Depth-Oriented Brief Therapy was Developed by: Bruce Ecker, Laurel Hulley

Overview: “Dominating our field is the assumption that for psychotherapy to be effective in a few sessions, depth must be sacrificed. Clinicians striving for brevity usually steer clear of clients' compelling, unconscious, lifelong themes. Challenging this view, Depth-Oriented Brief Therapy (DOBT) demonstrates that focused, rapidly effective in-depth therapy with individuals, couples and families turns out to be a very real option.” --excerpt from Therapeutic Resources

“Coherence Therapy, formerly known as Depth Oriented Brief Therapy, is a system of psychotherapy that allows therapists to consistently foster deep shifts, dispelling clients’ symptoms at their emotional roots often in a small number of sessions.” --excerpt from Coherence Therapy

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Resources Related to Depth-Oriented Brief Therapy:

Coherence Therapy

Therapeutic Resources

Depth-Oriented Brief Therapy

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