Have you maximized your online presence to reach the people seeking your services?

More and more people are using the Internet to find services, including mental health treatment and support. Having an online presence is imperative for most therapists to reach as large an audience of potential clients as possible. At GoodTherapy.org, we strive to connect people with the right therapist. Being listed in our online therapist directory is one way to instantly reach out and connect.

Members listed in GoodTherapy.org's therapist directory receive client referrals thanks to:

Common Questions About GoodTherapy.org's Client Referral Services

How many searches for therapists does GoodTherapy.org receive each month?
GoodTherapy.org is visited by over a million people seeking therapy each month. Through GoodTherapy.org's large network of partner and advertising sites, thousands of people contact therapists and counselors through GoodTherapy.org each month.

How do I get referrals from GoodTherapy.org?
Consumers seeking therapy find our website through word of mouth, social networking sites, partner websites, mainstream media sources, our advertising partners, and most predominantly, online search engines. GoodTherapy.org ranks high in Google, Bing, and Yahoo search results for key words that potential clients use to find therapists, which means a profile listing with us can put you in the top results of online therapist searches in your location or area of expertise.

How many client referrals will I get?
Of course, referrals depend on a number of variables, including your location, competition, and the quality of your profile information. Typically, one referral from GoodTherapy.org will cover the cost of your membership. If you find that your GoodTherapy.org profile is not performing to your expectations, our support team can help by having you try our free Performance Optimization Program*.

How do potential clients connect with me through GoodTherapy.org?
Potential clients who find your GoodTherapy.org profile may reach out to you via:

You can access your profile performance metrics including detailed phone tracking information at any time by logging in to your GoodTherapy.org Member's Area. 

Why do people seeking therapy search GoodTherapy.org instead of your competitors?
Many people search for a therapist on GoodTherapy.org because it is easy to find and easy to use. However, we also know that many potential clients trust GoodTherapy.org because they believe in our mission and vision--namely our commitment to ethical therapy practices. Consumers can be assured that the mental health professionals listed in our directory are screened for strict educational, licensure, and philosophical guidelines. 

How do I become a GoodTherapy.org member?
If you have not already, you can learn more about GoodTherapy.org membership or join us here. Mental health professionals interested in creating a profile listing in GoodTherapy.org's directory can read about our requirements, here

Click Here to Join Us

*Additional information about our Performance Optimization Program is available in our Terms of Service for Members.