Planting ‘SEEDS’ of a Healthy Brain: An Interview with Dr. John B. Arden

dr Arden photo from websiteLast week was officially Brain Awareness Week. Yes, the brain—the organ that basically governs all of our body processes—is officially honored for one week in March every year by The Dana Foundation, a New York City-based organization dedicated to advancing brain research and public education.

This only adds to the timeliness of’s recent chat with one of our upcoming continuing education presenters, Dr. John B. Arden. Arden is the director of Kaiser Permanente’s mental health training programs in Northern California and author of a number of books on neuroscience, psychotherapy, mindfulness, and how they work together in our everyday lives. His latest title, The Brain Bible: How to Stay Vital, Productive, and Happy for a Lifetime, offers a scientifically backed examination of simple steps we can all take to nurture optimum cognitive functioning and maintain overall brain health.

Dr. Arden will be presenting on “Neuropsychology: A Brain-Based Therapy” in a web conference in May 2014. (GT): Can you explain to me what you mean by “brain-based therapy” and where the idea for it originated?

Dr. John B. Arden: Everybody thinks they have the best type of therapy. So my job has been to sift through a lot of theory and try to get to the science, so that my training programs can operate at the cutting edge of what’s going on… and integrate all these seemingly disconnected theories and scientific domains into one robust vision of providing humanized services for people who want to see us [therapists].

The words “brain-based” need not be thought of at all as another one of these clubs; … but rather, okay, … since we all have a brain, every one of these psychotherapies and theories ought to relate in some way to the brain .… In the long run, brain-based therapy is the common denominator vision of the future, and it’s not just my idea.

GT: Your most recent book, The Brain Bible, discusses “how to stay vital, productive, and happy for a lifetime.” What is the brain’s role in nurturing vitality, productivity, and happiness?

Dr. Arden: We know now that if you want to be healthier—not pick up the latest virus that’s floating around, not suffer from dementia later in life, not suffer from anxiety and depression—and in general, be happier, there are a number of characteristics that have been identified by many scientists over the past 30 or 40 years.

What I try to do in The Brain Bible is take the most important five that have consistently come up as a focus of inquiry and have a robust body of scientific literature backing them as the healthy behaviors for living with greater pleasure, less depression, less anxiety, and less chance of getting dementia later in life. …

And these five factors are incorporated in the mnemonic SEEDS; if you’re planting SEEDS now, and you cultivate them throughout your lifetime, chances are you’re going to feel a whole lot better about yourself and about everybody around you; people are going to want to be around you, you’re going to be ill less often, and you’re going to get dementia symptoms much later than other people.

GT: So, what are these SEEDS factors?

Dr. Arden:

  • S—social connectivity: We have these social brain networks that need to be fostered and kindled and cultivated through a lifetime, and those people who don’t [do this] tend to be more depressed, more anxious, get ill more often, and get dementia symptoms much earlier than others. [For example], we know that the telomeres, which are the caps on the ends of our chromosomes, actually shrink with loneliness. So social connectivity—as in, good quality social relationships—has multiple benefits to our immune system and to our mental health, even down to the chromosomal level.
  • E—exercise: From an evolutionary vantage point, we as a species were hunter gatherers until roughly 11,000 years ago. That meant we moved about 10 miles a day, and we have the same biology today as we had then … The bottom line is our bodies evolved to move a lot, and very, very few of us move 10 miles a day. And if we don’t get regular exercise, … we don’t have these body-enhancing, brain-enhancing biochemical processes occurring, so our brains get bogged down. On the other hand, when we do get that aerobic boost on a regular basis—let’s say for 30 minutes a day—all sorts of wonderful brain-enhancing biochemical processes occur, including the birth of new neurons in the brain. It is the best antidepressant and the best anti-anxiety agent that we have; it’s better than any antidepressant medication, better than psychotherapy, and better than psychotherapy and medication combined. It is a must—an evolutionary imperative.
  • E—education: If we’re not learning something new on a regular basis, we’re not building an infrastructure of brain connectivity. The more connectivity you have, the richer your thoughts—and we call that cognitive reserve later in life. … Learning a lot throughout your life does a lot to build your brain and without doing that, you’re looking in the rearview mirror worrying about the past or the future. So learning something new every day is a way to keep your life vital and exciting.
  • D—diet: We are what we eat, and the cornucopia of chemicals that we operate our brain with don’t come out of nowhere; they’re not immaculately conceived. Our body makes these brain chemicals based on the foods that we eat or do not eat. Every one of these neurotransmitters has a precursor amino acid, and if you want to starve your brain of these chemicals, you can have a bad diet, or skip breakfast, or eat simple carbohydrates, or fried foods, or whatever—but you’re going to end up rendering your brain incapable of learning and incapable of having positive thought. So diet is absolutely fundamental.
  • S—sleep: Many people think of sleep as just one thing, and as long as they can stay not conscious and not awake, everything’s fine, but there is a sleep architecture that has be adhered to. And there are many things we can do to screw up that sleep architecture, like take various substances, including some pharmacological agents that doctors prescribe for sleep. So getting good hygiene and having good sleep practices is critical for mental health and for not developing dementia later on, but most importantly for not having too much anxiety the next day, or too much depression.

