lead to a decrease in perspiration and increase the risk of a heat injury such as heatstroke.

Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages during treatment. Alcohol may cause an increase in the number and severity of side effects experienced from taking this drug. Thiothixene may also increase the effects of alcohol. Be extremely cautious if you operate heavy machinery or drive while taking this medication. This drug may reduce your alertness, thinking ability and reaction time.

Possible Side Effects

If you experience serious or severe side effects from Navane, you should contact your doctor right away. Serious side effects can include:

Less serious side effects may include:

How to Safely Withdraw from Navane

If you need to stop taking this medication, your doctor will reduce your dose over time. By slowly reducing the amount of the drug you take each day, you can reduce the severity of any withdrawal symptoms you experience.

Common symptoms of withdrawal include:


  1. (2014). Navane. Retrieved from
  2. Medline Plus. (2011). Thiothixene. Retrieved from
  3. RxList. (2011). Navane. Retrieved from

Page content reviewed by James Pendleton, ND