GT: What are some of the brain degrading habits we should all be avoiding?

Dr. Arden: All the SEEDS factors, if not adhered to, are brain degrading. But what else? Substances … Alcohol on a regular basis—and I’m not talking about alcoholism, just regular drinking—is not brain healthy. And another real common one is medical marijuana, which is really out there right now [being touted] as this panacea, but it is not brain healthy. … Do I think it’s the worst thing in the world if you smoke a joint? No. But if you do that on a regular basis, just like if you drink alcohol on a regular basis, not so good for your brain.

Reference: What is neuroscience? Retrieved from

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  • Johnna

    March 20th, 2014 at 4:05 AM

    Simple and to the point, something that I think that a whole lot of people can understand and get! Not the kind of theory that you will read and shy away from because just the terminology will scare you away this is real stuff that real people like me can understand and relate to!

  • Benita

    March 20th, 2014 at 12:02 PM

    These are such basic things, basic needs that the human body craves and wants. So why do you think that it has taken this long for others to figure out that much of our health really all boils down to this? And why aren’t there more people promoting this? Is it because we are still seeking that magic pill and trying to avoid the hard work that some of this entails? Or are we just that adverse to leading a natural, clean, and healthy lifestyle? I mean, this all makes perfect sense to me, but apparently there are still those for whom it just still doesn’t seem to click.

  • adam

    March 21st, 2014 at 1:24 PM

    It would be great if there could be therapists who were working in conjunction with general practitioners and other providers to get this information ingrained into the brains of patients.

    Maybe if they were getting it from more than one professional then more people would come to the realization that hey, these things are important and they COULD make a difference in my health.

  • Adelaide

    March 22nd, 2014 at 4:02 PM

    Education really is the key to making all of this work.
    You have to get the message out to the masses that these are the things that are the most important when it comes to caring for our bodies, and that without one, there is no connection with the other They are all so interrelated with one another, and to be happy and healthy, really whole, you must employ all of these ideals in your life in a manner which will allow you to reach to your very highest potential.

  • JR

    March 26th, 2014 at 4:34 PM

    I like it that many communities are building upon this by offering seniors many programs like classes on multiple topics and for reasonable prices even free so that they can stay motivated and learning. To keep people motivated and challeneged is critical to keeping society stimulated and interested in the world. I think that for a long time we forgot that, but with research like this we are remembering that this is important, we have to do more with our brains to stay young and engaged.

  • Lauren

    March 27th, 2014 at 4:51 PM

    Healthy Brain= Healthy Body= Healthy Life

  • chad

    February 26th, 2017 at 6:07 AM

    I had the wonderful opportunity to speak at a mental health conference with Dr John Arden. He is a very authentic down to earth professional. I have been using planting SEEDS with youth in my educational consulting business. Educating youth about their healthy brain choices is essential today. Diabetes, obesity and depression are now epidemics and can be prevented with the right education.

  • David

    July 13th, 2020 at 5:56 PM

    Thank you for these insights! I think also prayer and meditation can be included as mentally they are proven to regularly rejuvenate billions of people from all nations and cultures. Also service to the community. Selflessness as opposed to always being self centred can really uplift the mood and bring joy to people which means heaps less stress. Doing something meaningful in life is far rewarding than many other activities which because they have little purpose cause much stress and anxiety.

  • Nour

    August 11th, 2021 at 5:03 PM

    I am so glad and honour to read this amazing article and get more knowledge about the Neuropsychology in particular, this is so informative article. Thank you very much

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